After Tonsillectomy: Sense of Taste
Taste after tonsillectomy or sense of taste are subjects of much discussion on the tonsillectomy forum. The experience of tonsillectomy has rippling effects upon individuals, beginning with the anticipation of surgery and, hopefully, extending long after surgery in improved quality of life. During the first two weeks of recovery, tonsillectomy patients’ daily lives are turned upside down. The daily diet is often limited to liquids and very smooth, soft foods like gelatin. Narcotic pain medications are usually taken several times per day. Sleep is erratic and often fitful. Activity levels are greatly reduced. When the fog of pain, fatigue, and disruption lifts, one of the first irregularities patients complain of is an altered sense of taste. Let’s take a moment to look at tonsillectomy and its effect on sense of taste.
The American Academy of Otalayngology- Head and Neck Surgery describes how taste sensation works as,
Gustatory (taste nerve) cells are clustered in the taste buds of the mouth and throat. They react to food or drink mixed with saliva. Many of the small bumps that can be seen on the tongue contain taste buds. These surface cells send taste information to nearby nerve fibers, which send messages to the brain.
I suggest that several factors contribute to disturbances in a person’s sense of taste after tonsillectomy. Firstly, tonsillectomy surgery itself can cause bruising to the tongue, where taste buds reside. Most patients complain of tongue pain after surgery.
It’s also likely that the post tonsillectomy diet has an impact on the patient’s sense of taste for some time after recovery. Many experts point out that taste buds are in a constant state of growth. As people eat various rough textured foods, small amounts of tissue scrape off and are replaced by new growth. Many believe that the almost liquid diet of most tonsillectomy patients disrupts this process and thus, affects their sense of taste.

Still another camp holds that deficiency in zinc after tonsillectomy contributes to these taste disruptions. JOSEPH M. BICKNELL, MD and ROBERT V. WIGGINS, MD published in the Western Journal of Medicine in October of 1988. [Bicknell JM, Wiggins RV: Taste disorder from zinc deficiency after tonsillectomy.West J Med 1988 Oct; 149:457460] They followed two tonsillectomy patients who complained of unpleasant taste sensation after tonsillectomy. The patients complained of changes in their sense of taste after tonsillectomy. They used descriptions like, coppery, or metallic when interviewed. Both had these complaints two months after tonsillectomy surgery. The doctors tested liver and thyroid function, as well as hepatitis. All were normal, but serum zinc levels were low in both patients. They were given 220mg zinc supplements twice per day. Within three weeks, the zinc levels were normal. They reported tastes improving after ten days, and after 22 days, the metallic sensation had ended. I’ve read anecdotal accounts on the tonsillectomy forum from people having success with zinc supplements after tonsillectomy. Ask your doctor before trying the zinc supplement for tonsillectomy and sense of taste.
Considering all the variables, one must also consider the effects of both antibiotics and narcotic pain killers over a two week period on the sense of taste. The FDA does not list taste disturbance as a side effect of either penicillin or hydrocodone. (the two most commonly prescribed medications after tonsillectomy in the U.S.) There has been a connection between the use of oral antibiotics and oral thrush, (Fungal infection – mouth; Candida)
It is very common to experience an altered sense of taste after tonsillectomy. Most people feel that their taste returns to normal within three to six weeks. However some may experience unpleasant taste sensation for several months.
It was truly depressing for me that my favorite cocktail, (the bloody Mary), tasted like something from the planet salt for months after surgery. Thankfully, within 5 months, my sense of taste was completely back to normal.
I had my tonsils out in August 2014. Have no sense of taste for sweets at all. M mouth and tongue are very salty. Been back to ENT with this complaint at least 3 times. This week he gave me a medication called Carafate. I reseached this drug and it is used exclusively for stomach ulcers. I do not have stomach ulcers. I feel like my ENT is trying to placate me by giving me this medication. I am devastated. I am a nurse. He does not know this yet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My ENT never explained about the possibility of losing taste and actually call it “a hysterical Palpatine gland”. PLEASE HELP ME. ANY GOOD SAMARITAN/EENT. I tried zinc lozenges and was also given lidocaine because I also have dryness at base of tongue/ Voice box. It’s really dry cause coughing at night mostly. PLEASE help me.
Hi Gwen. I just had my 2nd tonsil removed two months ago and am having the same taste problems as everyone else. I didn’t have any of the sane problems with my first side. Anyways, it sounds like you are suffering from silent night reflux!!!! Try asking about that if you haven’t already. But I truly hope you are doing better by now!!!!!
Did your problem ever resolve? I’m experiencing some of the same things. Did the salty taste ever go away? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
I had a tonsillectomy in July an my taste buds are still red and swollen,what can I do for relieve,and how much longer.I am 62 years old,and I have regretted this since day one.
I am SO with you on the taste bid issue! I has my surgery in March 2014
To date, my taste buds are 70% back. Plus…..I now have acid reflux. I’m so frustrated! Good luck with your healing.
I had a tonsillectomy in July an my taste buds are still red and swollen,what can I do for relieve,and how much longer.I am 62 years old,and I have regretted this since day one.
So now……my taste buds are a little better. I’ve been told that discomfort feeling I am now experiencing is acid reflux! I’ve never had this issue until after my surgery. ….interesting. Has anyone else dealt with this? Your comments are welcomed!
I have bad acid reflux and my sweets taste more like salty.
Hi there
Some hope for those who are still suffering: I experienced the same thing. surgery was 5/2014, for the first 2 weeks, everything tasted metallic/bitter. in general, everything tasted completely bland. after that 2 weeks, the metallic taste was in my mouth 7/24 for about 4 months. after 4 months now, within a few days, everything went almost back to normal. i didn’t believe i will taste again right, it was the most depressing time in my life… but for the most people, things will go back to normal after a few month… my zinc level was above normal, so this wasn’t the cause in my case…