Horror Stories About Adult Tonsillectomies?

Not so much, says Ashe:

So, I’m a relatively healthy 24 year old female and I had my tonsils and adenoids removed on 12/2/2015 because of recurring tonsillitis and strep infections along with sleep apnea , I’m now on Day 8 of my recovery.

Prior to my surgery l I read a LOT of horror stories about adult tonsillectomies. I was terrified, thinking I was going to be out of commission for weeks, in agony, sleepless, unable to eat, etc etc.

I was very pleasantly surprised that I actually have only moderate pain, was able to eat afterwards and maintained a soft but varied diet.

My scabs started to shed around day 4, the ear pain was the worst pain and that was days 5-7, it’s gone away today and I’m feeling really good, I was able to have a full real dinner last night(ham, mashed potatoes, the works) and even enjoy a soda.

I took a look back there this morning and was quite happy to find that where my scabs are is streaks of white and pink, I’m hoping this means nachos in my near future.


Eating is important! I found multi-grain baby cereal mixed with cool chicken broth was the best thing ever when I could barely swallow water. It’s full of vitamins, and other important stuff, it’s not sweet(sweet things get very old very quickly when your diet is applesauce and ice cream) and it literally tastes like crackers dipped in soup without being crunchy.

I never had any problems sleeping as I took Tylenol PM each night before bed and slept with a cool mist humidifier to keep from drying out. My boyfriend made sure to wake me up every 4 hours at night to take my pain meds and I drank around 3 cups of watered down powerade before going to bed.

Sometimes it’s hard to drink fluids, it hurts but it’s important. I found a way to get the most bang out of each drink by making a solution of 3/4 strength powerade water(using the powder, only mix it to 3/4 strength i.e 3 scoops to 1 quart water), it helped a lot, I mixed it was ice.

Netflix is a life saver, and even if you are feeling fine after the first day, have someone come over a few times during your recovery because you will need the support.

I was so tired of being in recovery by day 6 that I cried…a lot. It sucked.

But now I’m doing TONS better and am looking forward to enjoying life without my tonsils.


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