Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day
Day 7
A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their seventh day of tonsillectomy healing
I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 7. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 7.
Tonsillectomy Healing Day 7 Recovery : Light? At the end of the tunnel?
- Tonsillectomy Day 7 :Breakdown. Crying, laughing, sucked into YouTube. Is there no end?
- During the night I noticed a weird sensation in my ears. It was a hollow feeling, kind of like I have water in my ears and they tend to pop really severely when I swallow. Other than the ears, the throat isn’t bad. I tried eating blueberry pancakes for breakfast and I was able to get a few pieces down, but then it was uncomfortable, so I stopped. The last thing I want to do is rush myself. I’ve made it this far, I don’t want to do anything that will negatively affect my progress. The swelling is finally gone – I think. My tongue and the scabs used to be white – or so I was told – but now my tongue is like a grayish color. If that is normal, I’m not sure, but I’m not that worried about it. I know I’m still recovering, but I noticed a weird feeling when I was swallowing today. The water just kind of flows down my throat now; before it used to touch my tonsils. I know I don’t have tonsils anymore and that’s why; I’m just curious if it is something I will have to adapt to once I’m fully healed. I guess I’ll have to wait and see. My ear pain is still there but it is definitely not as bad as it was from days 3-5.
- It’s been one full week as of today that I had my tonsils removed. I saw the ENT yesterday and he said I was healing very slowly. The scabs still have not come off and every day seems to hurt more than the previous day. This morning has been almost completely unbearable. I don’t understand how some of you say you eat toast. How do you choke that down? Everything hurts! Warm, cold, it doesn’t matter it feels like swallowing knives.
- Day 7 you did it! I mean I could barely stand due to the pain. Trying to coat my stomach with Ensure that morning so I could take my pain meds was like aggressively shaving my throat with a million shards of glass. And the ears! Not the ears!
- day 7 post-op and am doing amazingly well. I thought I would share my tips to help some of you out! It really is important to drink, drink, drink! Every time I woke up from my sleep I would be in such enormous pain because my throat had dried out. Every time I wake up during the night I take a sip of water which I found has helped. Twice a day I have done a saltwater gargle with a teaspoon of salt in 500ml of water for 30 seconds. This apparently removes the bacteria and the salt is good for healing. The day after my surgery I had a tiny little bit of toast.Are you concerned about pain medicine addiction? Read more…
>> Next – Day 8 >>>
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End of day seven. Pain in ears has been horrible, not even the lortab helps. I’ve been using an ice pack switched from side to side all day, seems to help until I have to cough. When I do cough, I have so much mucus and blood (the scabs, maybe?) That I almost have to throw up. I also had surgery to repair my devaited septum, so that could be why I am having this mucus buildup. Oh, only a few more days I hope.
I too am on day 07, and fighting not to cough. Are these scabs causing this?
day 7 so far and nothing I can’t handle. pains not intense, except I haven’t eating since day 4. I’ve been drinking as much as possible, least minimal litre a day, taking nurofen which assists in the pain, taking vitamins and hydrate bars to replace the nutrients I’ve lost. I’m hoping I’m finally through the worse, considering days 4-6 were the absolute worst!! especially day 5 which I was 10/10 with pain. really cant wait to eat normally again!!
So Day 6 was great! I slept most of the day, I woke up every 4 hours to take meds and drink fluids.Ive been drinking water and gatorade.I had a friend pick me up some KFC a few days ago, and Ive been putting the chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, with a little bit of chicken broth. Its an amazing meal, but I cant eat too much because the spices irritate my throat.
Im into day 7 and feeling better than yesterday. I havent been out of my apartment sine arriving home from my surgery Today Im planning to be driven about 150 miles out of town. I pray that this ride doesnt send me into reversal. Im not going to do any driving or packing my car, a friend will handle that for me.
Im having 2 small issues:
Im starting to produce thicker mucus, and to me it stinks… Is this normal? Its darker in color as well…. Its no more than what Ive been producing since the surgery but to me it stinks and thats what a little strange.
Also what have people used for constipation? I usually eat salads, and tons of fruit during the week. So the just water, popsicles, and occasional mashed potatoes is doing a number on my body. What have some of you used to get things back to normal?
Oh and when can I expect the color to return to these white spots in the back of my throat??? This looks soo frigging strange, I usually laugh loudly with my mouth open.. I dont want anyone to see the back of my throat til its healed…..
I was recovering with very little pain and minimal fuss until yesterday (day 6) morning, when it started to feel like someone had taken sandpaper not to all of my throat but just the right hand side. Waking up on day 7 and it still feels the same. I’ve not had any pain in my ears that many people seem to have mentioned but the pain has felt like it’s spreading into my teeth and lower jaw which is very uncomfortable. Consuming ibuprofen and paracetamol together makes the pain just about manageable but eating/drinking is still uncomfortable. Codeine has had minimal effect which is sad given it was the painkiller that I got given when I left hospital.
It feels like a lot of the scabs have come off, but as a result I have a pretty constant taste of blood in my mouth. It’s not bleeding an alarming amount, as my ENT said “Nothing to worry about”, but blood is definitely present.
If anyone has had this raw, abrasive like pain and knows the best ways to get rid of it, please let me know because I’m really struggling. Thanks!
PAUL how long did it take to feel better?I’m also taking paracetamol and ibuprofen like you were. They are not enough and I wake every day in agony. The scabs are getting stuck at the back of my throat now because I’ve been unable to eat anything harsh. Did you sort the burning out?I tried difflam.
Day 7 for me was bad. I woke up this morning to a swollen uvula that I keep swallowing…my ears hurt…and swallowing sux! When does it all end