Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery Time – a Poll
Tonsillectomy recovery time is unique to each individual- sure. We know that recovery time for adults is longer, and maybe harder, than tonsillectomy recovery time for children. I remember my own son bouncing back in less than a week! My own experience taught me that ten days off from a job that required lots of talking was a bit light. I generally advise two weeks. As I’ve said, most employers will let you come back early. That’s easier than asking for more time after the fact. I’ve read the accounts of thousands of tonsillectomy patients- most of them adults. I’ve learned that the time required varies. I wonder though, how many tonsillectomy patients never really post about their experience. Are you one of those quiet ones lying in the weeds? I’d like to get a better feel for the average adult tonsillectomy recovery time. Please take a moment and share your own experience in recovering from tonsillectomy surgery. You can help us all!
So let me put this out as an informal survey for people who have been through it, to help those planning a tonsillectomy. (It’s also one of the most commonly researched questions by adults considering tonsillectomy.) It’s my hope that we can amass a good sampling of experiences to help guide would-be adult tonsillectomy patients as they plan their family, work, and other obligations,
What is the average recovery time for tonsillectomy in adults? Read my Summary: Tonsillectomy Recovery Time Summary
So, what is it? What is your recommended adult tonsillectomy recovery time?

Join the discussion

-Greg My short bio

Before you schedule an appointment to have your tonsils removed, do a little research.
I’m 35 and had my tonsils removed on December 12th and also had a uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) at the same time. I’m on day 8 of the recovery and this has definitely been an experience I don’t want to go through again. I took perkaset religiously every 4 hours along with 2 Advil for the first 5 days. I started eating vanilla pudding on day 2, but found putting cups of Mott’s applesauce in the freezer for 30 minutes and then eating was much more soothing own the throat. On day 6 I was feeling pretty good (so I thought) but my prescription of perkaset ran out and I felt worse than ever. My doctor gave me another 5 day prescription and today I’m on day 9 and still cringe every time I swallow. I have managed to eat ravioli and penne pasta. I’ve found pasta noodles slide right down with little discomfort. I also tried pizza and a McDonalds fish sandwich yesterday, but couldn’t eat either one without pain. So far, I would say pain would be at most a 6, but it definitely feels like the worst sore throat ever. The pain for me is worst in the morning because I think my throat dries out overnight ( even with a humidifier ) and swallowing the pills is really painful. I’m off work for 3 weeks and thought I would bounce back in two, but I think that I’ll need the full 3 weeks because my job requires high energy and lots of talking. In summary, this feels like a sore throat x10 that seems like it will never go away. Stay medicated every 4 hours for at least 10 days ( I’m on day 8 ). Mott’s applesauce in the freezer soothes the throat. Jello and pudding are good also. I found pasta is filling and easy to swallow. I think my scabs are starting to come off and the sensitivity (pain) is worse today.
Day 7 – the homestretch!!!
Today I had some ah ha moments. The pain meds weren’t lasting the 4 hours I needed to wait between doses so this morning I had to supplement children’s Tylenol and children’s IB Prophen (liquid forms, hence the children’s part). Amazingly, this winning combo really helped with my pain , but without the harshness feeling of the narcotics (nausea, constipation, drugged out, etc). I felt almost normal and I realized how much the Lortab has been effecting my psychie. So I kept up with non-RX meds all day — and I didn’t get bitchy and weepy! (Yesterday I had 2 meltdowns). I did have to take a little of the RX tonight, but only 1/2 the dose with the OTC stuff. So I recommend giving it a try if our on the liquid Lortab/hydrocodone … Especially if your becoming mentally drained (or insane, that was me).
The other ah ha, (sorry for the rambling) I HAD to take something for my constipation – it’s been 6 days and I was starting to freak. First, shopping for laxatives was an experience-who knows what to buy with all that selection. I stared at the bottles and boxes for 30 minutes. Standing under the “laxative” sign for that long was a pretty humbling experience. Turns out there’s only a few fast acting laxatives out there. So I chose this magnesium citrate liquid (grape flavor). I was desperate so I started to chug the bottle BIG MISTAKE!! This is a highly carbonated citric/salty liquid. I thought my throat was going to burn off. I rolled in pain in the kitchen like some fish just pulled into a boat (I know, visual, right??). It was sooooo painful, soooo painful. But I was determined and remember way back sometime ago someone told me that adding sugar to a carbonated drink takes away the carbonation. So I put sugar in it and watched the fizz go away like some science experiment. Then I diluted it with water and ice. And believe it or not, I took another swig (last act of desperation). Ahhhhhh, it didn’t kill me. It tasted like ass, but didn’t kill me. So after about 3 hours I was able to do my business (yea!!). Lesson learned, be very careful on what u choose to relieve or constipation. If I had to do it again, I wold have gotten a gentle laxative to take daily starting day 1, then I could have stayed regular. Or clean out before your surgery so you don’t haVe to worry about it ( you’re on liquids the first week anyway). Totally gross subject, but had to share for anyone after me to help with decision making.
I feel like I turned a corner starting this evening. I still have lots of pain but now that I’m managing it differently, I’m in a better state of mind. Now my sense of humor can kick back in. I have so much list time to make up for.
How are all of you doing out there? Any humiliating moments to share? Any whining in have to get off our chest? Let it out…….
Hey Brigette! Just saw your post- mine slipped down below but we both must be experiencing the same thing (minus the whole poop thing, thanks for sharing btw:) on our day 9-10’s!
I feel so much better! Here’s a blogger high-five comin you way!
OMG!!!! Thank You!!!
I has mine out in the 31st of dec. I’m going on 8 days and no poop!!!
I just bought a bottle of grape liquid MC, I was wondering if it was safe to take when I read ur comment. I better go get sugar and dilute it before I turn into a fish outta water! Lol
Ps- the pain is horrible, I’m 37 and regret every moment of it.
Day 6 (I think) – slept through my meds and woke up in a ridiculous amount of pain. For some reason, when i took my pain meds (liquid lortab) it burned like fire and knives all the way down- I wanted to die. Then i got this tickle in the back of my throat and havent been able to stop coughing since. Pain on top of pain with coughing…..Then my husband woke up in a mood and I ended up having to take care of getting my little guy off to school today – no shower, old jeans and a sweat shirt at school? You could see the faces….But luckily my 4 year old only sees his mom and gives me a giant hug and says he love me (be still my heart). My My My – what a morning. A few hours later, and a few hundred popsicles, I’m starting to feel a little better – thank the Lord! I had to share – thanks for listening. Cant wait for day 10.43!!!!!
just curious – i’m not sure what counts as day 1. If i had my surgery on 12/12 – is that day 1 or is day 1 on 12/13? I’m so confused 🙂
I counted day one as the day of surgery. I dont know if that is right or not.
Did you have s scab fall off perhaps causing the ” tickle” (too badthere wasn’t a gentler way yo ask that!)
In exactly 8 hours it will be my one- week anniversary of this barbaric event- i’m so ready for this to be over…. You too, i bet.
Yeh, even the caregivers i bragged about early on, are bored with it all (ie; slackers).
All i want for Christmas is a normal night’s sleep!
Hang in there Brigette, we’re on the home stretch!
Yahoo! I tell you what. I can’t wait to sleep a whole night through. Then I can’t wait to sleep a whole night through without waking up in pain! Thank goodness for DVR, On Demand TV and iPads because late night TV bites the big one!
Im feeling as though i’ve had a breakthrough- on my daily 2:00 am ice bag, humidifier, cup o water refill run (the one the caregiver slackers used to perform on days 1-2). I didn’t have to “recover” from throbbing pain for 30 mins after getting back into bed! And there really isn’t much pain when i drink my water. Is this just a good dream i’m having maybe i’ve turned a corner? Not going to get too jubiliant about this yet…. Even Sophie the cat (who, by the way NEVER became a slacker and has been by my side 24/7 since day 1) seems to be acknowledging my new-found comfort with an especially loud purr tonight! I Go back to the Dr. In the morning, we’ll see if i should, in fact, be gleeful.
By the way, i had my surgery on 12/12 so just entered Day 10 ( counting surgery day as day 1)
This cracked me up “Yeh, even the caregivers i bragged about early on, are bored with it all (ie; slackers).”
Hang in there!
Exactly… my mother told me I should be up and at em because it had been after all 2 weeks since I had left the house. It had been actually 11 days. At that point no one would believe I would STILL have any problems. In fact invited me to a Christmas party on day 8 because I should be well by then. No one and I mean no one except my fellow gutted friends here understand.
Man, that’s rough. Doesn’t this recovery make you feel mad? This cold not have helped. Hopefully you’re starting to feel better.
I can sort of relate. I had my sx on 12/19 and was expected to appear at my inlaws Christmas dinner ready to eat and talk.
Lol I did show up and watch all the kids ith their gifts, and I did eat a few spoons of soft foods, but my talking was at a whisper at best.
I was there a total if about 2 hours and have to say, I paid for it last night and today!
My to my early recovery routine for now, and guess we will see how it goes tomorrow.
Merry Christmas
It should get better in a few days. I really cant figure out why there are no advances made in 3,000 years in tonsil removal. It seems awfully barbaric and incredibly painful in this day and time. Speedy healing. Sandi
Day 4 and the beginning of day 5 —- blah! Having a hard time sleeping or laying down. Stomaching meds and food are almost impossible. Sticking to broth, tea and mashed potatoes. Head, ears and throat constantly throb. Hopefully if I can rest day 5 will be okay. I would really like to see my son’s first Christmas pageant. It would break my heart not to be able to attend. Any other suggestions to help with throbbing pain?
I am on day 5 and have some of the throbbing but the pain killers seem to knock it out. I take one percocet every 5-6 hours and alternate with an advil in between. I’ve been lucky in that i’d say i haven’t had pain over a 5 or 6 so far, and that only lasted 45 min or so.
Other advice….eating a slushie every 6 hours. Brings fantastic relief!
Finally, a one hour jacuzzi bath with eucalyptus every morning with a cup of tea is a great way to start the day!
Good luck- hope you make it to the Christmas program. Don’t be afeaid to use the pain meds- and i recommend percocet over vicadin.
Thank you. My husband called the dr today and got me some anti-nausea meds…why didn’t I ask him to do this sooner? That helped a great deal. The bath sounds great. I may need to do that now :-). I was able to make my son’s pageant – yay!!! But immediately came home and layer down. It was totally worth it. Thanks for your encouraging words.
So glad you made the Christmas pageant! I’m sure yourson was happy to see you there.
A couple other things…as you already figured out the throbbing pain is thd worst? For me, its worst when i get out of bed at night…. Its as if there is the most horrible headache in my throat! First stop is the refill of The ice pack which i keep on my neck all night while i sleep- are you do that? That with a slushie can knock it out til the pain meds work.
I feel like im healing, think i swallowed a huge chunk of scab last night. But now there is a hole again… I don’t get it!
Slow and sure wins the race Brigette! Good luck!
For me the worst is when I wake up in the mornings.
swallowing scab sounds disgusting! Having a gaping hole? Good Grief Charlie Brown
I cant even move my tongue enough to see the back of my throat. Sounds like that’s probably a good thing. I sympathize with the throbbing pain you have. I got some Extra Watermelon non-sugar gum-and it really did help. I only chew it for a few minutes – but it seemed to help some of the head pain. maybe you should give it a try?
I have a question. So we now just have permanant giant holes there? Also right after surgery the nurse told me that it was rough (the surgery) and that my tonsils were big. Later my doctor tells me they werent that big. Soooooo… wonder which they were?
Day 3 – not so fun. I didn’t mention before, but I’m 37 and had a tonsillectomy. Today was nausea on top of nausea with a side of nausea. (LOL) I think the meds are eating my stomach. Even the thought of water was enough to make me feel green. I finally soaked a piece of toast in broth until it was mush and ate it. It made me feel a little better. But it wasn’t easy keeping up with the meds and the water today. My throat isn’t doing too bad, but ears and head throbbed all day and my tongue feels like its stuck – guess its all connected. I know it could be worse, so trying to keep a positive attitude. I’ll try to down more pain meds before bed, click on the humidifier and nod off. Hopefully all of you have a restful night—