Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery Time – a Poll
Tonsillectomy recovery time is unique to each individual- sure. We know that recovery time for adults is longer, and maybe harder, than tonsillectomy recovery time for children. I remember my own son bouncing back in less than a week! My own experience taught me that ten days off from a job that required lots of talking was a bit light. I generally advise two weeks. As I’ve said, most employers will let you come back early. That’s easier than asking for more time after the fact. I’ve read the accounts of thousands of tonsillectomy patients- most of them adults. I’ve learned that the time required varies. I wonder though, how many tonsillectomy patients never really post about their experience. Are you one of those quiet ones lying in the weeds? I’d like to get a better feel for the average adult tonsillectomy recovery time. Please take a moment and share your own experience in recovering from tonsillectomy surgery. You can help us all!
So let me put this out as an informal survey for people who have been through it, to help those planning a tonsillectomy. (It’s also one of the most commonly researched questions by adults considering tonsillectomy.) It’s my hope that we can amass a good sampling of experiences to help guide would-be adult tonsillectomy patients as they plan their family, work, and other obligations,
What is the average recovery time for tonsillectomy in adults? Read my Summary: Tonsillectomy Recovery Time Summary
So, what is it? What is your recommended adult tonsillectomy recovery time?

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-Greg My short bio

Before you schedule an appointment to have your tonsils removed, do a little research.
36M and I had the electrocautery tonsillectomy method. I went back to work 15 days after my surgery. No way would i have been ready to go back to work after a week. I really did not even start to turn around until after day 11. It does really seem to differ per person and per method of surgery but i do service calls and drive for work so i was not going to take a chance with trying to push myself too hard. My doctor even told me at my pre-op that if i could to take 2 weeks, and off even if i felt better just to let my body rest and heal. That was the best thing i did for myself was to just take it easy. I never had any bleeding either or any major side effects just a lot of intense pain. But again i think it does vary on the method of surgery used to remove the tonsils and on your own body.
(cont.) before going home!!!! Sounds like such a crazy and personal detail, but it brought me crazy stress, pain, and frustration after my surgery!!!! If anyone has questions, pls give them my email me at with any questions!!!!!
36 f/ I think I am the exception to the rule! I got my tonsils out cause I was tired of the sore throats, weird taste, and always tired! If someone was able to drive me, then I could have been back at work within 3 or 4 days!!! The medicine took the edge of the pain off but really never knocked me out!! I was on Roxicet too! However(!!!!!!), I was in the ER 5 times within a week with bladder problems because my nurse never made me urinate before going home!! It literally was hell and I wore a catheter for a week!! If I could give any advice it would be to make sure that whoever picks u up after your surgery, have them take u potty
36 f/ I think I am the exception to the rule! I got my tonsils out cause I was tired of the sore throats, weird taste, and always tired! If someone was able to drive me, then I could have been back at work within 3 or 4 days!!! The medicine took the edge of the pain off but really never knocked me out!! I was on Roxicet too! However(!!!!!!), I was in the ER 5 times within a week with bladder problems because my nurse never made me urinate before going home!! It literally was hell and I wore a catheter for a week!! If I could give any advice it would be to make sure that whoever picks u up after your surgery, have them take u poddy
I am over 50, had my tonsils out at the end of October. The nurse told me drink plenty of water, eat soft foods, chew gum (keep the jaws working). I did everything she told me to do and was back to work in a week. She told me I probably wouldn’t feel that great, but the more I laid around the worse I would feel. She was right, I really didn’t feel awesome, but the more I pushed the better I felt.