A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their ninth day of recovery
From thousands of post comments to the tonsillectomy recovery forum, I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 9. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
Many will experience depression toward the end of of their tonsillectomy recovery.
Depression After Tonsillectomy?
Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 9.
-Greg Tooke My short bio
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Pain hasn’t changed, but something’s different. I’m going walking-So Day 9 was overall much better than any day so far of this recovery. But the pain came back tonight in force. Urgh. Back to the painkillers and junk TV.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : My throat felt a lot better last night, it was moister and clearer than it has been in a few days. THANK YOU HUMIDIFIER!! The Tylenol I’m slowly easing off of, and the pain is almost gone in my throat. My ears still hurt, but definitely not that bad. I didn’t eat much today because of the panic attacks again, but I kept drinking through them because I know I need to keep a moist throat. I actually went out today!! I went to the mall with my mom which felt very liberating after spending so much time confined to my house. The only semi-new symptom is stinging in my throat. Every time I drink water it stings a lot and I’m not sure why. It could be because it’s healing and still raw; but I’m not really concerned. My dad looked in my throat today and he said almost all of the scabs are gone. He did see a few small red bumps in my throat, but I’m not quite sure what they are (another question to ask my doctor about)! Otherwise I’m feeling okay today.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : day 9 and today I was able to talk a bit without pain. I haven’t napped at all today and am fading fast. It was nice to have friends visit me but also exhausting.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : day 9 (today i feel better again)I had bled quite a bit last night before I went to bed which scared me a lot because it was more than a tablespoon, however I kept rinsing my mouth with ice water and sucking a piece of ice and after 5 minutes it stopped.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9 – hallelujah… feeling so much better in myself. My throat still feels sore and im still on my meds., but I find I’m not willing for the 4th hour to come to pop more in. It’s also a little easier to talk today (something I have not done for the past 8 day’s and believe me it’s been hard having 2 son’s 5 & 2yrs) I went to the doctors yesterday to make sure thing’s where as they should and all is well.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9/10 is slightly better than the last couple of days. The white in the back of my throat looks a bit more transparent, so I think it’s slowly sloughing off. There’s a red rim where it used to be. Everything is still sore, but not as bad. However, my right ear and the area behind my right jaw are KILLING me. It feels more like an ear infection than referred ear pain, but my temp is normal, so I’ll wait to bring it up at my post op on Monday
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : first day I’ve spent most of the day alone. No much to report, but that is a good thing. My appetite is returning a little bit. I had some chicken noodle soup last night, and tried some mac n’ cheese for dinner tonight. It was a little painful getting tonight’s dinner down, but not to bad. Pain levels are still about the same. I tried talking in a fairly normal voice for a little bit today, but didn’t maintain it very long, it did get a bit painful. In the interest of tracking my recovery and health i will share the following story. Had my first BM in a week yesterday, was fairly constipated.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9 and I am waking with a bit more energy.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 :Day 9: The skies opened, and the angels sang! I felt good! (by good, I mean much better than the previous 8 days, but not “back to normal”) I could eat, with some pain, but actually consumed a breakfast, lunch and dinner. I stopped taking Lortab and haven’t been back. This helped get my head cleared up, and also helped with my extended absence from the bathroom, if ya know what I mean 😉 I was able to do some work (from home) and really started to feel like myself again.
Tonsillectomy Day 9 :Recovery Day 9 (post-op day 10):
I have lost the majority of the scabbing on my right tonsil bed but my left side still have massive scabs. my uvula was so huge it was resting on the back of my tongue but it seems to finally be starting to shrink a bit but when i do talk it makes me sound a bit slurred. Pain today is not nearly as bad as it was during the first 8 days. Was able to eat 2 over easy eggs today
Wow what a difference 48 hours makes! Pain meds only at 830 this morning and advil the rest of the day. Had some mac and cheese for dinner and sat outside for about 30 minutes. So for all of those eentering into day 7, bear with it, its short lived. Im still tired so probably wont go back to work at least till wdenesday white crud continuously thinning out. Definitely better after starting salt water gargles!
Just when u think you are moving forward wham, you aren’t..surgery for me was August 7th, I had bleeding on wednesday went to the ER, my ENT met me there. He had to recauterize then right side. Stayed for an or or so on IV fluids then discharged home. He said I think we got it fixed, not even close! Thursday, I felt great, laid around ate a little better, then at 8pm it all changed. I felt something warm in the back of my throat it was blood. I called the ENT on call he said see if uncan gargle and get it to stop. I tired for 30mims, no luck, called a friend went to the ER. I had never seen so much blood in my life. My ENT spoke to the ER doc, it eventually slowed down. My ENT wanted me admitted overnight on IV fluids, vitals every 2 hours and gargling every hour w ice water. At 8am I was being prepped to go back into surgery. He cauterized again, this time there wasn1 area but 6 blood vessels that had ruptured. I am now on a liquid diet til Monday and rest, as much water as I can get in me. The goal make it to Monday with no blood! On a liquid diet til then including crushing up medicine! This has been a long two weeks! If you see blood or something doesn’t feel right call you ENT ASAP!
Oh Haley- I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds awful. Luckily, most people report that after getting re-cauterized the recovery doesn’t, “start over.” Hope all goes well. I’m pulling for you. Take care.
Thanks! Today relaxing at a friends pool, not swimming just nice to sitin the shade and listen to others talk,lol! Feeling pretty good, a little ear pain, glad it didn’t start over!
8-15-13 = post-op day 9. Actually felt pretty good all day except for a painful dinner and bleeding afterwards. I could feel a collection of warm, viscous fluid developing at the base of where my left tonsil once was. “This is just some blood. One of the scabs must have fallen off,” I thought to myself. Hanging my head over the kitchen sink and rinsing/gargling with ice water, I could see copious amounts of bright red blood in the sink watered down by my ice water gargles. I asked my husband to call the doctor. He couldn’t find the doctor’s number. I told him to call 411. I couldn’t speak much because the bleeding wouldn’t stop. Finally, he got a hold of the answering service and a request for the on-call doctor to call us was placed. Ten minutes later (still the whole time spitting up blood), the doctor calls back when I have already decided to have my husband drive me to the ER which is only 10 minutes away. I was feeling very anxious and scared at that point and had my trusty mixing bowl partially filled with bright red blood on my lap. My husband dropped me off at the ER waiting room and I waited behind one person to register. I’m throwing up blood into the bowl now and said to the tech: “I’m hemorrhaging from my left tonsil bed. I had my tonsils removed on 8-6-13.” That got someone’s attention then, I was triaged ASAP. (It helps being a RN with 27 years experience to tell people what’s going on and advocate for myself.). After the nurse took my vital signs and history, I was taken back to an ER room where an IV line was placed to draw Stat labs and then it was hep-locked for later use (e.g., anti-anxiety/anti-nausea med). Gradually, the bleeding slowed and my husband & I wondered why we were sitting in the ER. Ten minutes later, the bleeding started up again. I asked the doctor for some Lorazepam IV to help reduce my nausea and anxiety. It took awhile for the nurse to bring it, however, when she did administer the medication, it helped. Ultimately, the On-Call ENT surgeon showed up, examined me & said : “I’m taking you back to surgery.” That was at 0100 on 8-16-13. We arrived at the ER at 9:30 pm on 8-15-13. I had the surgery, recovered in PACU then, went to a nursing floor to further recover until it was safe for me to go home. We arrived home at 0430 and couldn’t believe that all of this had even taken place. My advice to all who experience bright red bleeding from your mouth or nose post-tonsillectomy surgery (post-op Day 1 and beyond), call your surgeon’s office. If the bleeding does not stop within 10 minutes, ask to be driven to your closest ER. This is an emergency,that can have fatal consequences if ignored.
Wow, I can’t believe I survived the last few days. Made it to Day 9 AND feel a bit better. Thank heavens. I still have nasty pain and I’m still taking meds, but it’s not as crippling as it has been. Phew! I wasn’t sure I could keep going there.
Eating, swallowing, talking… those are my next challenges 😉
Starting day 9. Healing process seems to be slow but progressing. Two nights ago I had a significant bleed which was stopped. Felt like something might have come off back there but there is no telling if it has. No major pain involved. Haven’t experienced any major pain for about a week. Right side looks like it is more whitish now. Left side still has a brownish tint. Scabs don’t appear to be coming off. Been off the pain medication completely for about four days.
Wow what a difference 48 hours makes! Pain meds only at 830 this morning and advil the rest of the day. Had some mac and cheese for dinner and sat outside for about 30 minutes. So for all of those eentering into day 7, bear with it, its short lived. Im still tired so probably wont go back to work at least till wdenesday white crud continuously thinning out. Definitely better after starting salt water gargles!
Just when u think you are moving forward wham, you aren’t..surgery for me was August 7th, I had bleeding on wednesday went to the ER, my ENT met me there. He had to recauterize then right side. Stayed for an or or so on IV fluids then discharged home. He said I think we got it fixed, not even close! Thursday, I felt great, laid around ate a little better, then at 8pm it all changed. I felt something warm in the back of my throat it was blood. I called the ENT on call he said see if uncan gargle and get it to stop. I tired for 30mims, no luck, called a friend went to the ER. I had never seen so much blood in my life. My ENT spoke to the ER doc, it eventually slowed down. My ENT wanted me admitted overnight on IV fluids, vitals every 2 hours and gargling every hour w ice water. At 8am I was being prepped to go back into surgery. He cauterized again, this time there wasn1 area but 6 blood vessels that had ruptured. I am now on a liquid diet til Monday and rest, as much water as I can get in me. The goal make it to Monday with no blood! On a liquid diet til then including crushing up medicine! This has been a long two weeks! If you see blood or something doesn’t feel right call you ENT ASAP!
Oh Haley- I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds awful. Luckily, most people report that after getting re-cauterized the recovery doesn’t, “start over.” Hope all goes well. I’m pulling for you. Take care.
Thanks! Today relaxing at a friends pool, not swimming just nice to sitin the shade and listen to others talk,lol! Feeling pretty good, a little ear pain, glad it didn’t start over!
8-15-13 = post-op day 9. Actually felt pretty good all day except for a painful dinner and bleeding afterwards. I could feel a collection of warm, viscous fluid developing at the base of where my left tonsil once was. “This is just some blood. One of the scabs must have fallen off,” I thought to myself. Hanging my head over the kitchen sink and rinsing/gargling with ice water, I could see copious amounts of bright red blood in the sink watered down by my ice water gargles. I asked my husband to call the doctor. He couldn’t find the doctor’s number. I told him to call 411. I couldn’t speak much because the bleeding wouldn’t stop. Finally, he got a hold of the answering service and a request for the on-call doctor to call us was placed. Ten minutes later (still the whole time spitting up blood), the doctor calls back when I have already decided to have my husband drive me to the ER which is only 10 minutes away. I was feeling very anxious and scared at that point and had my trusty mixing bowl partially filled with bright red blood on my lap. My husband dropped me off at the ER waiting room and I waited behind one person to register. I’m throwing up blood into the bowl now and said to the tech: “I’m hemorrhaging from my left tonsil bed. I had my tonsils removed on 8-6-13.” That got someone’s attention then, I was triaged ASAP. (It helps being a RN with 27 years experience to tell people what’s going on and advocate for myself.). After the nurse took my vital signs and history, I was taken back to an ER room where an IV line was placed to draw Stat labs and then it was hep-locked for later use (e.g., anti-anxiety/anti-nausea med). Gradually, the bleeding slowed and my husband & I wondered why we were sitting in the ER. Ten minutes later, the bleeding started up again. I asked the doctor for some Lorazepam IV to help reduce my nausea and anxiety. It took awhile for the nurse to bring it, however, when she did administer the medication, it helped. Ultimately, the On-Call ENT surgeon showed up, examined me & said : “I’m taking you back to surgery.” That was at 0100 on 8-16-13. We arrived at the ER at 9:30 pm on 8-15-13. I had the surgery, recovered in PACU then, went to a nursing floor to further recover until it was safe for me to go home. We arrived home at 0430 and couldn’t believe that all of this had even taken place. My advice to all who experience bright red bleeding from your mouth or nose post-tonsillectomy surgery (post-op Day 1 and beyond), call your surgeon’s office. If the bleeding does not stop within 10 minutes, ask to be driven to your closest ER. This is an emergency,that can have fatal consequences if ignored.
I had the same thing happened to me on day 5 – severe bleeding or haemorhage(my new favourite word). Still traumatized from the ordeal. https://tonsillectomyrecovery.com/tonsillectomy-day-5/comment-page-9/#comment-123274
Wow, I can’t believe I survived the last few days. Made it to Day 9 AND feel a bit better. Thank heavens. I still have nasty pain and I’m still taking meds, but it’s not as crippling as it has been. Phew! I wasn’t sure I could keep going there.
Eating, swallowing, talking… those are my next challenges 😉
Starting day 9. Healing process seems to be slow but progressing. Two nights ago I had a significant bleed which was stopped. Felt like something might have come off back there but there is no telling if it has. No major pain involved. Haven’t experienced any major pain for about a week. Right side looks like it is more whitish now. Left side still has a brownish tint. Scabs don’t appear to be coming off. Been off the pain medication completely for about four days.