Tonsillectomy and Infection

Hemorrhage After Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy Recovery Experience

Phil’s Story

Had tonsillectomy Weds 24th, standard procedure, felt blocked up, bloody next morn, house doc checked over. Ready to go home. About to leave hospital and I requested blood pressure, temp check. Temp high at 38.6. Had to stay, 2 hours later, vomiting blood. Emergency surgery to repair bleed. Lost 500ml of blood, pumped from stomach. Repaired and transferred to another hospital being treated for bad infection and sepsis treatment.
On the mend though, the surgery and general recovery is not too bad, day 2 and 3 good and started to eat, day 5 to 7 bad jaw pain and throat sore. But think I am starting to get over the worst.
Whatever you do are sure you listen to your body if you do not feel right, had I not demanded checking I would have gone home and that would have been a totally different story.

Easy recovery from tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy Recovery Advice

Would I have it done though, yes. Well worth knowing that the persistent infections will go, it is very rare having a bleed and needing emergency surgery. As they say s**t happens and just bad luck.

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