Tonsillectomy Day 9

Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day

 Day 9

A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their ninth day of recovery

From thousands of post comments to the tonsillectomy recovery forum, I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 9. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
Many will experience depression toward the end of of their tonsillectomy recovery.

Depression after tonsillectomy
Depression After Tonsillectomy?

Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 9.
-Greg Tooke 

Tonsillectomy Day 9
Tonsillectomy Day 9


Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Thank you Lord!

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Pain hasn’t changed, but something’s different. I’m going walking-So Day 9 was overall much better than any day so far of this recovery. But the pain came back tonight in force. Urgh. Back to the painkillers and junk TV.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : My throat felt a lot better last night, it was moister and clearer than it has been in a few days. THANK YOU HUMIDIFIER!! The Tylenol I’m slowly easing off of, and the pain is almost gone in my throat. My ears still hurt, but definitely not that bad. I didn’t eat much today because of the panic attacks again, but I kept drinking through them because I know I need to keep a moist throat. I actually went out today!! I went to the mall with my mom which felt very liberating after spending so much time confined to my house.  The only semi-new symptom is stinging in my throat. Every time I drink water it stings a lot and I’m not sure why. It could be because it’s healing and still raw; but I’m not really concerned. My dad looked in my throat today and he said almost all of the scabs are gone. He did see a few small red bumps in my throat, but I’m not quite sure what they are (another question to ask my doctor about)! Otherwise I’m feeling okay today.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : day 9 and today I was able to talk a bit without pain. I haven’t napped at all today and am fading fast. It was nice to have friends visit me but also exhausting.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : day 9 (today i feel better again)I had bled quite a bit last night before I went to bed which scared me a lot because it was more than a tablespoon, however I kept rinsing my mouth with ice water and sucking a piece of ice and after 5 minutes it stopped.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9 – hallelujah… feeling so much better in myself. My throat still feels sore and im still on my meds., but I find I’m not willing for the 4th hour to come to pop more in. It’s also a little easier to talk today (something I have not done for the past 8 day’s and believe me it’s been hard having 2 son’s 5 & 2yrs) I went to the doctors yesterday to make sure thing’s where as they should and all is well.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9/10 is slightly better than the last couple of days. The white in the back of my throat looks a bit more transparent, so I think it’s slowly sloughing off. There’s a red rim where it used to be. Everything is still sore, but not as bad. However, my right ear and the area behind my right jaw are KILLING me. It feels more like an ear infection than referred ear pain, but my temp is normal, so I’ll wait to bring it up at my post op on Monday

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : first day I’ve spent most of the day alone. No much to report, but that is a good thing. My appetite is returning a little bit. I had some chicken noodle soup last night, and tried some mac n’ cheese for dinner tonight. It was a little painful getting tonight’s dinner down, but not to bad. Pain levels are still about the same. I tried talking in a fairly normal voice for a little bit today, but didn’t maintain it very long, it did get a bit painful. In the interest of tracking my recovery and health i will share the following story. Had my first BM in a week yesterday, was fairly constipated.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 : Day 9 and I am waking with a bit more energy.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 :Day 9: The skies opened, and the angels sang! I felt good! (by good, I mean much better than the previous 8 days, but not “back to normal”) I could eat, with some pain, but actually consumed a breakfast, lunch and dinner. I stopped taking Lortab and haven’t been back. This helped get my head cleared up, and also helped with my extended absence from the bathroom, if ya know what I mean 😉 I was able to do some work (from home) and really started to feel like myself again.

Tonsillectomy Day 9 :Recovery Day 9 (post-op day 10):
I have lost the majority of the scabbing on my right tonsil bed but my left side still have massive scabs. my uvula was so huge it was resting on the back of my tongue but it seems to finally be starting to shrink a bit but when i do talk it makes me sound a bit slurred. Pain today is not nearly as bad as it was during the first 8 days. Was able to eat 2 over easy eggs today



  1. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who posts on this site! I have been reading it just about everyday since I had my surgery on 2/12/13 and even a few days before! Y’all really helped me through this recovery. I am going into Day 10 and I feel great. I was miserable days 4-9 and would wake up crying in excruciating pain every morning. I could barely eat or drink anything. On top of that, I had got sick from the NORCO and the doctor REFUSED to change my script but gave me a 65.00 script for anit-nausea meds instead. NO THANKS. So I have been taking extra stregnth Tylenol since day 3. But suddenly day 9 came I am have felt amazing all day. I ate pizza and even somed a cigarette. I feel almost no pain and only taken two does of Tylenol today. Once early this morning and once before I ate the pizza for dinner. So, if you feel like the pain will never end…trust me I was there just yesterday…but one day it will just disappear! My scabs are still there, just transparent. And luckily, I haven’t had to cough any up yet. They just fall off while I am eating. Anyways, thanks to everyone! And if you need any advice, just let me know!

  2. It’s been 9 days since my surgery & I’m ready for this to be over!!! The pain is lessening but it’s so bad, less isn’t all that much better.

  3. I’m on day 9 of recovery and starting to fell,better overall, the mornings and nights are still a little rough, but I just get up and drink water, throat care tea to hel coat it, and maybe chew some gum. I have to say, this website has been a life saver, to know others are going through the same and that my,pain is normal has been a life saver!

    I did have something weird last night, which I wonder if anyone else has experienced? I woke up in the middle of the night, and the bottom half of my sheets were soaked, I honestly wondered if had bladder control loss (which has never happened) but it wasn’t, it was just sweat. Really wierd. Yesterday was the first day I was off my pain meds, so maybe withdrawal sweats? It was super weird and kind of freaked me out, anyone else experience anything like this?

  4. Day 9 – Things are definitely improving. Swallowing is still uncomfortable, and I haven’t actually spoken a complete sentence since day 4. Got a bit ambitious in painkiller reduction, and was left with a nasty sandpaper-throat. But it’s definitely only sandpaper now. The daggers are over. In terms of comparison, it’s like a very painful sore throat, and nowhere near as bad as a quinsy. The biggest annoyance is some muscles in my throat that seem to stretch my tonsil beds, but I can’t work out what sets them off. It feels like the inside of my throat is smiling, stretching my tonsil beds outwards to the sides. No apparent connection to any other physical or mental activity! Not really painful either, just uncomfortable. Interestingly my tongue STILL hurts at the back, and whilst I can run it around two thirds of my upper teeth, I can only manage about one third of my lower teeth before hitting pain just from the effort of shaping my tongue. I’m assuming it’s either referred pain, or else actual swelling due to proximity to the tonsils. Either way, I’ll be glad when it’s gone. Night 9 I actually slept pretty well, though the dribbling from the corner of my mouth while I try to get to sleep is getting a bit old.

    One thing someone might be able to answer… I’ve read a lot of people on here talking about eating low-calorie food, diet food, artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, etc. People seem to structure their limited food intake around things that have no calories whatsoever. Is there some reason for that? I’ve been trying to do the exact opposite, given that it’s not easy to shovel down much of anything: full-fat milk, honey, butter, ice cream, pasta, rice, pancakes, chocolate, cheese, sugary desserts and eggs have all featured in my diet to try and ensure that my body has the resources to repair itself, and still I’ve lost 9lbs in as many days. I must admit that excessively sugary foods sting a little on the way down, but it’s not that painful and it’s over in minutes. I was just surprised to see so many people apparently selecting foods which would leave their bodies in starvation mode, and I wondered if this was actually the medical advice somewhere in the world. Or are some people just used to eating like that normally? Thoughts welcome!

  5. Thank ya jesus!!! I been eatin drinkin water and gatorade which is a blessing. Ate mac and cheese meatloaf and mash potatoes smuthered in gravy. So delish

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