Tonsillectomy Recovery Day 7

Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day

Day 7

A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their seventh day of tonsillectomy healing

I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 7. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.

Please feel free to add your own experience with tonsillectomy day 7.

Tonsillectomy Day 7 Recovery
Tonsillectomy Day 7 Recovery

Tonsillectomy Healing Day 7 Recovery :  Light?  At the end of the tunnel?

  • Tonsillectomy Day 7 :Breakdown. Crying, laughing, sucked into YouTube. Is there no end?
  •  During the night I noticed a weird sensation in my ears. It was a hollow feeling, kind of like I have water in my ears and they tend to pop really severely when I swallow. Other than the ears, the throat isn’t bad. I tried eating blueberry pancakes for breakfast and I was able to get a few pieces down, but then it was uncomfortable, so I stopped. The last thing I want to do is rush myself. I’ve made it this far, I don’t want to do anything that will negatively affect my progress. The swelling is finally gone – I think. My tongue and the scabs used to be white – or so I was told – but now my tongue is like a grayish color. If that is normal, I’m not sure, but I’m not that worried about it. I know I’m still recovering, but I noticed a weird feeling when I was swallowing today. The water just kind of flows down my throat now; before it used to touch my tonsils. I know I don’t have tonsils anymore and that’s why; I’m just curious if it is something I will have to adapt to once I’m fully healed. I guess I’ll have to wait and see. My ear pain is still there but it is definitely not as bad as it was from days 3-5.
  • It’s been one full week as of today that I had my tonsils removed. I saw the ENT yesterday and he said I was healing very slowly. The scabs still have not come off and every day seems to hurt more than the previous day. This morning has been almost completely unbearable. I don’t understand how some of you say you eat toast. How do you choke that down? Everything hurts! Warm, cold, it doesn’t matter it feels like swallowing knives.
  • Day 7 you did it! I mean I could barely stand due to the pain. Trying to coat my stomach with Ensure that morning so I could take my pain meds was like aggressively shaving my throat with a million shards of glass. And the ears! Not the ears!
  •  day 7 post-op and am doing amazingly well. I thought I would share my tips to help some of you out! It really is important to drink, drink, drink! Every time I woke up from my sleep I would be in such enormous pain because my throat had dried out. Every time I wake up during the night I take a sip of water which I found has helped. Twice a day I have done a saltwater gargle with a teaspoon of salt in 500ml of water for 30 seconds. This apparently removes the bacteria and the salt is good for healing. The day after my surgery I had a tiny little bit of toast.Are you concerned about pain medicine addiction? Read more…

>> Next – Day 8  >>>

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  1. Age 17 The morning of day seven started badly, but I decided to get in gear and force down warm tea because water seems to be bothering me lately by noon I was feeling better eating Lipton soup (which is the only thing I tend to enjoy during this whole experience) but the best thing I have come by are sport Popsicles! They give you the electrolytes you are missing and make your throat feel amazing, hoping to keep up the feel better attitude since my scabs are starting to fall off today( which stings) good luck to all of you! I think I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel FINGERS CROSSED !!

  2. Day 7: no more or less pain than day 6. I’m 31 and so far I’ve been able to manage the pain between Tylenol, squeezing cushions, slapping my forehead and making crazy faces. Al of the above helped me to go through the excruciating pain while (and 15 minutes after) I eat. I didn’t plan on it but I almost slept through the night, and this is the most sleep I have ever had since surgery. I tried to set alarm to wake up every hour and get some water to drink, thego back to sleep. I notice that I had a loooooot of mucus today, all clear stuff hat is gross. I did not see or feel more scabs coming off. I took a walk again tonight for about 30 minutes and it sure felt good. Not sure when my scabs will come off, but it’s only been 7 days right!

  3. I’m on day 7 and thought something was wrong when I woke up,in more pain than ever… I’ve been alternating Lortab with 800mg ibuprofen and that seems to help…

  4. Horrible day. I’d say the worst pain yet. And I’m starting to feel like the pain meds aren’t working. Also, a tip. For anyone who is having trouble swallowing pills (I sure am), pop the pills into a big spoonful of jello, and then treat the spoonful like a pill, swallowing it with water. It helps keep the pills from scratching the throat.

  5. The dreaded day 7. Everyone spoke of how this is “peak day”, the day where my pain will get as excruciating as it’s going to get. To be honest, I really don’t feel much worse than I did yesterday…I would say it’s definitely worse, and this is definitely the worst I’ve felt this whole time, but still. I was expecting worse, not that I’m complaining.

    I woke up with a little bit of bleeding this morning too. I think it was because I stupidly attempted to swallow my Percocet tablets with a dried up throat. Thankfully I’m not gushing blood, just two little scratches at the moment. My Doctor was nice enough to answer my text at 7am this morning (on a Sunday no less!) and he asked me to text him a picture of my throat so he could see how serious it was. Gotta say, best experience with a doctor I’ve ever had. Anyway, he said I should be fine, I shouldn’t worry unless blood is actually gushing out.

    Looking forward to hopefully seeing improvements over the next few days =)

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