Gianna’s Tonsillectomy Story

Today marks day 10 post op and am finally feeling myself again! I stopped taking my pain meds on day 8 post op and am just taking Tylenol whenever I feel uncomfortable pain. The liquid Codeine they prescribed me definitely helped w the pain but was messing with my stomach as I’m sure some of you have also experienced. I decided getting my tonsils removed was the best choice after battling with tonsil stones for the past 5 years. I would literally be fishing around my tonsils obsessively! I was feeling very insecure about having bad breath to where it was affecting my everyday life. I couldn’t live like that anymore and am really hoping after I’m completely healed that I won’t have that problem anymore. As Iv read others stories Im feeling very optimistic about my choice :). During recovery iv always kept ice chips as well as ice water next to my bed so I could access easily. Staying hydrated is key! I hope everyone has a speedy recovery and is feeling decent by day 10 as well. I’m so thankful for this site as Iv checked it everyday! Finally seeing the light at the end of this long tunnel. Good luck everyone!

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