Tracy- Three Weeks After Tonsillectomy

how long to recover from tonsillectomy

Hey!! I now had my tonsils out 3 weeks past on Friday due to recurrent tonsillitis & finally I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, although I am still constantly tired & have pain down the right side of my throat & my husky female voice is no more, I finally sound like a girl ha! Few minor complications such as the surgeons finding a cyst in my right tonsil & getting a blood clot on the left side following the operation has harboured my recovery but I’m glad they’re gone all the same!

No one can prepare you for the pain level days 5-9ish for me- waking up through the night like my throat was on fire, cold things seemed to kill me, hot tea helped best! Withdrawals from the medication that was a killer!

Best advice I can give is to eat normally as quick as you can! My jaw seized up at one point & trying to eat solids & chew after that was tough!

However after suffering about 4 bouts on severe tonsillitis a year for my 30 year life span I’m not looking back – so glad it’s over! Moral of the story, to aid recovery… Rest, eat normally & ease off the meds as soon as you can! Xx

tonsillectomy storues

1 comment

  1. Hi guys
    I’m 31 days in and still can’t swallow properly without liquids dripping down my nose. Does anyone know how long it will last or if they had this for this long after. Please answer someone I’m going nuts
    Thanks Claire

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