Jack’s Tonsillectomy Story

So others can have an idea, here is my experience. I’m 32 years-old: Days 1 – 3: piece of cake, pain level 2ish on Percocet. Told my boss I’d be back to work the next day (Thursday). Day 4: Pain, pain, and more pain. I tell my boss I’ll be out the rest of the week. Day 5: Pain level hits critical mass. Throat and ears are in agony unless I’m laying down. I peruse this site and read stories to know that I am not alone. I am questioning if I did the right thing which just makes it worse. I’d rather have a Vasectomy again, that was pain was much more bearable. Day 6: Pain goes to around a 5, still miserable. Day 7: Pain is getting better, around a 3. I tell my boss I think I can work Monday, he tells me to take it off (good idea). Day 8: Pain is very manageable (still on Percocet), I’m good to work the next day. Day 9 (today): Pain is at a 1-2 on Percocet. The Percocet no longer affects my mental faculties and I am able to work just fine (I’m a programmer, so that’s rather important). By about 4pm I am feeling the burn of not laying down all day. I’m still living on pancakes and soup, but the worst is over and it’s only sunshine in the distance. Good luck to those between days 4-8, just know it won’t last forever, and try to catch as much Zs as you can to escape the pain for a while.

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