Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery Time – a Poll
Tonsillectomy recovery time is unique to each individual- sure. We know that recovery time for adults is longer, and maybe harder, than tonsillectomy recovery time for children. I remember my own son bouncing back in less than a week! My own experience taught me that ten days off from a job that required lots of talking was a bit light. I generally advise two weeks. As I’ve said, most employers will let you come back early. That’s easier than asking for more time after the fact. I’ve read the accounts of thousands of tonsillectomy patients- most of them adults. I’ve learned that the time required varies. I wonder though, how many tonsillectomy patients never really post about their experience. Are you one of those quiet ones lying in the weeds? I’d like to get a better feel for the average adult tonsillectomy recovery time. Please take a moment and share your own experience in recovering from tonsillectomy surgery. You can help us all!
So let me put this out as an informal survey for people who have been through it, to help those planning a tonsillectomy. (It’s also one of the most commonly researched questions by adults considering tonsillectomy.) It’s my hope that we can amass a good sampling of experiences to help guide would-be adult tonsillectomy patients as they plan their family, work, and other obligations,
What is the average recovery time for tonsillectomy in adults? Read my Summary: Tonsillectomy Recovery Time Summary
So, what is it? What is your recommended adult tonsillectomy recovery time?

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-Greg My short bio

Before you schedule an appointment to have your tonsils removed, do a little research.
I am 39 years old and had my op on the 5th Oct 12, It is the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. For the first week I was unable to eat nothing or very very little. I had to try and manage something so I could take Iburofen to take the inflamation down. After the 4th dayof pain, the pain increased further. It took 2 trips to the doctors and stronger pain killers for the pain dull. It is now 12 day on and the pain is still there and still suffering from sore throats and ear ache but is managable. A follow up at the doctors tomorrow, will determine if to have another week off work to fully recover. I would fully recommend no-one to have this operation, and to have 10 babies instead without pain relief.
Sarah – I’m sorry you’ve been in such pain. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. Its a long recovery compared to 2 or 3 days of a severe sore throat, but worth it in the long run. Once you’re a month or so out you see the whole experience from a different perspective.
Those reading this, please don’t be scared off. The pain is definitely challenging but it’s nothing you can’t get through. Expect the worst and you’ll likely be surprised that it’s not as bad as you expect. I had a very average experience – bad throat, tongue and ear pain but you soldier through it. I’ve had a baby, and child birth was much worse. I think what makes it hard is the post op pain lasts a good 10 days and then diminishes unlike most throat infections which don’t hurt for so long.
Don’t be scared off by posts that say its horrific. You ALL have the strength to get through it. I’m no one special and have no great pain tolerance. If i did it, anyone can. Just follow the many tips on this website and make sure you take your pain meds.
Hang in there!
I totally feel for you. I know it’s bad now but it really will get better. I was back in hospital after a week and they gave me good pain relief even that didn’t work but at least I was out of it After the 2 week mark things started to subside and then by 4 weeks I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. I also think having babies would be easier I’ve had 2 and I could do that again twice over without pain relief. Just remember it is all for the best and once it’s over it will really be worth it. I had mine done in June. Try to look ahead and I’m sorry you are in so much pain.
i am 39 years old and had mine out on the 23rd april 2012, still cant taste much, throat gets really dry still i wish it would go back to normal
My surgery was done sept 14,2012 even today nov16,2012 I have no taste I’ve loss 30lbs and still losing. No Thanksgiving dinner for me that sucks! I hope my taste will be back by xmas
Today is my 12th day, im feeling better, i feel constantly thristy BUT im having issues swallowing liquids. No pain, but i feel like if the liquids would go up my nose!!?? Is anyone having any kind of similar issues?
Im 20 years old and I had my tonsils and adnoids removed on the Oct 8th 2012. The first two days I had it easy because I wasn’t in alot of pain and I quickly started eating pudding, ice cream, & yogurt. The thrid and fourth days were the worst for me. I couldn’t eat anything but I forced myself to drink water, green tea, juice. It has been 6 days since I had the surgery and I feel like I am getting better. My scabs are coming off so im having some pain. The pain in my ears are the worst because I feel like it is throbbing constantly. Keep yourself hydrated and take the pain medicine!!
This is the 5th day for me with tonsils. I woke up Sunday morning with a massive pain thinking it might be a tooth pain later pain under my jaws and then I could feel the lump underneath my neck . I took ibuprofen painkillers still pain is so bad saw a nurse on my 3rd day the lady said to have the same ibuprofen still continuing . Stuck with this pain. By the way I have heard yesterday if you have boiled milk and put a bit of turmeric powder one spoon and drink it just before you sleep helps you a lot. Drink it slow.
Day 7 (after op) its the first morrning that I wake-up without feeling serious pain (after having a good night’s sleep). I am going to take 2 Stilpane tablets, just so that I can have a good breakfast and antibiotics (which I am finishing today) – Augmentin 1000 mg (so big I have to break the tablets in two!) I hope that its all “down-hill” from here! Bring on the weekend!!!
Hope you feel better soon! I’m on my Day 9 now, the pain is very manageable for me. I’m happy that even scabs fell off I didn’t even notice it and maybe just because I keep myself hydrate with water even it’s kinda painful to drink then. People have different experiences in dealing with their recovery. I wish you be pain free soon…
I am 26 years old. Had my tonsils taken out sept 7th 2012, like most, the pain went down a little around day 4-5 but then came back with a furry around days 9-13. I slept almost through the entire first week, also lost 10lbs in that week from eating a mainly liquid diet.def want to stay ahead of the pain with the pain meds, i would think my pain was getting better because at hour 4it wasn’t hurting, but boy did it come back then i had to wait for my dose to kick in. It now being a little over 3 weeks after my surgery, i would say I’m at 98%. The back sides of my tongue where i guess the tonsils would of connected are still sore, eating pretty much anythingand gained the 10 lbs back, bummer. Not sure how many more weeks until I’m completely pain free, ill guess maybe 2, also not sure if my recovery time was hindered because i also had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction surgery at the same time. Nose is still healing as well. Wish i had a speedy recovery like some of you others, i feel like I’m not going to be normal anytime soon
I’m on day 6 now, and it’s been a roller coaster. First two days weren’t horrible, and I was just in and out of sleep the whole time. On day 3 I realized that I had been taking double the amount of Lortab I was supposed to, which accounted for my lack of major pain. When I cut back it was clear that the Lortab was not going to cut it. The next day I got that swapped for liquid percocet, which has brought the pain back down to a bearable level. Problem is, I have to go back to school now. I struggle to eat solid foods still, and I’m dreading my scabs coming off. Hopefully it happens over the weekend. Creamy ice cream is my best friend, because it’s cold and soothing, and if it’s creamy it leaves a nice coating on your sore throat. That and you don’t have to open your mouth wide for it like you do with a popsicle. Biggest tip thus far: make sure your pain meds are helping. If they aren’t, complain to your doctor until they give you something stronger. I’ve learned i’m almost immune to Lortab, and if I had to stick with it I’d have lost my mind by now. Expect pain, but don’t put up with extreme levels.