14 Days of Tonsillectomy Recovery

tonsillectomy tips
Read about other people's experience with tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Vishav’s Experience

Hi! i am a 21 year old male. it’s day 14 post operation and i must say it has been hell of a ride but finally i am at the stage where i do not need pain meds. i am sharing my experience so others can exactly know what lies ahead of them. i had 6 cases of severe tonsillitis in an year which was the reason i had it done and i hope it never occurs again.
they kept me under care for 24 hours after the op. it was the best thing to happen because of what i need not swallow any pain meds day 1 post op which otherwise seemed like an impossible time. they gave me my pain med through syringe.
day 1-3 : i was on super cold liquids, ice cream and yogurt. more chilled the “food” more relief i got. thankfully i had no reaction to anaesthesia.

day 4-5: i started coming on to semi solid foods like rice and curd and milkshakes. started feeling better.

day 6-9: worst days of my life! the reason, as the pain struck i shifted back to ice creams and milk shakes. the result was my throat muscles remained stiffened, which equaled unbearable pain specially at night. i wouldnt sleep the whole night.

day 10: went to see my doctor(best thing possible), he gave me a muscle relaxant and he advised me to take my pain med 20 mins before my meals (as a result from when i said i cannot eat anything i moved back to ice creams). he said you have to try start eating normal to relax your throat muscles so take your pain meds first.

day 10-12: i started taking my pain meds before meal (only 20 mins before or i could get nausea for taking meds on an empty stomach) and it did wonders. my diet came back. i ate pasta , mashed potatoes and almost everything except spicy and sour and rough. i started eating more and i started keeping myself hydrated, it helps.

Easy recovery from tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy Recovery Advice

day 13-14: i am off my pain meds and the pain is almost over.
first few days stay on a cold and soft diet
move to semi solids as soon as you can.
chew nicely before swallowing.
poop!!! if you keep eating soft milk products trust me its going to be rough in the toilet.
if it hurts and you think of going back, DONT! take pain med before. (my pain med was Hifenac P)
drink plenty of water.
do not take a head shower for at least 4 days (you might catch cold), you can take a body shower
don’t cough,sneeze,burp,yawn,try to clear your throat.
don’t speak much for the first week
don’t eat forbidden things.

it might seem hard at the time but trust me its going to be amazing afterwards. i lost 6 kgs too 🙂 good luck to everyone. stay safe!

1 comment

  1. I’m 30years old and July 3 I had my tonsils removed and another surgery in my nose for polyps. I must say I’m doing pretty well considering everyone thought it would be horrible as an adult. Im slowly winging myself off the liquid meds and taking only at night when needed. My pain tolerance is pretty high so “Lucky Me”.the most pain was my nose and what hurts now is my heart from not eating. My throat kinda feels swollen, and like maybe I’m feeling a stitch back there. It’s hurts to yawn and if I don’t have a couple sips of water during the night , my throat hurts like hell. One things that is bothering is that it feels like my beverages and the little bit of food I can eat is “going down the wrong tube”, basically to “My Ears”. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. So I put a cotton ball in both ears to help with the discomfort. I also sleep with a small blanket around my head and ears while the air and fan is on at night to keep the air from my ears and keep it over my mouth a little so it doesn’t dry it out too bad. Overall I’m recovering well. If these suckers grow back there staying their asses in there because I wouldn’t do it again.. happy recovering

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