Sarah’s Tonsillectomy Daily Journal

how long to recover from tonsillectomy

I’ve had tonsillitis every few months for as long as I can remember. Now aged 26 and with a young child I was suddenly taken to A&E after a very bad episode of tonsillitis where I was physically struggling to breathe as my tonsils were so swollen. I decided enough was enough and asked my doctor for a referral for a tonsillectomy.

Surgery day.
Arrived at hospital absolutely terrified of the surgery ahead. I’ve heard so many horror stories about it.
Not sure how long I was in surgery for but I went in at 1.30pm and woke up in the recovery room at 4pm covered in sick….
Here in the UK you have to eat sandwiches or toast before you are allowed to go home. I couldn’t eat at all, the pain was awful and my throat too swollen to swallow. So i got my sister to eat them for me just so I could leave.

Day 1.
Last night I slept ok. Still dosed up on morphine so I didn’t feel too bad. Was starting to think what all the fuss was about that id heard.
Still unable to eat, taking my painkillers every 4hrs. Pain 2.5/10

Day 2.
Very difficult to sleep last night. Couldn’t get comfy, I couldn’t breathe if my neck was positioned in a certain way. Still taking pain killers every 4hrs like clockwork but its painful to swallow even just water. Still eaten no food. Pain 2.5/10

Day 3.
Well I took a double dose of tramadol last night as the pain was very bad. Knocked me straight out for a few hours. Kinda scary actually. Ate half a slice of toast today. Pain 4/10

Day 4.
Ive been good with my pain meds taking them every 4hrs but I was so tired from lack of sleep that I just hit snooze on my alarm as I felt ok at med time. I woke up an hour later in the worse pain I’ve ever had. It hurt so much that I actually thought I would just pass out. Lesson learned, don’t skip meds! Pain 10/10 then 8/10

Day 5.
Had my first poo today since surgery! Last night I was struggling to breathe again, just couldn’t find the right position to sleep in. Very tired today and very hungry. I coughed alot today and I think I coughed up one of the scabs?!?! Pain 9/10

Day 6/7.
Laid in bed for 2 days. I had no energy, constant pain, tramadol wasn’t even taking the edge off anymore. I’m so tired but I am managing to eat a few spoons of my baby’s custard. My mum told me to rinse my mouth with salt water to help the healing. I can’t even explain how much that burned my throat. I’m sure there’s a saying, don’t rub salt into the wound. Really, don’t do it. It burned for a good few hours. I drank every thing I could find in the house and it still burned like hell. Pain 10/10

Day 8.
I actually had a good night’s sleep!!
And, the swelling in my throat has started to go down. I ate a slice of pizza. I tried some chocolate but it still hurt my throat. Today I’ve only taken my pain meds twice. I’m shocked and a little worried as this could be the calm before the storm again…. Pain 4/10

Day 9.
I’m feeling 100% better! Apart from still been unable to speak properly yet you would never of guessed id had my tonsils removed last week. I’ve eaten everything in my fridge and I feel fab.
I made the mistake of sneezing today. Omg the pain was unbearable and I was literally holding my hands on my throat. I coughed up blood a little and a few scabs. But I wasn’t too worried. Pain 2/10. But 9/10 for the sneeze

Day 10-14.
No pain meds. Eating and sleeping like normal. I’m going out and about and I feel great! Throat is still swollen and I can’t speak yet, but other than that I’m just glad its all over. Pain, what pain? 0/10

Day 20.
I can finally speak normally again. I had the voice of a 90yr old chain smoker haha. It was terrible. I’m glad this is all over with and I never have to put up with tonsillitis again.

The first 7 days were the hardest you need to be mentally prepared for a lot of pain but its definitely worth it. My tip would be to always take your meds every 4hrs, don’t skip or delay them. You will regret it

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