Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day
Day 5
A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their fifth day of recovery
From thousands of post comments to the tonsillectomy recovery forum, I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 5. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
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Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 5.
-Greg Tooke My short bio

- Tonsillectomy Day 5 : Can I take the pain killers every two hours?
- Oh God. PAIN. …And why am I constipated??
- So, the pain is a little better today. I took Tylenol at 2:00am and didn’t need it again until 12:00pm – I’d consider that progress! The coughing is still present. I’m trying to avoid it, but it’s harder than you think. There isn’t much to say about today. I’m talking a little more, but don’t want to strain my voice even more, so I’m still writing a lot down. I had soup again today and canned peaches are awesome – even though I had to puree them. All in all, the throat is feeling okay; the ears – still painful.
- Day 5 and so far it has been pretty tolerable
- Day 5: so today i woke up feeling pretty good, my throat was a little tender but once i took the meds the pain was almost gone and i didn’t need to have any ice or Popsicles. i ate some noodles and pesto sauce. drank water and coca-cola and had some ice cream. I ate potato smileys for dinner. they went down pretty well although thier was a little pain but once i drank some pop it went away. The scabs fell off today as well and i didn’t feel it at all just the occasional tickle and i could feel them hanging down but then i looked in the mirror and they were just gone, so i’m assuming that i just swallowed them :s ( kinda gross)
- Day 5 and still not getting better. When does it start getting better?! Im nauseous all the time because I have no food in my stomach but i have to take my pain meds because the pain is incredible! I started out weighing apprx 108lbs and weighed myself today and I weigh 101lbs. I hope I dont lose much more. This is depressing
- Day 5 for me and definitely the worst day yet…woke up so nauseated and was so nervous about throwing up and ripping a scab a hold of my doctor who ordered me some anti Nausea med’s
- Day 5. I’m very thankful that I’ve had a great recovery so far. No major pain other than a sore throat. Today I substituted a dose of the Hydrocodone for a dose of ibuprofen and am doing well. I’ve been eating since the very first day (applesauce, grits, milkshake)
- Day 5 and I had my best night sleep yet last night. Had to stop by Drs office yesterday. My tongue felt swollen and getting a lot of itching with the Roxicet. He said I was doing fine. Still taking Benadryl at night though. I find if I talk I pay for it later on so trying to talk as little as possible. Went to my office for an hour to do payroll but had to leave as I wanted to talk. Still eating good and no stomach issues at all. Hoping to get out of the house tomorrow even just to take a short walk.
- Throat is a little more tender today, and ears hurt when i swallow now. From what i have read/heard it is just the progression of the healing.
- Day 5-7–nothing exciting to tell, tried to eat a few more interesting things, but throat hurt too much since I wasn’t taking pain meds. Soft boiled eggs were my friend. Getting bored being home by myself all day so I went shopping for an hour and had to come home and take a nap!
- day 5 and so far it has been pretty tolerable. First day I had only soft food and lots of coke and water but from day 2 I ate normally. Doctor prescribed Voltaren 100mg suppositories which works like a charm for 8 hours, the 4 hours before the next dose however is excrutiating to say the least.
- Day 5- horrible morning, good during day.
- Recovery Day 5 (post-op day 6):This day was pretty much a blur. More pain and not a lot of food or water. Was in too much agony to do much of anything. Taking the liquid Tylenol and chasing it with a teaspoon of lortab each dose time.
- Tonsillectomy Day 5 : Day 5: I am still trying to just get through the day. I sleep much better at night and have noticed a major difference in how I feel; I have more energy and I feel rested after sleeping. I cried today over mashed potatoes and small curd cottage cheese. I am not a happy camper.
>> Next – Recovery Day 6 >>
sooo…today is day 5 and stilk going strong…what have you been eating? I got salted potato chips…jellytots and coke in the hospital…been eating mcdonalds….kfc….chicken…potatos…Biltong…flings…jelly…custard…corn…meat pies…drinking coke. Never hungry and feeling gr8. Its very sore…not gona lie but never unbarable. Sleeping with humidifier in room and that helps alot. Staying on top of my meds. Good luck to evryone els.
Day 5 was a definite low point! Days 1 and 2 were completely bearable and I was wondering what the fuss was all about. Days 3 and 4 very dull achey horrible pains everywhere, jaw and teeth pain unbearable.
Day 5- oh god!!! I think it was the scabs maybe? Something felt HORRIFIC every hour or so. Like pain I’ve never felt before. Now going into day 6 I can feel myself swallowing bits of scab and its making me feel extremely nauseous.
Diet wise I’ve eaten exact same as usual but a lot more rough food, dr recommended toast cereal and crisps so got some of that down each day.
Really hoping worst is over!
Had operation on Wednesday. Feeling okay today. Wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone tho. I have stopped taking the meds I was given from hospital as the codeine was knocking me out! I would advise puttin powder front a paracetamol and codeine over the counter tab into water it works the same. Only things I’ve eaten are trifle mmmmmmmm and I am now swearing by cola ice pops. I had to go to a&e on Friday as I couldn’t swallow so I urge you all to try and drink cos sitting in a&e waiting 7hrs for a drip is not fun. Andddddd be positive remember the reason you had the operation in the first place…saying this I will probs persuade people till the day I die not to have the operation lol. Keep smiling..
OMG! OMG! OMG! Worst day ever!!! Woke up 5am — razor blades, blood taste, ouch! Looked with flashlight, and could see a tiny bit of scab gone on one side. Sucked some ice chips, gargled with cold water, more ice chips. Went back to sleep after I thought it stopped. Woke up an hour later with blood in my mouth. Looked with flashlight, and entire side of throat was bloody!!! Called the doc, who saw me immediately. He suctioned out all the blood and then cauterized it — several times because it would not stop bleeding. OUCH!!! I am in such pain!!! And now I have ear pain, which I did not have before the cauterization. Also, my neck is swollen on that side again (after it had finally gone down). I am putting ice packs on it, which eases it a bit. Doc said to gargle with ice-cold water w/ 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide mixed in if it bleeds again, and call back because I might have to go to surgery. God, I hope this gets better soon, and that today’s episode did not add to my recovery time.. Other scabs are looking grosser or ready to fall off, and there is a terrible taste and smell that I did not have before. Also, I keep burping, and it tastes of burnt flesh — OMG soooooo gross I could puke!!! Lots of mucus today, too, and the pain is about 9/10 (on meds!!!). Please tell me this is the worst day of them all, and tomorrow will be better…
Yes, my throat is under too much pain!!!! Every time I take the Hydrocone medication, it goes up my nose and it lingers for a few seconds in my upper throat. It like having a terrible shot of pure tequila. YUCK!!! Today, has been very painful. It feels like the pain is worse than the first few days after the surgery. Everyone told me that the tonsillectomy was easy to recover from, especially for children. I beg to disagree! It is very painful. It almost like you are in a nightmare that you can’t wake up from. I have had strep throat and other throat problems. I think the pain from the tonsillectomy is a little more than this. To deal with the pain, I make sure I keep up with the medication every 4 hours. I even log in the hour I take the medication. It is almost 4 hours exactly. Throughout the day, I have been gargling with warm salt water to help kill all the bacteria that is up in the end of my mouth. Every time I look in the back of my mouth with a flashlight, it looks very scary. It appears like there is puss, green, whitish stuff. It looks nasty and scary. Luckily, I have not had any ear pain. Last night, the pain woke me up or the snoring woke me up. Ice cream is really good to my throat. For the last couple of days, I have had a limited amount of food. It is excruciating to swallow, even water! From reading other people’s postings, I notice that some have had worst experiences on Day 5 or 6. Some say of ear pain, throwing up, bleeding, etc. I have not had any of this. However, my scabs have not fallen off. This will probably be on Day 8 or 9. By this time, I’ll be at work. I hope the stress at work will not slow down my recovery.
Day 5: It was such an easy ride until this morning. now my ears r like wooooahhhhh. Not looking foward to the next couple of days
Day 5 for me…. ouch. Tolerable if I keep up on meds every four hours with a small dose in the middle at 2 hour mark. Been boiling carrots and cauliflower and fish and mashing it together with ranch and garlic… easy to squeeze down and nutritious to help healing…. protein is very important to help with healing this. Also eggs are very easy to eat…. not scrambled just over medium or poached slide down nicely. Smoothies made with fresh fruits ice and yogurt or sherbet arealso awesome. It is good if you can get some bread or some roughage down to help shed the scanning. My doc said it is fine to eat pretty normally helps you heal faster if you are getting the nutrients your body needs to do so. I also put a scoop of slim fast mix in the Smoothies for that Boost of nutrition. This surgery sucks but if you eat right and stay on top of your meds and get enough rest…. with a humidifier…. it helps.