Tonsillectomy at Age 50

Hemorrhage After Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy Recovery Experience

After years of battling strep throat, I decided it was finally time to seek medical advice about getting my tonsils removed. Both my primary care and ENT concurred that removal would be the best course of action.

Being 50, I was told that recovery would be more difficult but I’ve had operations before, so I wasn’t too concerned. Today is day 12 and I am still recovering. Here’s a little of my tonsillectomy story:

Surgery: Performed in an out-patient surgical center. Arrived at 10 am, surgery at 11 am, done by 11:30 am and in recovery until about 1:30 pm. Went home and slept all day.

Days 1 & 2: Had the worst muscle aches all over my body! I couldn’t even turn over, move, or stretch. I read that this was a result of the anesthesia but I was not expecting it. This was just about as bad as the throat pain, but the throat pain was kept at bay by the medication. I was also given a liquid antibiotic to prevent any infection. I refused to take any of my regular medications. There was no way I could swallow anything! I was thinking that if this is as bad as it gets, I could really tolerate it.

Days 3-7: Pain slowly got worse to the point of me crying “Uncle!” I had asked for Vicaden instead of the Tylenol with Codine but the pharmacy didn’t have the Vicaden in stock, so I was given the codine (disgusting and made me nauseous). However, when the Vicaden arrived several days later, it was too strong for me, so I stuck with the codine. I could only manage to eat pudding and I made sure to drink lots of water. I mostly slept on and off, but, unlike others, I was unable to sleep sitting up as it caused me to cough, which was the worst! I took the pain meds, gargled with the lydocain, and wrapped a cold compress around my throat.

Days 8-10: I still didn’t have ANY voice whatsoever. This was starting to worry me. I graduated to warm soup, jello, and my beloved pudding. I was feeling better but I still needed to take the pain meds at night and keep up with the gargling. On Day 10, I stopped the pain meds. I hadn’t left the house, so my neighbor and I went to Rita’s for a cold ice. Yum!

Should I get a tonsillectomy
When I asked people who had undergone tonsillectomy surgery, and the subsequent recovery, I got quite a response…

Day 11: My voice returned! I was very worried but I managed a few phrases and was able to put away my White Board and marker. I felt better and finally left the house by myself for the first time.

Day 12: Woke up with a very sore throat. I think the talking did me in yesterday. I’m still on the soup and pudding diet and lost about 9 pounds. I see the doctor on Day 15 and am scheduled to return to work on Day 16.

Suggestions: Follow your doctor’s instructions, rest, drink tons of water, take your pain meds, and plan to spend a few weeks doing nothing but recuperating.

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