Jorden’s Tonsillectomy Recovery

tonsillectomy tips
Read about other people's experience with tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Jorden’s Daily Recovery From Tonsillectomy

My name is Jorden. I am 26 and currently on day 6 recovery from a tonsillectomy.

I have been using liquid hydros, ibuprofen, medicinal CBD tincture, and penicillin as medical options to help with the pain.

Now the first two days were great. I felt like I was handling the pain well. Although I was very uncomfortable, I was still able to eat some apple sauce, drink plenty of liquids, and even eat some pears easily. Talking even felt easy even though my uvula was very enlarged and swollen.

Days 3-6 have been the closest I’ve been to hell. Mornings and early-evenings are unbearable. After attempting to sleep all night, my throat is so dry and feels as if someone has literally stabbed me. One morning (day 3) the pain was so bad it made me nauseous and I thought I was going to vomit. Luckily fresh air prevented that. Mid-evenings (usually after a nap) the pain is back and unbearable again. Trying to eat is beyond painful and the pain meds don’t seem to really help. Mid-day seems to be the best time. The pain is subsided, talking, drinking, and even moving around seems easy.

My diet has consisted of: Apple sauce (easy to eat), cream of wheat with mashed banana (my favorite and has come calories), instant mashed potatoes (yummy and easy to get down) canned peaches and pears, ice chips, pudding, a wide variety of popsicles, and cups of veggie and chicken broth. I tried to stay away from dairy because it coated my mouth and made it harder to swallow. I also tried smoothies, but I couldn’t get all of the blended chunks down. My menu for each day was different depending on my pain, but I didn’t eat a lot. It usually took me a long time to eat and I was in a very high level of pain and still starving afterwards.

Jorden's Daily Recovery From Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy Recovery Tips Story

Now on day 5 and 6 I’m starting to get this ear pain. It’s a sharp stabbing pain going from the back of my throat, up my jaw, and deep into my ear. Now this pain just heightens everything. It is debilitating. I have been icing and using hot pack while laying still on the ground and it seems to help. I have looked back there and it is healing. My scabs are becoming smaller and new (very sensitive) skin is starting to grow. Good luck to everyone bearing the unbearable, I truly feel your pain. Stay strong!

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