A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their ninth day of recovery
From thousands of post comments to the tonsillectomy recovery forum, I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 9. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
Many will experience depression toward the end of of their tonsillectomy recovery.
Depression After Tonsillectomy?
Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 9.
-Greg Tooke My short bio
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Pain hasn’t changed, but something’s different. I’m going walking-So Day 9 was overall much better than any day so far of this recovery. But the pain came back tonight in force. Urgh. Back to the painkillers and junk TV.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : My throat felt a lot better last night, it was moister and clearer than it has been in a few days. THANK YOU HUMIDIFIER!! The Tylenol I’m slowly easing off of, and the pain is almost gone in my throat. My ears still hurt, but definitely not that bad. I didn’t eat much today because of the panic attacks again, but I kept drinking through them because I know I need to keep a moist throat. I actually went out today!! I went to the mall with my mom which felt very liberating after spending so much time confined to my house. The only semi-new symptom is stinging in my throat. Every time I drink water it stings a lot and I’m not sure why. It could be because it’s healing and still raw; but I’m not really concerned. My dad looked in my throat today and he said almost all of the scabs are gone. He did see a few small red bumps in my throat, but I’m not quite sure what they are (another question to ask my doctor about)! Otherwise I’m feeling okay today.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : day 9 and today I was able to talk a bit without pain. I haven’t napped at all today and am fading fast. It was nice to have friends visit me but also exhausting.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : day 9 (today i feel better again)I had bled quite a bit last night before I went to bed which scared me a lot because it was more than a tablespoon, however I kept rinsing my mouth with ice water and sucking a piece of ice and after 5 minutes it stopped.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9 – hallelujah… feeling so much better in myself. My throat still feels sore and im still on my meds., but I find I’m not willing for the 4th hour to come to pop more in. It’s also a little easier to talk today (something I have not done for the past 8 day’s and believe me it’s been hard having 2 son’s 5 & 2yrs) I went to the doctors yesterday to make sure thing’s where as they should and all is well.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9/10 is slightly better than the last couple of days. The white in the back of my throat looks a bit more transparent, so I think it’s slowly sloughing off. There’s a red rim where it used to be. Everything is still sore, but not as bad. However, my right ear and the area behind my right jaw are KILLING me. It feels more like an ear infection than referred ear pain, but my temp is normal, so I’ll wait to bring it up at my post op on Monday
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : first day I’ve spent most of the day alone. No much to report, but that is a good thing. My appetite is returning a little bit. I had some chicken noodle soup last night, and tried some mac n’ cheese for dinner tonight. It was a little painful getting tonight’s dinner down, but not to bad. Pain levels are still about the same. I tried talking in a fairly normal voice for a little bit today, but didn’t maintain it very long, it did get a bit painful. In the interest of tracking my recovery and health i will share the following story. Had my first BM in a week yesterday, was fairly constipated.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9 and I am waking with a bit more energy.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 :Day 9: The skies opened, and the angels sang! I felt good! (by good, I mean much better than the previous 8 days, but not “back to normal”) I could eat, with some pain, but actually consumed a breakfast, lunch and dinner. I stopped taking Lortab and haven’t been back. This helped get my head cleared up, and also helped with my extended absence from the bathroom, if ya know what I mean 😉 I was able to do some work (from home) and really started to feel like myself again.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 :Recovery Day 9 (post-op day 10):
I have lost the majority of the scabbing on my right tonsil bed but my left side still have massive scabs. my uvula was so huge it was resting on the back of my tongue but it seems to finally be starting to shrink a bit but when i do talk it makes me sound a bit slurred. Pain today is not nearly as bad as it was during the first 8 days. Was able to eat 2 over easy eggs today
I’m grateful I saw this post. I’m on 5 and I am miserable but it all sounds strangely familiar.. I’ve been napping a lot more lately which is not like me at all but I least now know why. Thanks for the blog! Day 5’er
Day 9 after coblation tonsillectomy on 6/20. I’m still having quite a bit of throat pain, especially overnight and first thing in the morning, but overall I feel much, much better. Today, for the first time in more than a week, I got in the car and drove somewhere (nothing too exciting – it was the grocery store – but still). I also took the dog on a short (but longer than yesterday) walk and walked down to the neighborhood grocery store. I visited with friends, cooked some food, and pulled together a photo book for my son that I’ve been meaning to do for about six months. It took about 4-5 hours of uninterrupted work, and this was the first day since my surgery that I felt up to it. No naps today. Still sticking with soft foods because of the throat pain – today I had scrambled eggs, a popsicle, noodle soup, and a baked potato with hummus and sour cream. I am still taking Tylenol every six hours because the pain picks up even more if I don’t. I’ve felt as if I needed to cough a bunch of times – I don’t know if this is a scab irritating my throat or what, but it’s annoying since I am trying NOT to cough, obviously.
The ancillary scabs around my tonsil beds are all mostly gone at this point, but I still have large ones inside the beds themselves. I am guessing the pain will last until that is all healed up, but we will see. I am hoping to avoid any bleeding and so am following the doctor’s orders not to do anything strenuous until after the two full weeks of recovery are finished. I am also staying hydrated and continuing to run the humidifier at night. Good luck to everyone out there who’s still in the thick of it.
Day 9 after coblation tonsillectomy: I am still taking some over-the-counter pain pills almost around the clock, but that’s mostly for the jaw aches I’ve been having for several days, mostly since I started eating and talking again. Energy is increasing, but I still needed a nap. I tire quickly, but when I am awake, I have energy! I washed dishes and laundry today. I felt alive again. Too much talking or swallowing is painful, but I’m able to eat and talk if I have to, though I can’t talk very loudly. By the end if the day, I felt like I had a “normal” sore throat.
Downside to today: I had a bleed tonight. I was watching a show with my family and had a few swallows that seemed warm and sweet-ish. Slight blood taste in the back of my throat, so I spit upstairs and found out I had a full-on hemmorrhage in there! I rinsed/gargled with ice water (thank God for this website or I wouldn’t have known what to do!), spitting until it was all clear. It took around 3-5 minutes, although it seemed longer. Blood does not make me queasy, but that was the most I’ve ever seen myself bleed, and the thought of it needing ER treatment got my heart pounding. It happened 3 more times in less than 2 hours with dry heaves and blood clots and some chunks of scab coming up, but it stopped after 3-5 minutes of gargling as before. Still, we decided to head to the hospital and make sure it didn’t need action. I didn’t want to wake up to more bleeding.
After an examination, the doctor could see a potential bleed sites on both sides at the edge of my scabs and decided cauterization would be a good preventative measure. I was numbed with a spray and cauterized a little on both sides with silver nitrate. It was like a small q-tip dipped/coated at the tip with silver nitrate, which heats up when it gets wet (when it touches the flesh of the tonsil bed) and cauterizes the area. It didn’t hurt. There was slight discomfort but not pain. The “procedure” took about 8 seconds for each side, not including the five minute wait for the numbing spray to become active. After a minute, I dared to swallow. It felt a little rough to my tongue, and raw like a dry throat. There was an unpleasant taste combination of numbing soray and burnt tissue. I was able to drink right away and did so. Once home, I got a cough drop (I use Ricola brand) to help sooth the raw feeling.
Only tomorrow will tell if this is much of a setback. The doctor assured me it wouldn’t be, since she didn’t touch my new, healing tissue, only the edges of the scab where it has been pulling away. I guess if I have a sore throat an extra day, that’s not so bad. I know others out there have basically started their recovery over after bleeding. I am so thankful to have this long day behind me.
I’m still at day 6 and I thought I was over-reacting… (I thik my boss and husband do too 🙁 I’m in so much pain – however my husband wants meto ‘stay acctive’ and I can tell he’s a bit upset about me not returning to work (to answer phones and fill orders) after day 3…. Can someone pleas talk with them?? I’m not making this sh*t up! YOUUUUUUUUUUUCH!
This sucks more than I thought it would by now, day 9 for me. Ears and jaw are throbbing, feels so tense. Pain goes up to a 6/7 any time I go over 5 hours with my meds. Nauseous if I don’t take my anti-nausea meds. Feel like a complainer!!! Have been getting out of the house, but probably shouldn’t, always feel twice as bad after…down 10 pounds and struggling still to eat solids. Developed thrush and an ulcer on my tongue…ouch!! Anyone have those issues??
I’m grateful I saw this post. I’m on 5 and I am miserable but it all sounds strangely familiar.. I’ve been napping a lot more lately which is not like me at all but I least now know why. Thanks for the blog! Day 5’er
Day 9 after coblation tonsillectomy on 6/20. I’m still having quite a bit of throat pain, especially overnight and first thing in the morning, but overall I feel much, much better. Today, for the first time in more than a week, I got in the car and drove somewhere (nothing too exciting – it was the grocery store – but still). I also took the dog on a short (but longer than yesterday) walk and walked down to the neighborhood grocery store. I visited with friends, cooked some food, and pulled together a photo book for my son that I’ve been meaning to do for about six months. It took about 4-5 hours of uninterrupted work, and this was the first day since my surgery that I felt up to it. No naps today. Still sticking with soft foods because of the throat pain – today I had scrambled eggs, a popsicle, noodle soup, and a baked potato with hummus and sour cream. I am still taking Tylenol every six hours because the pain picks up even more if I don’t. I’ve felt as if I needed to cough a bunch of times – I don’t know if this is a scab irritating my throat or what, but it’s annoying since I am trying NOT to cough, obviously.
The ancillary scabs around my tonsil beds are all mostly gone at this point, but I still have large ones inside the beds themselves. I am guessing the pain will last until that is all healed up, but we will see. I am hoping to avoid any bleeding and so am following the doctor’s orders not to do anything strenuous until after the two full weeks of recovery are finished. I am also staying hydrated and continuing to run the humidifier at night. Good luck to everyone out there who’s still in the thick of it.
Day 9 after coblation tonsillectomy: I am still taking some over-the-counter pain pills almost around the clock, but that’s mostly for the jaw aches I’ve been having for several days, mostly since I started eating and talking again. Energy is increasing, but I still needed a nap. I tire quickly, but when I am awake, I have energy! I washed dishes and laundry today. I felt alive again. Too much talking or swallowing is painful, but I’m able to eat and talk if I have to, though I can’t talk very loudly. By the end if the day, I felt like I had a “normal” sore throat.
Downside to today: I had a bleed tonight. I was watching a show with my family and had a few swallows that seemed warm and sweet-ish. Slight blood taste in the back of my throat, so I spit upstairs and found out I had a full-on hemmorrhage in there! I rinsed/gargled with ice water (thank God for this website or I wouldn’t have known what to do!), spitting until it was all clear. It took around 3-5 minutes, although it seemed longer. Blood does not make me queasy, but that was the most I’ve ever seen myself bleed, and the thought of it needing ER treatment got my heart pounding. It happened 3 more times in less than 2 hours with dry heaves and blood clots and some chunks of scab coming up, but it stopped after 3-5 minutes of gargling as before. Still, we decided to head to the hospital and make sure it didn’t need action. I didn’t want to wake up to more bleeding.
After an examination, the doctor could see a potential bleed sites on both sides at the edge of my scabs and decided cauterization would be a good preventative measure. I was numbed with a spray and cauterized a little on both sides with silver nitrate. It was like a small q-tip dipped/coated at the tip with silver nitrate, which heats up when it gets wet (when it touches the flesh of the tonsil bed) and cauterizes the area. It didn’t hurt. There was slight discomfort but not pain. The “procedure” took about 8 seconds for each side, not including the five minute wait for the numbing spray to become active. After a minute, I dared to swallow. It felt a little rough to my tongue, and raw like a dry throat. There was an unpleasant taste combination of numbing soray and burnt tissue. I was able to drink right away and did so. Once home, I got a cough drop (I use Ricola brand) to help sooth the raw feeling.
Only tomorrow will tell if this is much of a setback. The doctor assured me it wouldn’t be, since she didn’t touch my new, healing tissue, only the edges of the scab where it has been pulling away. I guess if I have a sore throat an extra day, that’s not so bad. I know others out there have basically started their recovery over after bleeding. I am so thankful to have this long day behind me.
Oh my goodness Martha1 what a day! I hope today is better, and tomorrow better still. Take care
Yikes! I hope that this is the minor setback that it seems to be. Fingers crossed for you, Martha!
I’m still at day 6 and I thought I was over-reacting… (I thik my boss and husband do too 🙁 I’m in so much pain – however my husband wants meto ‘stay acctive’ and I can tell he’s a bit upset about me not returning to work (to answer phones and fill orders) after day 3…. Can someone pleas talk with them?? I’m not making this sh*t up! YOUUUUUUUUUUUCH!
I’ll talk to him. 😉
This sucks more than I thought it would by now, day 9 for me. Ears and jaw are throbbing, feels so tense. Pain goes up to a 6/7 any time I go over 5 hours with my meds. Nauseous if I don’t take my anti-nausea meds. Feel like a complainer!!! Have been getting out of the house, but probably shouldn’t, always feel twice as bad after…down 10 pounds and struggling still to eat solids. Developed thrush and an ulcer on my tongue…ouch!! Anyone have those issues??