Ear Pain After Tonsillectomy 2019

Tonsillectomy Ear Pain

After tonsillectomy surgery, patients have plenty of unpleasant side effects to deal with.  Swelling of the uvula, tongue, and throat are usually the first hurdle adults have to deal with post tonsillectomy. Swallowing and breathing can be difficult.  This isn’t too surprising, especially considering all that the throat has been through.  Icing and gargling with ice water can help reduce this swelling, as can a steroidal treatment. The next problem after tonsillectomy, usually a day or so post-op, is pain in the throat area.  Again, no big surprise.  Icing is also a good way to treat, as are narcotic pain killers and/or over the counter pain medications.  Topical analgesics like throat sprays can also offer some relief.

What surprises many is a phenomena occurring several days into their tonsillectomy recovery- ear pain.

Post Tonsillectomy Ear Pain – Cause and Treatment


Literally thousands of patients sharing their experiences on this website have commented that their ears hurt after tonsillectomy.  Ear pain after tonsillectomy is probably the second or third most common side effect that patients experience- second only to pain and swelling.  But why does this happen? There was no scalpel or hot knife near the ears, so why should they feel like they’re being stabbed?  The cause of ear pain post tonsillectomy starts at the throat and radiates to the ears.  This is called a referred pain. Take a look at the attached diagram and note the lingual nerve.  It’s directly connected to the ears and throat.

Ear Pain After Tonsillectomy- a diagram
Ear Pain After Tonsillectomy- What’s Going on?

Treatments and Home Remedies

This referred pain can be quite severe. Often prescribed pain medications do not seem to relieve the ear pain that many experience after tonsillectomy. In addition to the pain medicines patients are taking, there are two home remedies that usually can provide some relief. The first of which is chewing gum. In light of the unpleasant side effect of have sugary residue in and around the throat, most tonsillectomy patients prefer a sugar -free gum. A mint flavor can also feel cooling. Exactly why chewing gum relieves ear pain is hard to say. Certainly activating the muscles around the ears and jaw may help, but more likely, like yawning, gum chewing releases pressure from the ear area.
Seagate Olive Leaf Throat SprayThe second remedy for ear pain after tonsillectomy is applying a heating pad or warm compress to the affected area. Again, the reason for its effectiveness is not entirely clear but most patients describe a relaxing comfort from applying a wet, warm towel or electric heating pad to the affected area. To reduce inflammation, alternate between warm and cold compresses.


Have you found a trick for taking the edge off of ear pain, especially after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy? Please share it in the comments section below. Thank you!


  1. Just making it through day 6. I have read a good deal of these comments and I will be trying the hot water and honey.
    I had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and they re-shaped some of the inside of my nose because my sinuses where blocked.
    No real trouble with the adenoidectomy apart from the saline wash I need to do which is grim. Although I think it sort of also helps my throat. It just isn’t pleasant.
    I was told to eat normal food and have had some success but it is quite painful depending on what I try.
    I woke up from surgery with ear pain and they topped up my drugs because I woke up crying from surger, the ear pain was so bad.
    I did go back to the doctors day 4 because of the ear pain and they upped my pain relief.
    Will try the heat packs too. Fingers crossed they will make a difference. I am 33 and a mum so I need to get sorted ASAP.

  2. Day 5 of tonsil regrowth (3rd regrowth) you thought I would have learnt by now! Had numerous quinces and tonsillar abscesses on my tonsil regrowth didn’t have much choice but to have it removed, first couple of days not too bad, today my worst day, not eaten, pain in ear and a stinging sensation like salt in an open wound every time I swallow, on Co-dydramol, ibuprofen and antibiotics as had infection on day 3 coughing up green golf balls (sorry) not looking forward to bed as wake in the night once painkillers wear off and then trying to take more with a dry painful throat and ear, am praying NO MORE REGROWTHS!

    1. Just had mine out for second time…three times , poor you. I had hypnotherapy the first time before surgery and had no real pain or any other problems after. This time, day six and downing painkillers like sweets!

  3. I’m on day 1 had the surgery yesterday and this is by far the worst pain I’ve ever felt. I’m 22 and I hear it can be worse for adults…the ear pain is horrific and I find if sleeping sitting up it isn’t as bad. My surgeon said If I rest and follow instructions I’ll be fine by this weekend but by the looks of these comments I beg to differ lol.

  4. I’m 23 and on day 6 of tonsillectomy recovery.

    My story has been similar to the rest on here with ear pain beginning most intensely on day and night 5 – ice packs on the back of my neck and ears seem to help.

    Something I’ve not read about yet is the scabbing? From yesterday afternoon, I’ve felt something in my throat that doesn’t budge when I drink water, swallow, eat and it is infuriating me. I don’t know if it’s a scab releasing or maybe some food that’s stuck, but it makes me wretch and I don’t know what to do.

    I woke up crying last night as my ear pain was so intense. Also coughed so much a scab actually came up, followed by vomit (sorry for the graphic descriptions), yet still feel this in my throat.


    Has anyone got any suggestions about how to get rid of this or what it may be?

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