Tonsillectomy Day 6 -Scabs Bleeding?

tonsillectomy recovery day 6
tonsillectomy recovery day 6

Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day

Day 6

A collection of various experiences of adult tonsillectomy patients on their sixth day of recovery

From thousands of post comments to the forum I have assembled a sampling of various accounts and impressions of tonsillectomy recovery for each day. Below I share comments about tonsillectomy day 6. These comments are taken from tonsillectomy patients who were kind enough to share their experiences to help others as they navigate the bumpy road of tonsillectomy recovery.

Tonsillectomy Day 6 Scabs bleeding! : I can only eat popsicles.  That is all.

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : At 5:30am, I started to panic because I coughed a lot and when I spit up some saliva in a tissue (which I have a habit of doing to see if there is any blood); I saw a slight hue of red. RED=BLOOD! So, of course I got nervous. After drinking some water, I tasted some blood but I didn’t see anymore and I was able to swallow with a bit more ease. It wasn’t the full scab that came off, but a piece of the scab on the right side. When I woke up, I drank water and felt a burst of pain in my ear and stinging in my throat for a couple minutes. When I brushed my teeth this morning, there was a little more blood when I spit into the sink, so I’m assuming I lost a little more of the scab. I’ve been sucking on ice chips the past few days and it really feels nice on my throat. I ate applesauce and soup today with a little ease. I’ve notice my ears get worse when I eat. I was craving pizza tonight and it was sitting on the counter (my family had it for dinner), so, I decided to be a champ and try it. I was able to eat all of the toppings off of a slice of pizza minus the spicy pepperoni. Let me tell you, it was a blessing! I tried gargling with cold water and even though I refuse to look at my throat, I can tell that it feel fresher and cleaner. Good news – I was able to swallow the amoxicillin today; it feels awesome because if I had to eat another cup of jell-o and medication, I’d die! Fifth day post-op and I actually stepped foot out of my house today. Since we have a huge snow storm, I had to make sure I was fully covered. Nevertheless, even though I only sat in the car, it felt good – it was progress! I was told that taking a warm shower before bed will help moisten my throat and potentially prevent coughing at night, so I tried it.

Tonsillectomy Recovery Day 6 scabs bleeding
Tonsillectomy Day 6 scabs Healing

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6 and the pain is just about the same as yesterday, but that relentless ache is exhausting. I know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel (and it’s not a train) but when I am tired and weak and freaking out because my Mom went home and my husband decided to sleep in this morning leaving me to take care of my nearly 7 year old son…. Well, I got a little teary.
My husband took a gander at my throat today and declared it “gross, but healing.

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6 = Ouch

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : day 6 here and I have to say, it definitely has been the hardest two days so far.  I am spent and am sick of not eating the way i want to.  I have been sticking to cold drinks and liquid meals.  Spoke with my PA today and she said to do my best to keep the scabs on for a minimum 10days by drinking tons of liquids.  The longer they stay on, the better the new skin underneath will be…so I am doing all I can to keep these puppies attached.  I have given up on eating anything warm or slightly solid,I just want this over with!!

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Yeah, so I slept for about 12 hours. But now I think sleeping that long was the worst idea ever! My hot pot ran out of water and I wasn’t sipping on water for those 12 hours. I just drank a smoothie mix every 4 hours to take my meds. I woke up with about 8/10 pain, tried to get up and passed out in the hallway. Oh Joy! My ears are killing me!

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Side note, i have lost like 12 lbs. Probably not healthily as all i have consumed it water, gatorade, jello and apple sauce. Those products are not known for their nutritional content. I have made two healthy juice drinks using my juicer, but don’t think that compensates for the lack of nutrients for the last week.

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : The pain is rather terrible today, it was much worse last night.
At about 3am i woke up with pain, it was as if someone was stabbing my throat with a needle or pin
and i woke up this morning with blood in my mouth. Not a lot but it still scared me! I rinsed my mouth with ice water and sucked a piece of ice and it stopped.

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6- good morning, post op app’t- stints in nose removed, I can BREATHE again 🙂 went shopping at the mall for a few hours after- got home exhausted & later in pain ;(

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Recovery Day 6 (post-op day 7):
Another day filled with pain. Was able to drink an ensure today but did not eat much. Was able to eat some popsicles. During the evening time had horrible pain shooting from the right side of my throat and it felt like a burning feeling when I would drink anything almost as if I was drinking acid even when I drank water. Had to take a bit more Lortab to curve the pain. Looked at my throat with a flashlight for the first time since the surgery and it looked like a battle zone in there. Lots of white coating all over the tonsil beds and my uvula is still swollen very large and kind of sticking to one of the sides of my throat. Could see the white scabs as well.

Tonsillectomy Day 6 : Day 6: I cried over applesauce and pudding. It hurts to swallow, I can’t yawn and just try to blow your nose without wanting to fall over and die. This pain is ridiculous. I woke up in the middle of the night with a dry throat and more pain than I could imagine so I dragged myself downstairs and forced down some pain meds to help me take the pain.

Tonsillectomy Day 6 :day 6 of my recovery and in the worst pain ever. I thought I was on the mend, only having pain on the one side but then I started to cough, and it kept me up all of last night and all of that white membrane over the surgery site is starting to come off as well as some of the scabs… is that normal? I am very scared that with my coughing it’s going to cause issues that will result in another surgery.

<< Next – Day 7 of Recovery >>


  1. Day 6 was actually the worst day of them all. The pain came back with a vengence and of course it would be the day that I have the most stuff to do. I made some appts and had some errands to run and I decided that bc I was feeling better that I was gonna do it. Boy was i totally wrong about that. I should’ve just stayed in bed with my head down so I could Dodge the bullets. It was weird though. Like the first part of the day it was fine I had actually forgotten that I had surgery and then BOOM out of nowhere the pain just said yo wats up bro I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. And it didn’t even ease it’s way in

  2. Im graeme from perth, Australia. Im 32 years old. I had my tonsils taken out on jan 3rd. So day 6 now I’ve ended up in hospital tonight as one side started to bleed uncontrollably:( the pain has been terrible i can barely eat or drink, my uvula is so swollen and i cant see the end in sight. If i had my time again I’d not have done the surgery. Im a strong man but this is rediculous. It makes sinus surgery look easy. Best wishes to everyone.

  3. I had my tonsils removed on January 2nd, i am 19 and thought i had a high pain tolerance.
    I am in agonising pain through the night, morning and up until around 2pm. It almost brings me to tears when i have to swallow.
    Once i have caught up with my meds, had ice pops and drank i start to feel better with the pain.
    I can now see the white covering in my throat is starting to disappear but i can see a large black thing in there, what is this?! Im worried I just hope the most painful days are over now 🙁

    1. Wow I’m in the same boat I’m 19 got mine out the 2nd great start to a new year! I can feel my scabs coming off I think?

      1. My throat is very much still covered in the white stuff i Cant tell if its scabs or not? Today has been alot let painful! Dreading the pain when the start to come off

  4. I’m 20f and i got mine out 12/27/17. yesterday was day 4 and i thought it was a good idea to go to a Japanese steakhouse and eat shrimp and filet minion for dinner with salad. Lol @ me. The next day (today) i definitely felt a little more pain but it wasn’t that bad. Now i just take my meds every 6 hours and I’m doing okay. I did have a small amount of bleeding today but after finding this website and seeing everyone else’s comments it made me freak out less so i just ate ice chips and cold water. This pain is not fun but still less than it was when i was getting sick all the time with sore throats. I’m so glad i found this website!

  5. I had my tonsils removed on 20/12/17 so today is day 6 of recovery. Up until today I have been managing fine with pain meds’ and I have been eating my usual foods. I haven’t had any issues with swallowing thankfully. Today is a different story, my meds are not keeping the pain away. I can’t see the back of my throat due to some swelling and I have a pain going into both of my ears. I don’t know if this is related or not but I have mild pressure in my face. I’m also on an antibiotic since day 2 because I developed a bit of an infection. I suppose I’m just wondering if any or all of this is normal considering I was feeling so well up until last night?

    1. Hey nikki84, the pain into your ears is completly normal. I’ve had alot of pain in my ears. Hows your recovery now?

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