Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day
Day 6
A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their sixth day of recovery
From thousands of post comments to the forum I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 6. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.
Tonsillectomy Day 6 Scabs bleeding! : I can only eat popsicles. That is all.
Tonsillectomy Day 6 : At 5:30am, I started to panic because I coughed a lot and when I spit up some saliva in a tissue (which I have a habit of doing to see if there is any blood); I saw a slight hue of red. RED=BLOOD! So, of course I got nervous. After drinking some water, I tasted some blood but I didn’t see anymore and I was able to swallow with a bit more ease. It wasn’t the full scab that came off, but a piece of the scab on the right side. When I woke up, I drank water and felt a burst of pain in my ear and stinging in my throat for a couple minutes. When I brushed my teeth this morning, there was a little more blood when I spit into the sink, so I’m assuming I lost a little more of the scab. I’ve been sucking on ice chips the past few days and it really feels nice on my throat. I ate applesauce and soup today with a little ease. I’ve notice my ears get worse when I eat. I was craving pizza tonight and it was sitting on the counter (my family had it for dinner), so, I decided to be a champ and try it. I was able to eat all of the toppings off of a slice of pizza minus the spicy pepperoni. Let me tell you, it was a blessing! I tried gargling with cold water and even though I refuse to look at my throat, I can tell that it feel fresher and cleaner. Good news – I was able to swallow the amoxicillin today; it feels awesome because if I had to eat another cup of jell-o and medication, I’d die! Fifth day post-op and I actually stepped foot out of my house today. Since we have a huge snow storm, I had to make sure I was fully covered. Nevertheless, even though I only sat in the car, it felt good – it was progress! I was told that taking a warm shower before bed will help moisten my throat and potentially prevent coughing at night, so I tried it.
Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6 and the pain is just about the same as yesterday, but that relentless ache is exhausting. I know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel (and it’s not a train) but when I am tired and weak and freaking out because my Mom went home and my husband decided to sleep in this morning leaving me to take care of my nearly 7 year old son…. Well, I got a little teary.
My husband took a gander at my throat today and declared it “gross, but healing.Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6 = Ouch
Tonsillectomy Day 6 : day 6 here and I have to say, it definitely has been the hardest two days so far. I am spent and am sick of not eating the way i want to. I have been sticking to cold drinks and liquid meals. Spoke with my PA today and she said to do my best to keep the scabs on for a minimum 10days by drinking tons of liquids. The longer they stay on, the better the new skin underneath will be…so I am doing all I can to keep these puppies attached. I have given up on eating anything warm or slightly solid,I just want this over with!!
Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Yeah, so I slept for about 12 hours. But now I think sleeping that long was the worst idea ever! My hot pot ran out of water and I wasn’t sipping on water for those 12 hours. I just drank a smoothie mix every 4 hours to take my meds. I woke up with about 8/10 pain, tried to get up and passed out in the hallway. Oh Joy! My ears are killing me!
Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Side note, i have lost like 12 lbs. Probably not healthily as all i have consumed it water, gatorade, jello and apple sauce. Those products are not known for their nutritional content. I have made two healthy juice drinks using my juicer, but don’t think that compensates for the lack of nutrients for the last week.
Tonsillectomy Day 6 : The pain is rather terrible today, it was much worse last night.
At about 3am i woke up with pain, it was as if someone was stabbing my throat with a needle or pin
and i woke up this morning with blood in my mouth. Not a lot but it still scared me! I rinsed my mouth with ice water and sucked a piece of ice and it stopped.Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6- good morning, post op app’t- stints in nose removed, I can BREATHE again 🙂 went shopping at the mall for a few hours after- got home exhausted & later in pain ;(
Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Recovery Day 6 (post-op day 7):
Another day filled with pain. Was able to drink an ensure today but did not eat much. Was able to eat some popsicles. During the evening time had horrible pain shooting from the right side of my throat and it felt like a burning feeling when I would drink anything almost as if I was drinking acid even when I drank water. Had to take a bit more Lortab to curve the pain. Looked at my throat with a flashlight for the first time since the surgery and it looked like a battle zone in there. Lots of white coating all over the tonsil beds and my uvula is still swollen very large and kind of sticking to one of the sides of my throat. Could see the white scabs as well.Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6: I cried over applesauce and pudding. It hurts to swallow, I can’t yawn and just try to blow your nose without wanting to fall over and die. This pain is ridiculous. I woke up in the middle of the night with a dry throat and more pain than I could imagine so I dragged myself downstairs and forced down some pain meds to help me take the pain.
Tonsillectomy Day 6 :day 6 of my recovery and in the worst pain ever. I thought I was on the mend, only having pain on the one side but then I started to cough, and it kept me up all of last night and all of that white membrane over the surgery site is starting to come off as well as some of the scabs… is that normal? I am very scared that with my coughing it’s going to cause issues that will result in another surgery.
Day 6: Last night was the worst in that I had been to a local shop to buy some paracetamol (I’m in the Uk) I thought the walk would do me good but in my dazed state I didn’t realise the tablets had 65mg of caffeine in them (each). Now I’m a decaf tea drinker so when I took 4 tablets over the course of the night, I was consuming the equivalent caffeine of 6 cans of Diet Coke and I was wired. I was awake and in pain the whole night. Today being a weekend my whole family is around and I feel bad for just wanting to lie in bed.
By the way, I don’t know how any of you are able to look at your tonsils, the corners of my mouth are so sore I can barely open it! I guess this is from having it clamped open during the op. My doctors advice was to eat as normally as possible so I have been eating toast, soup, sausage rolls, biscuits and jelly with fruit in. The last two days have made that a challenge as the ears have started but I’m determined not to go backwards.
Hope you are all hanging in there
I’m now on day 8 of having my tonsils removed and the pain I thought had gone has all of a sudden came back! My ears are killing and I now can’t talk or swallow without pain. This is the worst pain yet, my scabs have almost cleared but my mouth is constantly tasting of blood. I have now began to yawn and it’s very painful, doctors trip tomorrow!
Day 6 I woke up in a lot of pain but that seems to be the norm now, it was frustrating as day 5 went down as the best day so far so I thought I was on the mend. The good news is that either I became tolerable to this pain or it’s decreasing gradually as I managed to go off the codeine which was really knocking me out. I’m now just taking the antibiotic, the paracetamol and ibuprofen for the pain and I’m not counting the minutes until I can have another dose.
It still hurts like hell and my mouth still looks like a scene from Alien but I’m just trying to muddle through it. I played video games all day just trying to be distracted and I had risotto for lunch and mac n cheese for dinner. Eating still hurts a lot but makes me feel so much better afterwards. Does anybody else have a lump where the tonsil used to be? I seem to have a little black lump on the left side, I’m trying not to worry about it and not look at it much.
I had my surgery on January 8th this is my day 6 and most of my pains are coming from my ears. I’ve noticed on day 2 I was drinking a lot better until day 5 and 6 came about. It’s like some was stubbing me with some knives in my throat. Cried myself to sleep last night until the pain killers kicked in. Apple juice and I have become friends, water isn’t helping. When I drink water it’s a hard feeling that goes down my throat. Gatorade isn’t my friend either… I’m staying away from that as well due to the burning feeling I get. I’ve been eating mashed potatoes, apple sauce and a little of ice cream. I read in a previous post where someone had giggled with some salt and water. I said I was going to start that today. I don’t see how some have started eating regular foods, I can barely talk. Y’all recovery process must be amazing because this here is for the birds.
Ohhh BTW… I’m 41 Years I’d ago…
I totally agree with the above. I have carried a box of tissues with me everywhere I’m going.
I can’t speak much and today I yawned oh my it’s was horrendous.
I have lost weight due to this.
If I had known this pain beforehand then I don’t think I would have gone ahead with the removal.
Would you?
Hope your recovery is easier. Xx
Im 17 and I’m on day 6 now if you can’t the day of surgery as one of the days and this has been one of the worst days and I’m not even halfway through the day. I slept basically all of day 5 because I was so exhausted from not being able to sleep the nights previous to that the pain is horrible and the medication is making me so nauseous that I have no appetite so for the past few days all I do is drink some liquids and swallow pieces of popsicles this is the worst pain I’ve ever been in and the only things that can challenge this are the abscesses that I had in the months before the surgery. I don’t know what to do because apparently I’m supposed to take my pain medicine(an oxycodone acetaminophen mixture) and switch off between that mixture and just acetaminophen every 4 hours but I’m in too much pain to be able to take acetaminophen by itself and even with the oxycodone mixture my swallowing hurts me too much to eat unless I’m eating popsicles. I’m sorry if this is unreadable I just can’t think because I cant sleep I’m nauseous, dizzy and in pain all the time. Some advice would be so so so so so so so so so much appreciated you have no idea
P.s. my body is creating so much phlegm and mucus that I have to swallow or spit constantly and I can’t breathe through my nose why is this happening to me I didn’t think I was a bad person to deserve this
Yes, I’ve experienced the same. Where it’s difficult to swallow.
Sorry to hear about your pain 🙁 On day 4 I was in a similar situation so I rang my surgery and said I couldn’t take it and if there was other meds I could take. They prescribed me different drugs which appeared to work so maybe you can try that? Hang in there it will get better!