Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day
Day 8
A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their eighth day of recovery
Check out our new tonsillectomy recovery video- Caution: Not always pretty
Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 8.

-Greg Tooke My short bio
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : Crying. Just… Crying
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : So I woke up this morning with a dry throat. I wasn’t able to sleep more than 30 minutes at a time without coughing. Even while drinking water, my throat has been so dry, it’s like it just isn’t staying moist. I got so fed up, I asked my mom to go buy me a humidifier today. I know I’m a little late, I should have had it from the beginning, but I guess I thought I really didn’t need it. My post-op appointment is in 1 week and I really can’t wait. I definitely have a few questions to ask him! So, I finally got the nerve up to look into my throat, and even though it was a little hard to see, I do see a lot of gray areas. I thought I lost more scabs than I see in my throat, so I was wondering whether or not all of the gray areas are scabs, or if some of it is not scabs. I was told that it is all scabs, so I guess the scabs are going to take longer to fall off than I thought. So, I thought I was doing really well today and then all of a sudden my throat started squeezing really tightly when I swallowed. I slept for about an hour and woke up and it was gone. After talking to my dad who has dealt with panic attacks his whole life, he confirmed that he has had the same thing before and it is in fact mini panic attacks. Great, panic attacks – that’s all I need! I had one in the afternoon and then another one at night. The best way for me to deal with it is to sleep through it.
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : day 8..I thought someone had tried to bite off the back of my tongue and tried to scrape the white spots off with a nail filer…Also my feet were swelling, and I began to have a migraine and vomit, I was afraid i was going to rip my stitches..they had become so big me and my bf had named them “shrek ” feet
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : day 8 today and I felt terrible when I woke up! The pain was like a bruised/burning pain. I also feel like I have hay fever(which I don’t). However it’s now lunchtime and I feel considerably better. It feels like day 7 which I can cope with. Hoping day 10 will be the major turnaround day. I swear this feels like the longest recovery!
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : Day 8. 33 yrs old. Thanks for the info on the swollen tongue and the marks on it from my teeth. That makes total sense!! My throat feels much better, but the difficulty in eating seems to be coming from the underside of my tongue and my jaw. I will continue to take it easy in hopes that everything will continue to heal up. Im down 12 pounds. Its going to be hard not to put all of the weight back on. I’m starving!! lol
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : Days 8 – today – Pain has slowly begun to decrease, however, it’s remained at about a 3/4 for the last two days. However, my body has slowly begun to feel better. I feel like a human again. That’s a refreshing feeling.
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : Days 8-10–able to eat a little bit more everyday, but it was different every day. Pudding and mac & cheese were good one day, bad the next. Chicken noodle soup was also good, couldn’t eat anymore jello 😛 Throat still sore, still doing the Advil/Tylenol rotation. Waiting for scabs to fall off, but throat still all white.
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : Day 8, Ok I am feeling much better. Last night was rough. I had taken my pain meds around 11:30 PM , and around 12:15 my earache was unbearable. I had a problem eating yesterday. I just wanted to eat a Popsicle. I got down on my knees and prayed to God to let the pain go away so i could eat. A few minutes later, the pain in my ears subsided (Thanks God!). I ate 2 Popsicles.
Tonsillectomy Day 8 :Day 8- while I felt really crappy all day long I stayed home all day & rested and this evening I feel just a lil better.
Tonsillectomy Day 8 : Recovery Day 8 (post-op day 9):
Had another relapse of pain today on my right side and into my right ear. At this point I am just so exhausted from lack of sleep and lack of proper food. I had my post-op appointment with my surgeon today. He said i still have a ways to go but it is beginning to heal. He said my tonsils were extremely large and that the tonsil beds (where the tonsils were) that are now left behind are so massive that it will take extra time to heal since there is so much damaged tissue back there from the cauterization. I was able to eat some of a baked potato today with cheese and bacon.

Hold on sweetie. It will get better soon. I felt horrible for 14 days before feeling relief. I know it doesn’t help, but I hope knowing that it will end will help. I’m
A praying woman and will pray for you
Day 8 May 13 –
Woke this morning Day 8 with another migraine, a quick Triptan and the Paracetamol has meant I can drink without panicking over the intense pain. In the night I realised that perhaps the scabs coming away on day 5 has left nerve endings exposed, and that’s perhaps why drinking shocks them after sleeping, and why they also hurt when the tissues have got dry. Drink and nap and paracetamol are the only things working for me, I’ve had too many Ibuprofen and think they are giving me an analgesic headache now…
I work from home, and have been ” doing office stuff” since day 2 , just emails and easy no speaky work.
Getting up and gorgeous is the only way though, I’ve not had any time resting in bed since the op, it’s just not me.
Day 8- The pain is so severe for me the burning is the worst. Drinking water burns everything burns I don’t know what to do. I use an ice pack at night time for some relief. If I talk for 5 min or more it hurtsssss. Im just ready for this to be over.
Me too 🙁 I feel like I should be better.
I’m on day 7 almost 8 and I’m dieing
Day 8, May 10 – This day was rough because my throat was so sore from the ordeal from day 7. (Dr. jabbing suction tube in throat to remove blood clots) Think the ordeal probable set me back about 2 days. Slept a lot and forced water.
Day 8 and I finally feel better!!!
I don’t feel 100% but I’m not crying and holdings my ears and mouth in pain anymore! There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it happens quickly, I was at the very end of my pain threshold and felt like I couldn’t take anymore then I woke up felt a bit groggy, went back to sleep and pushed myself! You need to push yourself a little go outside get some fresh air, pop to the shop, it makes the world of difference!
For ear ache I know this sounds strange but when it’s bad put ear muffs on or tie a scarf around your head!! It helps! The pressure of the tight scarf or ear muffs helps. I always put them on when I ate which meant I could get in those extra mouthfuls etc!
Don’t over do the pain meds, for the first couple of days I did a chart and took them on time etc….I got to sick.(I was on antibiotics too as I got an infection) I was taking more than I needed, I opted to take one tablet every 3 hours, rotating between codeine and paracetamol. I wouldn’t take them through the night, unless I needed to and I wouldnt take them unless I felt a little pain. Don’t bombard your tummy trust me being sick with this throat is scary!!
You’ll get there I promise, I’ve got my brothers wedding on Thursday and I never thought I’d make it! Now I’m feeling good and I’m going the be the best tonsiless bridesmaid ever!!
Keep smiling and fighting through!
Day 7 horrendous ear ache, day 8 felt much better managed to eat mashed potatoes, first food in 8 days. Even managed two rich tea biscuits dunked in warm tea to soften them. Big mistake. At about 8pm day 8 back on pain meds, sore throat returned with a vengence and hoarse voice was back. I can feel scabs and can taste blood when I swallow. Will this never end? Hoping that day 10 will be the turning point.