Tonsillectomy at Age Nine

Hemorrhage After Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy Recovery Experience

Child Tonsillectomy Recovery – Age 9

I had a tonsillectomy when I was 9 years old. I suffered with chronic infections and pain for years. Since the surgery, I have yet to get a sore throat and I’m 41!
My daughter also had a tonsillectomy at age 9. She suffered from the same issues I had but worse…..her tonsils were so big that it blocked her air way when infected. She had her surgery April-01-15. Since her surgery she has had very bad ear pain when she eats or drinks and sometimes for no reason at all.

She has a hole the size of a pencil eraser on each side of her throat in the way back. Food gets stick in there and she says that’s where the pain is. She is to have another surgery to close the hole but I’m worried about nerve damage. I’m hoping to get some answers soon. Her ENT has not heard of this happening before, which worries me more. Aside from that, she is infection free and happier than before. Just hoping there’s a fix for this issue. I don’t like seeing her in pain.Child Tonsillectomy recovery

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