Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day
Day 5
A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their fifth day of recovery
From thousands of post comments to the tonsillectomy recovery forum, I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 5. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
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Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 5.
-Greg Tooke My short bio

- Tonsillectomy Day 5 : Can I take the pain killers every two hours?
- Oh God. PAIN. …And why am I constipated??
- So, the pain is a little better today. I took Tylenol at 2:00am and didn’t need it again until 12:00pm – I’d consider that progress! The coughing is still present. I’m trying to avoid it, but it’s harder than you think. There isn’t much to say about today. I’m talking a little more, but don’t want to strain my voice even more, so I’m still writing a lot down. I had soup again today and canned peaches are awesome – even though I had to puree them. All in all, the throat is feeling okay; the ears – still painful.
- Day 5 and so far it has been pretty tolerable
- Day 5: so today i woke up feeling pretty good, my throat was a little tender but once i took the meds the pain was almost gone and i didn’t need to have any ice or Popsicles. i ate some noodles and pesto sauce. drank water and coca-cola and had some ice cream. I ate potato smileys for dinner. they went down pretty well although thier was a little pain but once i drank some pop it went away. The scabs fell off today as well and i didn’t feel it at all just the occasional tickle and i could feel them hanging down but then i looked in the mirror and they were just gone, so i’m assuming that i just swallowed them :s ( kinda gross)
- Day 5 and still not getting better. When does it start getting better?! Im nauseous all the time because I have no food in my stomach but i have to take my pain meds because the pain is incredible! I started out weighing apprx 108lbs and weighed myself today and I weigh 101lbs. I hope I dont lose much more. This is depressing
- Day 5 for me and definitely the worst day yet…woke up so nauseated and was so nervous about throwing up and ripping a scab a hold of my doctor who ordered me some anti Nausea med’s
- Day 5. I’m very thankful that I’ve had a great recovery so far. No major pain other than a sore throat. Today I substituted a dose of the Hydrocodone for a dose of ibuprofen and am doing well. I’ve been eating since the very first day (applesauce, grits, milkshake)
- Day 5 and I had my best night sleep yet last night. Had to stop by Drs office yesterday. My tongue felt swollen and getting a lot of itching with the Roxicet. He said I was doing fine. Still taking Benadryl at night though. I find if I talk I pay for it later on so trying to talk as little as possible. Went to my office for an hour to do payroll but had to leave as I wanted to talk. Still eating good and no stomach issues at all. Hoping to get out of the house tomorrow even just to take a short walk.
- Throat is a little more tender today, and ears hurt when i swallow now. From what i have read/heard it is just the progression of the healing.
- Day 5-7–nothing exciting to tell, tried to eat a few more interesting things, but throat hurt too much since I wasn’t taking pain meds. Soft boiled eggs were my friend. Getting bored being home by myself all day so I went shopping for an hour and had to come home and take a nap!
- day 5 and so far it has been pretty tolerable. First day I had only soft food and lots of coke and water but from day 2 I ate normally. Doctor prescribed Voltaren 100mg suppositories which works like a charm for 8 hours, the 4 hours before the next dose however is excrutiating to say the least.
- Day 5- horrible morning, good during day.
- Recovery Day 5 (post-op day 6):This day was pretty much a blur. More pain and not a lot of food or water. Was in too much agony to do much of anything. Taking the liquid Tylenol and chasing it with a teaspoon of lortab each dose time.
- Tonsillectomy Day 5 : Day 5: I am still trying to just get through the day. I sleep much better at night and have noticed a major difference in how I feel; I have more energy and I feel rested after sleeping. I cried today over mashed potatoes and small curd cottage cheese. I am not a happy camper.
>> Next – Recovery Day 6 >>
Your recovery seems to be going even better than mine, which is great! I’m so glad you are not waking up in misery. That’s a hard way to start the day. At this point (days 5-6) in my recovery, my throat enjoyed lukewarm water better than cold. Do you find that, too? Days 7-8 found me switching back to ice water again.
I may have been a bit aggressive in trying to eat real food yesterday – I think I scraped off some scabs, and my throat hurts. But I’m trying to go Tylenol-only today because I can’t take the nausea and dizziness from the narcotic pain meds anymore. We’ll see how it goes. I am definitely ready to start feeling better- that may be unrealistic.
I had a coblation tonsillectomy on 6/20/14. Day 5 was pretty similar to day 4, maybe slightly better. I continue to need the pain meds, which means I continue to have nausea, which means I still need to take zofran, which means I continue to have issues with constipation. I tried going without the zofran today but just started feeling too awful. I think I’m going to have to accept that I need to keep taking it and will just deal with the constipation through other means. I had a little ear pain today, but it went away. My throat still feels raw. I can’t see whether I’ve shed any scabs yet or not. Trying to stay hydrated. I’ve definitely been eating/drinking less the past couple of days and am trying to step up my consumption. I had some semi-solid food for dinner (veggie burger patty, well chewed) – it felt good to eat something “real” but was a little hard on my throat for sure.
Although I’m still not able to do much except lie around all day, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The cool-mist humidifier helps a ton at night – I have it right by my side of the bed, blowing in my face. To date, I haven’t had the problem with waking up with a super-dry throat. Good luck to everyone going through this right now!
So I’m on. Day 5 recovery. I’ve barely eaten since after my op, managing some croissants and jelly and ice cream plus the usual ice poles and lollies. Day four i started to drink flavoured water and power ade to boost energy levels and hopefully get an apatite as of yet this is to happen.the pain for me has been bad, taking iburprophen every 6 hours and then tramadol every 4 hours at night. I’m quite comfortable durin the day aslong as I don’t talk. Day 5 morning I woke up coughing and felt somthing come away luckily no bleeding! I’m hoping to see signs of coming through the other side in the next day or so! This is Deffinatley a process where hydration is key luckily I’ve been having 2ltrs of water plus! Razor blades the lot! But it’s important to keep ya self topped up on fluids!
Day 5 after coblation tonsillectomy: Today was a mixed bag! I stared the day with an excruciating earache. I could barely keep myself upright enough to take my pain pills (alternating Percocet and ibuprofen) and an ice bag was essential! I would fall immediately back to sleep with the cold wrapped around my neck and up onto my ear. I tried to start the day several times, but each time the pain/painkillers/constipation caused such nausea that I went back to bed. I finally got out of bed at 4pm, but by 7pm I am heading to sleep again. Rest has been so good to me, so long as I keep on schedule with pain medication.
Pain and nausea have been worse on days 4 and 5, and I know I slowed down on water consumption and food. I can also tell that the thick mucus on my throat, which I found soothing as it kept my throat covered, has thinned and I could feel that my throat was feeling dry for the first time. I woke up with a tickle or catch in my throat, but fought the urge to clear in out. Maybe scabs are moving/thinning/coming off? Tongue swelling has gone down finally!
I was also able to drink water again without the razor blade feeling in the throat. Warmer water is what feels good today. I even ate a few bites of mashed potatoes and boiled carrots. So long as the pain and earache continues to diminish, I am beginning to feel that I can see the other side of this!
Constipation has been an issue. It’s not painful, but I can tell things are not moving. If I eat too much, I get nauseous. I also feel a drunk kind of drug stupor after taking my Percocet. I did not have this on days 1 and 2. Could it be caused by my bowels being unable to rid me of toxic waste? I hope I get “moving” again soon, before that becomes painful. No one likes being bloated!
Martha – do you also have a swollen uvula? Has that swelling gone down yet? I’m glad to hear the tongue swelling has gone down for you – mine is pretty out of control today.
Sarah, the whole area swelled pretty badly. The uvula was noticeable on days 1 & 2, but by days 3 & 4, my tongue had swelled so much I couldn’t tell much with the uvula anymore! Now in day 6, swelling in general has gone down, but the uvula is still puffy. It’s not as bothersome when I compare it to the feeling of flaps of flesh (scabs or maybe just blobs of mucus) dangling around on the way back and sides of my tongue, where I can’t see anything. I finally ate something normal today, a piece of pizza. I was so worried about the pain, but it was actually painful AND soothing, like scratching an itch.
You’re doing great, Sarah, hang in there. Only a few rough days and you’ll be where I am. You can do it!
Thank you, Martha! I was reviewing my notes from my pre-op with my surgeon, and she’d said that for coblation, days 3-5 were usually the peak of the pain, with days 8-10 being the time you need to watch out most for bleeding. Sounds like you are right on her schedule in terms of pain peaking (and I hope you’ll avoid the bleeding altogether)!
I had my Tonsills out 5 days ago. I must admit like many other people the pain level and type of pain was not expected atall. They said id just have a sore throat but thats an understatement. I had pain in both sides of my throat for the first 2 days. Then the 3rd day the left side just didnt hurt atall. My right side however is still painful but to a point where its just bareable. I am on many painkillers e.g paracetamol codeine, ibuprofen, and morphine if the pain is unbareable. I take omeprazole to protect my stomach and stop me feeling sick and most of the time it works. I have just white coating on my wounds now. And hope that my pain subsides in the next few days.