I am a 30 year old female and had my tonsils removed in June of this year. The recovery was hard. I ended up having to have iv steroids and saline, I was super dehydrated which only made the phone worse. I stood out of work 3 weeks longer than expected. Soon after my recovery I was having pain again and my lymph nodes were continuously swelling. Once I saw my ENT for my follow-up appointment 2 months post op, my tonsil and adenoid tissue had grown back. All I kept hearing was I don’t know what is going on or how it happened but there is nothing I can do. He didn’t do any blood work or try to see what else was going on to have had my tissue grow back so fast. Needless to say I had to get a second opinion. Now I have to have some blood work done and on the 4th of January I will be having my second tonsillectomy in 6 months. And that tissue has to go out for special testing to rule out certain diseases. I am more nervous about going through this a second time because I now know how much pain I will be in, and wondering if this time will be just as painful. This has been one tough road I am hoping and praying that this time things will work out.
Sandra’s Tonsillectomy Recovery