Adult Tonsillectomy Recovery Time – a Poll
Tonsillectomy recovery time is unique to each individual- sure. We know that recovery time for adults is longer, and maybe harder, than tonsillectomy recovery time for children. I remember my own son bouncing back in less than a week! My own experience taught me that ten days off from a job that required lots of talking was a bit light. I generally advise two weeks. As I’ve said, most employers will let you come back early. That’s easier than asking for more time after the fact. I’ve read the accounts of thousands of tonsillectomy patients- most of them adults. I’ve learned that the time required varies. I wonder though, how many tonsillectomy patients never really post about their experience. Are you one of those quiet ones lying in the weeds? I’d like to get a better feel for the average adult tonsillectomy recovery time. Please take a moment and share your own experience in recovering from tonsillectomy surgery. You can help us all!
So let me put this out as an informal survey for people who have been through it, to help those planning a tonsillectomy. (It’s also one of the most commonly researched questions by adults considering tonsillectomy.) It’s my hope that we can amass a good sampling of experiences to help guide would-be adult tonsillectomy patients as they plan their family, work, and other obligations,
What is the average recovery time for tonsillectomy in adults? Read my Summary: Tonsillectomy Recovery Time Summary
So, what is it? What is your recommended adult tonsillectomy recovery time?

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-Greg My short bio

Before you schedule an appointment to have your tonsils removed, do a little research.
I actually believed the Dr. when he told me a few days to feel better. Not so. It took at least 10 days before I could think of anything else except the pain. Also, was not aware of how gross it was when the scabs were coming off. Made me throw up quite a few times. Told the Dr. that my jaw and teeth hurt. He said the hot and cold sensitivity to my teeth had nothing to do with the tonsillectomy. It took about 6 months before I could eat/drink something cold without it hurting. No problem prior to that so it seems logical that somehow the pressure on my mouth and teeth during the surgery did something.
Two weeks or more to start feeling closer to normal, don’t let them tell you anything else.
I am so happy I had my tonsillectomy! I would go through it again if I had to.
My surgery was 2 years ago, this is practically the anniversary of my recovery from it. I was 31 yrs old.
I took a full 2 weeks off work, and while I think I could have managed (I am a nurse) if I had to, though I didnt have much of a voice, and even after 2 weeks I was really tired. I was alone most of my recovery, but my bf would check in on me frequently. My inlaws came 11/2 weeks later, abit too soon for me. I did go out right from day 1- went to the store with my bf, went for drives with him, short walks in the neighborhood, etc.
I lived on slurpees (grape and cream soda were the best- no pain) until i couldn’t eat anything sweet, but resumed my 2 a day after a couple days break. I ate oatmeal, overcooked pasta with butter, lipton cup of soup, popsicles… My first real meal a week after surgery was white fish, squash & carrot mash and mashed potatoes- my parents had us over for dinner. My tastebuds were off for about 3 months, everything seemed to have a bitter aftertaste.
i drifted in and out of sleep for the first couple days, making sure i drank a ton of ice water day and night, and took my pain meds regularly- I asked my surgeon for 2 different analgesics so I could alternate- so happy I did. the other thing that saved me from beating up my bf or clawing my own eyes out (especially day 5 to 7) was ice packs. I had a few and would rotate them- i used them faithfully for about 10days- the throat pain was bad, but the pain in my right ear brought tears to my eyes. I started stool softeners the day before my surgery and continued everyday for 2 1/2 weeks. I had to get a laxative to help me out after day 9 of nothing. Then i lost a few pounds but nothing major, probably all the sugar i was consuming!
I prepared by finding and then following the recommendations from others on this website. I used the site throughout my recovery, it was great therapy.
Day 10 was a turning point for me and I started feeling better (maybe because I counted down the hours to day 10 having heard it would get better from there??). Although it took me a good 3 weeks before being at work wasn’t exhausting and then I had to travel internationally for work, got really sick and really messed myself up for another 2 weeks.
My advice: Take 2 full weeks off work. You’ll be on pain meds for approx 10 and unable to do much. Then if you can, ease back into work and be nice to yourself! Listen to your body during recovery!!
I had mine done at age 35 (3 yrs ago). I would say recovery was 2 weeks for me to feel back to totally normal. The one bad thing I have noticed is that I now get ‘brain freeze’ when eating cold things fast. Never had that problem before getting the tonsils out! But that is minor. The best thing I did during recovery was to go to my sister’s house for the first 3 days! LOL! I have 4 kids so going to her house was great. I was left ALONE! Yay! Peace & quiet. She would pop in and out during the day and check on me, but she was gone for the most part of the day running errands and such. I think my recovery would have taken longer had I not had such a restful 3 days. I stayed there friday afternoon (had surgery friday morning) until sunday evening.
Day 1 after surgery: pain level around 7 out of 10
Day 2 after surgery: pain level around 8
Day 3 after surgery: pain level around 9+
Day 4 after surgery: pain level 10
Day 5 after surgery: pain level 10
Day 6 after surgery: pain level 10
Day 7 after surgery: pain level -10
Day 8 after surgery: pain level 9
Day 9 after surgery: pain level 7
Day 10 after surgery: pain level 5
Days 4, 5, and 6 were most painful. I ran out of my meds, had to get more. I could not drink or eat anything until day 6, on day 7 was able to drink one of those powder mixes, like a protein shake, but days 1 and 2 I was able drink and thought ” hey it’s not too bad” but wait till day 3 comes. Good luck!