After Tonsillectomy- What to Expect

What to Expect After Tonsillectomy

Post-op, you’ll probably awake in a different room from the one you were first brought to. This recovery room is where the staff will observe to to see that you aren’t having complications from anything from bleeding to reactions to the anesthesia. You might be given something soft to eat, like gelatin. Depending on where you live, you will most likely be released that same day, once the staff deems you fit to leave. After being under anesthesia, you will not be allowed to drive. An adult will have to take you home.

Post Op: Tonsillectomy Medicines

You’ll probably have two medicines prescribed when you leave the hospital; a pain killer like percocet or hydrocodone, and an antibiotic like penicillin. You may also want to ask for a stool softener. The narcotic pain killers can have a profound constipating effect. Another post tonsillectomy medicine that might be beneficial is an anti nausea drug like promethizine. It can help counteract this side- effect of the pain medicine. Finally, ask your doctor about a steroid to reduce swelling. One of the first things you’ll fight with after tonsil surgery is a swollen uvula. Swallowing can be almost impossible with that inflamed thing swelling up like a punching bag.

Some tips for the first days after surgery

Begin icing the throat area immediately. This reduces swelling and makes drinking precious fluids more tolerable. Just do it, and keep doing it. Have a comfortable recliner set up. Lying flat can make breathing difficult and seems to aggravate the throat area. Be sure to have a humidifier or vaporizor to keep the air moist. If possible, have someone stay with you for those first days. You may think post tonsillectomy will be a great time to catch up on reading. It probably won’t. The medications make it a little tough to concentrate. Watching movies is probably going to be more enjoyable as you recover.

Don’t continually look at your throat. It will look awful. Here’s an example:

After Tonsillectomy

Many people become obsessed with how the area looks. Let it go. As long as you’re not having alot of bleeding, it’s probably fine.

Pain After Tonsillectomy

Most adults describe the first day or two after surgery as, “the honeymoon.” “This isn’t so bad!” This is partly because you’ll still have some of the general anesthesia in your system. Things typically get worse days two and three. From there, the pain will ebb and flow, with days seven and eight often being the worst.

The best advice I can give about managing pain after tonsillectomy is as follows: Stay hydrated. take pain medicines on a strict schedule. Run a humidifier. Ice the affected area often. Try to stay positive and keep your mind on other things. There is a strong psychological component to pain. Sleep with your head elevated. Keep Drinking Water!!

What to look out for

The top risk post tonsillectomy is bleeding. Some bleeding is normal. Gargling with cold water will usually stop the bleeding. If it does not, and you find more than a couple tablespoons of blood, it’s time to get to an emergency room. Don’t panic- this can easily be treated, but time is important. Get in. Get it fixed.

Another problem after tonsillectomy is oral thrush. Largely due to the antibiotics you may be taking. A white film and soreness on the tongue are usually a sign that you have thrush. Some have luck eating probiotics like yogurt. Others report that a tongue scraper helps. I recommend calling your doctor’s office.

A side effect many don’t anticipate, or even realize they are experiencing, is depression.  Prolonged use of pain medicines and the subsequent withdrawal from them, can have a chemically depressing effect on a person.  Likewise days and days of pain, poor sleep, and poor diet, can also wear a person down.

Tonsillectomy Recovery Time

One of the most common questions is, “how long will it take to recovery from an adult tonsillectomy?” Well, it varies. I’d recommend taking two full weeks off from work. You may feel well enough to return to work sooner, but you may not. Informal surveys that I’ve conducted indicate an average tonsillectomy recovery time for adults to be about 10 or 11 days.

Longer Term- What to expect weeks and months post-op

As your throat heal, one of the first things you’ll notice is a change in your sense of taste. This is very common and can last from two weeks to to several months. It almost always returns to normal though.

The other thing you’ll probably notice after your throat has done most of its healing is a loose feeling back there. It’s almost as if there isn;t quite a tight seal between the back of the nostrils and the throat. again, this is normal. It can take several months for all of this tissue to firm back up, but it will.

Finally, you’ll probably have a much better life after your tonsillectomy. Depending on your reasons going into the surgery, you will most likely sleep better, get sick less, and have better breath!

Best of luck to you. Please explore the rest of this site for more in-depth descriptions, as well as personal stories and photos from readers.
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  1. You have a wealth of information, THANK YOU! I do have a question, that may sound dumb but here goes…when you say “Ice the affected area often” are you referring to keeping an ice pack on the front of the neck/throat area or are you referring to keeping ice in your mouth often? I’m scheduled for my surgery on Dec. 30th (heck of a way to ring in the new year) and am 43 years old.

    1. Hi Jenni – I’m talking about icing the outside of the throat, but drinking cold fluids, sucking on popsicles, and slushies is great too! Best of luck to you!

  2. I am 42 and scheduled for my long overdue tonsillectomy in 5 days. I have read that you shouldn’t sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time without drinking. I do normally sleep with my mouth closed, and I know to sleep propped up, but is that a true estimate?
    Also, those scabs totally have me freaked out! When they start coming off, what is the best way to help that process?
    I really, really appreciate your site!!

  3. My tonsillectomy was yesterday. I fill guilty for feeling so well compared to other stories I’ve heard.
    1 – Do NOT let you tonsils get dry. Drink drink drink. Cool and cold worked best for me.
    2 – Set your timer to take pain meds on time all night.
    3 – I ate some real mashed potatoes last nigh
    4 – I had prednisone to stop swelling and didn’t take it as written due to my oversite. I woke up last night with a very swollen tongue and scared myself.
    5 – This morning I ate scrambled eggs. Also iced coffee so I wouldn’t get caffeine headaches.
    6- As mentioned above, sleep elevated either on a recliner or building your bed up w/a few comforters and your pillow for gradual incline.
    7- The best kept secret was extra strength Cepacol which is a topical and numbs the back of your throat.

    We’ll see what day 2 brings. I’m optimistic!

      1. I’m only 14 and I’m on day 5 and it’s pretty much green, I’m sooo scared for the bleeding though.

  4. Hi everyone, I’m 18 years old and just had my tonsillectomy 2 weeks ago today. Let me tell you… Even though you think this is the worst experience of your life, there is light at the end of the tunnel!!! This site helped me a lot, so I thought I would give some tips that made my painful journey as less painful as it could be.
    1. ICE EVERYTHING!! Ice water, chew on ice chips, iced Gatorade and what really helped me especially during the night (most painful hours) were ice packs. Place them on your neck, jaw and ears to numb the pain.
    2. Sleep is usually your best friend but it is your worst enemy throughout this recovery, if you need to take a snooze try and sleep sitting up… The moment you wake up your throat will be super dry and painful so again have water in reach!!
    3. Do not try and force yourself to eat, I know you’re hungry and you’re craving just about anything but if you rush it can irritate your scabs and end up putting yourself in more pain. Stick to not hot soups, tea, bread without crusts, oatmeal, apple sauce, pudding. As long as you’re drinking fluids you should be hydrated.
    4. Rest!!!! Do not push yourself to go back to work, school or out and about. You’ll feel dizzy and without energy fast. (Learned that the hard way) Lay in bed or on a couch and start a new netflix series.
    5. Take your meds when it hurts. Don’t lay there in pain and try and stick it out- you won’t be able to.
    6. I only could really chew in my later days of recovery but once I could I starting chewing gum, it helped my jaw and eased the pain in my throat, keeping it less dry and having to swallow less.

    I know it’s rough but I started making a turn for the better around day 9 or 10. Two weeks later the sore throat is still here but I can finally sleep through the night without getting up in pain and for water breaks and I am pretty much back on eating my normal diet. It gets better!!!!

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