After Tonsillectomy
Side effects
Aside from no longer having tonsils, the effects of tonsillectomy are somewhat unique to each individual. All surgeries carry the risk of complications. While tonsillectomies are no different, tonsillectomy side effects are usually mild. They sometimes reach the discomfort levels of the chronic respiratory infections leading to most tonsillectomies. For other people, ten days of significant pain is a common tonsillectomy side effect.
Not everyone undergoing a tonsillectomy has the same side effects. If you’re putting off a tonsillectomy because side effects are a concern, knowing the possible complications may help you reach a decision.
Tonsillectomy Side Effects in Children
The tonsils reach their largest size in children between the ages of 4 and 7, according to the Better Health Channel. Your child is most susceptible to infected tonsils during these years. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital reports that tonsillectomy side effects for this age group include:
• Residual bleeding
• Anesthesia-induced nausea or vomiting during the first 24 hours following surgery
• Throat pain that may irritate the nerve leading to the ears
• Jaw or neck pain
• Mouth breathing and snoring for up to two weeks
• A voice change if the child’s tonsils were very large
• Low-grade fever for a few days
Some children may continue experiencing these tonsillectomy side effects for up to two weeks. Most, however, recover fully within seven to 10 days. Tonsillectomy recovery for adults is another story.
Tonsillectomy Side Effects in Adults
Adults may require longer recovery periods than children. Tonsillectomy side effects in adults include:
• Post-operative pain in the throat and back of the oral cavity
• Nausea from residual bleeding
• Pain subsiding after 48 hours and recurring three or four days later. It may involve the ears as well as the mouth and throat.
• An unpleasant taste from scabs forming over the surgical wounds.
The American Association of Pediatrics’ “Textbook of Pediatric Care” reports the most common tonsillectomy complication is postoperative bleeding, in 1 to 2 percent of cases.
Greg Tooke
My short bio
I am 15, I had my tonsils taken out January 4th 2013, so about 4 months ago. Well now I can not gargle at all! It has become a problem, because when you get a lot of mucus in your mouth you gargle it “up” then spit it out, well I can do that and it feels like my throat is clogged and it is scary! Can someone please please help! I have always been able to gargle until after the surgery. I am doing it just the same as I always have, but it is not working! Please help!
What method did your doctor use when taking out your tonsils? I am an adult so I knew that recovery would be longer but I am having similar problems. I had my tonsils out on Dec. 10th, 2012 through the laser method and I get that thick mucus in my throat that I can not seem to get out and choke on. I have also lost my appetite as nothing taste good and makes me nauseous. I was originally told that this would go away in 2 months but when it didn’t I called. They then told me it will take 6 months to fully recover. I really hope it does get better. As far as the choking feeling, I was also experiencing water going up my nose when I would drink from a water fountain. The nurse told me that it gets better but that you have to relearn the use of the pallet in your mouth because it is different from how it was before the surgery. I guess it is like a weak muscle that has to readjust.
I had my surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago. I can eat normally I can drink anything my smell is normal and I actually stopped taking drugs or medications after maybe a week and a half. I’ve started running again and I haven’t had any real setbacks. I gargled warm water maybe a few days into recovery to start the healing and promote the mucus coming out. So I’m not sure what’s going on with the taste smell things with people but I have none of those issues.
on march 1 my tonsilectomy done my pain is gone but still throat dryness feeling what is reason for that ?
i have not noticed the loss of smell at all but a feeling of wanting to clear the throat always. i have 7 months since the surgery was done but i feel better than before
all will be well though there is usually a recurrent sore throat from time to time. otherwise life is smooth