Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery Time – a Poll
Tonsillectomy recovery time is unique to each individual- sure. We know that recovery time for adults is longer, and maybe harder, than tonsillectomy recovery time for children. I remember my own son bouncing back in less than a week! My own experience taught me that ten days off from a job that required lots of talking was a bit light. I generally advise two weeks. As I’ve said, most employers will let you come back early. That’s easier than asking for more time after the fact. I’ve read the accounts of thousands of tonsillectomy patients- most of them adults. I’ve learned that the time required varies. I wonder though, how many tonsillectomy patients never really post about their experience. Are you one of those quiet ones lying in the weeds? I’d like to get a better feel for the average adult tonsillectomy recovery time. Please take a moment and share your own experience in recovering from tonsillectomy surgery. You can help us all!
So let me put this out as an informal survey for people who have been through it, to help those planning a tonsillectomy. (It’s also one of the most commonly researched questions by adults considering tonsillectomy.) It’s my hope that we can amass a good sampling of experiences to help guide would-be adult tonsillectomy patients as they plan their family, work, and other obligations,
What is the average recovery time for tonsillectomy in adults? Read my Summary: Tonsillectomy Recovery Time Summary
So, what is it? What is your recommended adult tonsillectomy recovery time?

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-Greg My short bio

Before you schedule an appointment to have your tonsils removed, do a little research.
I’m 28 and I had my surgery September 4th… And I am goin thru hell… I find myself crying because the pain I’m in is unbearable.. I cough up soooo much mucus on a daily basis… It hurts worse when I wake up in the morning.. I was prescribed amoxicillin hyrdocodone for pain and promethazine for nausea… Two days after my surgery I found myself the next day spitting up blood because my throat was so dry.. I cannot eat regular food.. I only eat Italian ice, ice chips, cold drinks (no soda) and flavored ice pops.. She told me to try noddles and mash potatoes but they get stuck on my throat… My neck is swollen so she gave me a neck ice pack to wear..
welcome to hell!! lol I had mine on the AUG 5th!! on the 10th day things started to get better, however, I spent day 6 and 7 in the hospital because the cut got infected and started to bleed.. dont panic tho it wasnt too bad overall .. but if you started to feel very ill.. I think you should go to the hospital; they will take good care of you and the pain will be controlled.. just watch out, dont sleep flat because if it started to bleed and you were a sleep, it might be very dangerous!! Good luck
I had my op. on the 5th of AUG and today is the 7th… so far its not too bad, of course its sore but it doesnt affect my eating or drinking much, the Doc. gave me Paracetamol and ibuprofen, am only using Paracetamol as I heard that IB thins the blood, and worried me that if I start bleeding it wont stop easily! however, the pain is bearable although its affecting my throat, ears and teeth, also, my face is a lil bit swollen!
I drink lots of water and force myself to eat normally and the doctor recommended toast to clear the throat, so am eating that too.. trying to avoid spices and oily food, and eat more healthy food to recover! I go for short walks everyday and relax in my quiet room and bit of relaxing-beach music! it helps somehow..
if you are going through the recovery period, you need to take it day by day and dont worry about the future!
Drink water and good luck