Tonsillectomy and Infection

Tonsillectomy Recovery Experience

Phil’s Story Had tonsillectomy Weds 24th, standard procedure, felt blocked up, bloody next morn, house doc checked over. Ready to go home. About to leave hospital and I requested blood pressure, temp check. Temp high at 38.6. Had to stay, 2 hours later, vomiting blood. Emergency surgery to repair bleed. Lost 500ml of blood, pumped… Continue reading Tonsillectomy and Infection

Tonsillectomy Complications Bleeding and Pain

Tonsillectomy Complications

  Twenty Five Year Old Tonsillectomy Recovery I’m a 25yo male and got my tonsils out 8 days ago on the 19th of December (tis the season for tonsillectomies it looks like). My first surgery under general anesthetic so I was leery but the procedure was easy and I had very little pain afterwards. Immediately… Continue reading Tonsillectomy Complications Bleeding and Pain