After Tonsillectomy – When do scabs fall off?

One of the most common questions I get from tonsillectomy patients is about scabs. In particular, people want to know whether their throat looks normal. Some folks get downright obsessed with their tonsillectomy scabs. It’s almost like loosing a tooth- the tongue just can’t seem to stop exploring the new space created. And so it is for patients recovering from tonsillectomy. I personally never cared to look back there, but I think I was the exception.
I’ve seen many tonsillectomy scab pictures. Everyone heals differently. Sometimes the scabs are white, like the ones shown here. Sometimes they take on a more greenish color. It’s also quite common for the uvula to swell considerably, especially in the first few days following tonsillectomy. All of this makes it difficult to swallow, but it also makes it very important to swallow. Using those throat muscles helps speed recovery. Drinking cold liquids and sucking on ice cools the tissues and reduces inflammation. That’s two wins!
With special thanks to the young lady who contributed these tonsillectomy scab pictures, I present the following: One example of how the throat can look on day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6, and day 7, post tonsillectomy. Feel free to comment or ask questions at the bottom of the page.
Usually between days seven and ten, it’s common to see tonsillectomy scabs falling off. As the tonsillectomy scabs are coming off, some bleeding is common. Gargling with cold water will usually stop the bleed. If it does not, seek medical attention. I’ve read that about 5% of tonsillectomy patients have bleeds that require treatment. It usually happens in the first day or as tonsillectomy scabs coming off tear the tissue. Don’t try to “help the process along,” by poking at or rubbing the scabs.
Did you take your own pictures of your tonsillectomy scabs? I’m always trying to add to the resources for other patients. If you have good quality photos of your throat as you recovered from tonsillectomy, connect with me on Facebook: Tonsillectomy Resources Support Group
Thank you!
Take care and stay hydrated!
-Greg Tooke My short bio
Hi shahjahan, I’m not sure I understand your concern. Can you restate it?
I am shahjahan, I am in Bangladeshi, my tonsil was blased in1997 ,now i am very tesion fill becasue what are doing at present position, so plesase advise me, i am greatful you.
I took one blurry picture post surgery. My uvula stretches down onto my tongue and my side and back of my throat are blackened. They stayed black for several days before that started coming off. Now my throat is mostly normal at day 15, just looks like I’ve got a case of strep on the left.
So I’m long past the scab stage-I had my tonsillectomy 8 months ago. But I did notice that my throat has changed shape AND (more troubling) that my voice has given me some problems. It’s not always difficult to talk, but I often find that I’m forcing my voice out. If I were to talk with ease it would be extremely quiet, and often times it is the case that people can’t hear me anyways. I also feel that when I speak with this strained voice that it sounds annoying and I hate to think that I now have an annoying voice. Anyone heard of this or know a way to make it better? 🙂
A Face Book friend mentioned that the later stages, when the scabs begin to slough off, might be interesting photos for our readers. Did you take pictures of your tonsillectomy scabs? Let me know- maybe I will add them to this page…
I’ve taken pictures almost every day through Day 13, including when the scabs came off.
So its day 6 since my surgery and my ear has been giving me the worst headaches and hard swallow. Its hard for me to sleep n the right side of my neck feels stiff. Please someone tell if this normal and will the pain stop and when will i be able to eat soooo hungry?