Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery Time – a Poll
Tonsillectomy recovery time is unique to each individual- sure. We know that recovery time for adults is longer, and maybe harder, than tonsillectomy recovery time for children. I remember my own son bouncing back in less than a week! My own experience taught me that ten days off from a job that required lots of talking was a bit light. I generally advise two weeks. As I’ve said, most employers will let you come back early. That’s easier than asking for more time after the fact. I’ve read the accounts of thousands of tonsillectomy patients- most of them adults. I’ve learned that the time required varies. I wonder though, how many tonsillectomy patients never really post about their experience. Are you one of those quiet ones lying in the weeds? I’d like to get a better feel for the average adult tonsillectomy recovery time. Please take a moment and share your own experience in recovering from tonsillectomy surgery. You can help us all!
So let me put this out as an informal survey for people who have been through it, to help those planning a tonsillectomy. (It’s also one of the most commonly researched questions by adults considering tonsillectomy.) It’s my hope that we can amass a good sampling of experiences to help guide would-be adult tonsillectomy patients as they plan their family, work, and other obligations,
What is the average recovery time for tonsillectomy in adults? Read my Summary: Tonsillectomy Recovery Time Summary
So, what is it? What is your recommended adult tonsillectomy recovery time?

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-Greg My short bio

Before you schedule an appointment to have your tonsils removed, do a little research.
Hello there I had my tonsils taken out on the 5th December 2012 and now on day 5 post op recovery.. And to me each morning I wake up the pain worsens.. I’m also currently in a hospital in Germany and I’m not bilingual so communication here is hard… They have been feeding me something called milchsuppe witch is translated into milk soup and that’s for lunch. Every morning and evening it’s bread so I’m living off bread and milk soup and being forced to drink camomile tea which tastes discussing but does help soothe, the pain meds and anti biotics I’m on I have no Idea what they are called as they don’t understand much English… What would anyone recommend for me to heal quicker… I’m in hospital till Sunday 16th December and I arrived on Wednesday 5th that’s a long stay in hospital for tonsils thanks
My dr wants me to get my tonsils out due to a pocket on the right tonsil. it causes some infections. I am terrified to get them out! Im not worried about the actual surgery but the bleeds and pain. These are absolute horror stories. I keep postponing my surgery. Should mention I also saw my 9 yr old daughter go through this july 4 and she was puking blood, and had a couple minor bleeds…so into er we went. I am terrified. any regrets with your tonsillectomys? Would you do it again? Why did you get them out in first place?
I just had mine today, and although it is no picnic, I know it’s for the better. I can already breathe much more easily. I am not having any constant pain, just when I swallow and after I eat. Sucks because I never get nausea from anesthesia so I’m very hungry and unable to eat REAL food. I know it will get worse when my scans are dissolving, but really I can handle it; knowing it will help in the long run.
Forgot to add I had mine out for tonsil stones and chronic tonsillitis. I had “small” tonsils according to the nurse. I never knew I had difficulty breathing until now!
I had my tonsils removed 6 dec and as of today I am actually doing fine I am very tired from lack of food but the meds have kept my pain under control. My husband just made me oatmeal so wish me luck. One thing, my surgeon used stitches to closes me up. I am wondering if that is why I am in pain but not bitting nails pain? Any thoughts?
I can’t tell if I have stitches. I’m on day 1 and I’ve tried today: Sonic ice, orange popcicle, orange jello, broth, pudding, mashed potatoes, and slushed up frozen condensed apple juice. The ice was very nice at first. If you try that just be sure to chew it up very good first, I scratched my throat on one swallow. The frozen apple juice was very nice but a little sweet. Pudding helped me swallow meds. Orange jello was nice. Mashed potatoes didn’t feel good or bad, but tasted amazing as REAL food! The only thing I regret is the Popsicle and the broth. Popsicle was too tart, it hurt. Broth was barely like warm and hurt. After the fact I read to wait for broth until day 3 :/ Oh well!
I was eating normal food from the night of the op, the docs say it helps the healing process and chewing the food also relieves the pain. for a time
Tried going for plainer food not much spice or anything like that.
Just need to take small bites and chew alot before swallowing.
Having some cold/ice water while eating helps.
I am on day 10 and still healing. I think it will take me the full 2 weeks of time off work I’ve been given. Thank you for this site. It has been a source of great information (better than the discharge instructions from the hospital) and encouragement during the toughest times. I started to try to slow down on the narcotic pain meds today as I felt much better and was actually eating some solid food for the first time since surgery (mac and cheese yummy!). Until then, mostly I was trying to stay hydrated with ice water and was able to eat a few popsicles here and there or a smoothie. I don’t think I’ll be completely recovered for about another 30 days or so when I’m told I can start exercising regularly again at a normal intensity. Good luck with your book . . . I would have bought it on amazon for my kindle if it was published already to read this week. For those who just posted, hang in there! I had good days and bad days. Best thing for me so far has been a loving wife and lots of people praying for me.
I’m 34 & had my tonsils removed Dec 3rd. I was all like “this isn’t so bad” until today. I’m not in excrutiating pain, but my digestive system has gone nuts! I was worried about being constipated from the pain meds but I’ve actually got the exact opposite issue! My stomach is making insane noises that resemble a washing machine & it feels like squirrels are running around in my intestines. It doesn’t ‘hurt’ but its driving me crazy. The throat pain def picked up today, but the roxicet keeps it under control. I’m starting to have a general feeling of uneasiness. So, day 5 has been the worst so far.
I agree totally. I had my tonsils removed 5 Dec 2012 and every day I feel worse rather than better. The first day I was thinking this is going to be easy. Every morning since the day of the surgery has been rougher than the day before. My intestines are also constantly rumbling and making noises. Meds are getting harder to swallow however I do still have a big appetite. Can’t wait for things to start looking up.
My name is Kevin, I am 43 and had my tonsils out on Nov.28 2012, it has been a very tough experience even afternoon days still taking pain meds but not as often my appetite has been great but my throat is not cooperating I didn’t know it would take this long to recover but things are getting better I really want sleep more than food my wife as been GREAT and my mother have checked on me everyday you really need support from family who can sympathize with what you are gdoing through
I also had mine done on the 3rd. Day 4 was worst because of nausea, but the pain is still increasing on day 7! One thing that is helping the pain is real raspberry tea. Celestial seasonings makes theirs with raspberry leaves. Raspberry is a natural sore throat soother. For me the lukewarm tea is much less painful to swallow than water or any other liquid. Everything feels like glass until after two cups of tea then things are more bearable. My whole face and head and ears and mouth hurt even with 20mg percocets and ibuprofen. I am eating ramen noodles warm not hot, warm mashed sweet potatoes, blended hard boiled egg with a touch of mayo, blended black beans,protein boosted Jamba juices from the freezer, and pudding. I have to hide my meds in bites of food or they kill going down. Ice packs are helping too. Why did you ladies have to have yours out? I had an abscess that wouldnt respond to antibiotics.
Day 6 of tonsillectomy: hmmm…seems like the pain increases as the days after surgery do too :(. I have consistently wondered why I am being punished for peoples’ pain med. addictions. It seems as though Loratab every 2.5 hours (30cc) around the clock for a week is what works, YET you are only prescribed 1/3 of that IF you even persist the MD writes 1-2 more scripts. If the pain is down (3/10 is good), eating can be more bearable and maybe constipation and recovery will be quicker. In summary, I believe this surgery would be more bearable if the MDs would not try to delude themselves that they are saving people from pain med. addictions. I don’t have one, and even if I did, they sadly are unable to stop people. I have found myself saying, “this seems cruel.” I am not even one who cares to take meds, yet without pain meds., you will simply pray, “Jesus come back.”