Tonsillectomy for Recurring Tonsillitis

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Read about other people's experience with tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Joanne’s Tonsillectomy Story

I had my tonsillectomy 2 years ago in April at the age of 36! It was the best thing I have ever done, but the road to getting my tonsillectomy wasn’t an easy one!
I had reoccurring tonsillitis every few months for a number of years, which would result in at least a week off of work (as a teacher my voice and throat are my tools of the trade, no voice equalled no teaching!!), every bout of tonsillitis resulted in a visit to the GP or emergency walk in clinic for yet another dose of antibiotics which would do the trick until the next time. Despite my frequent visits to the Drs my GP refused to refer me to a consultant to take my tonsils out, stating that the nhs won’t take an adults tonsils out now!
The final straw for me came when I spent 5 weeks with continuous tonsillitis and one dose of antibiotics after another, no sooner had I finished a course then the tonsillitis came back a day or 2 later. I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t breath, I was forever popping out tonsil stones from my over enlarged tonsils, and still the dr refused my requests.
In the end I paid to see a private consultant who looked briefly at my throat and exclaimed that they were severely infected and needed to come out straight away! I was booked in for a pre-op the following week and 2 weeks later they were out!
The recovery was slow, and I have to be honest, at times very painful, but I don’t regret the decision to have them out at all. It took 4 weeks of recovery in the end, but the pain medication I was prescribed gave me relief enough to sleep and eat as they had instructed me to, no jelly and ice cream but lots of rough foods like crisps etc! The most important thing to remember is to drink plenty of water, and keep the pain medication topped up before it wares off.
Nearly 2 years later I hardly ever get sore throats, and I can’t explain how much better I feel! I sleep so much better, without feeling like I’m struggling to breath, and I certainly don’t miss popping those antibiotics every 5 minutes! Definitely no regrets here!

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