Depressed After Tonsillectomy? You are not alone

Depression after surgery
Depression After Tonsillectomy?

Depression After Tonsillectomy

One challenge that many tonsillectomy patients don’t anticipate is depression after surgery. Even people with the sunniest of dispositions may find themselves in a dark place after enduring the hardships of surgery and its recovery. **Before discussing the topic of depression after surgery any further, let me say that if you are under a doctor’s care for depression before surgery, be sure to work with them to plan treatment after surgery. 

Tonsillectomy Recovery- Day 17: Why don’t I feel better?

Tonsillectomy surgery, like almost any other surgery, requires more of your body than normal. The healing process takes energy. After tonsillectomy, eating and sleeping become difficult. This makes the healing process more of a strain. I have tips for both eating and sleeping on other pages. For now I’d like to address the almost inevitable event of depression after surgery.

Feeling depressed after tonsillectomy
Depression After Tonsillectomy

Two weeks of battling pain, not getting enough sleep, taking narcotic pain medicine, and being removed from your normal social interaction can have a profound effect on your mental state. Being prepared for depression after surgery can help you feel better.

Doing your best to stay nourished, get sleep, and stay ahead of pain will all help. I further recommend planning some simple daily activities like a short walk outside, a relaxing bath, a daily television show. These simple activities can get your mind off the discomfort, give you something to look forward to, and give normalcy to an otherwise abnormal time.

Another trick to beating depression after surgery is to record your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Oddly, this seems to release the struggles a bit. I also suggest participating in the online forums and offering others support. As I’ve often said, when you shine a light for others, you also light your own path.

Finally, let people in. Family, friends, health professionals, even co workers have more compassion than you may realize. Let people help. Ask for help in advance- before you have surgery. I personally would be delighted if a friend asked me to run out for Popsicle’s or chewing gum because they’d run out during their tonsillectomy recovery. Help others to help you. You’ll both benefit.

Finally, try to remember that this is temporary. How you are feeling in the midst of your recovery is not how you’ll always feel. Try to imagine the better life you’ll have without the problems the surgery will have corrected. Again, you can read of success stories in my book and on the forum.

Take care,



  1. No I think it is associated with an irritating cough which seems to emanate from back of throat. Not struggling for breath and not panicked by future treatment. Just wish I had more energy at this stage – realise this is probably unrealistic!

  2. At day 18 and doing more. Eating almost normally, but feeling exhausted and slightly tight chested.
    Prospect of radiotherapy and chemo in a few weeks daunting.

  3. So helpful to read these comments snd shared experiences. 72 years and day 11 post -op. Reassuring to know it is slow progress for most. Feels like ancient oak tree hss been uprooted in my csse -trying to kerp positive. Thank you Greg.

  4. Agreed. The day by day journal was literally the only help I was getting. Docs seemed disinterested and I’ve just asked to see someone re the depression and was basically accused of time wasting. Thank you for the life saving advice. Now dealing with feeling incredibly down after I wake. So difficult.

  5. Greg, I also meant to say thank you!! Your articles kept me sane while I was recovering, an absolute godsend

    1. Hi Helen. Thanks for posting. Glad you’ve benefitted from these pages. What you’re describing isn’t uncommon in my experience readiness other people’s stories. Sorry to hear though. Hope things improve soon. If they don’t it might be worth talking to your doctor about.

      Take care

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