Tonsillectomy at Age 26

how long to recover from tonsillectomy

Amanda’s Tonsillectomy Experience

I had my tonsillectomy when I was 26 (in 2011). I greatly underestimated how much recovery time there would be. My ENT didn’t make it seem like it was going to be that bad of a recovery. I have had previous surgeries including stomach repair, my appendix removed, and even a breast reduction and none of those were anything compared to the pain of my tonsillectomy. I didn’t feel like the liquid pain medication helped my pain. The biggest pain reliever was ice chips. I work in the Emergency Department and have a busy job, I only took 1 week off from work. I had to call in sick a lot after that and was off for a total of 17 days! I consider myself a tough person but this surgery knocked me back. Before the surgery my tonsils were touching all the time (kissing tonsils). I snored and had lots of trouble every time I got sick with breathing when laying flat. I am glad they are out now and don’t have to go through that again. I would caution people to weigh the pros and cons before taking on this surgery. I used this website during my recovery which helped me a ton!! Thank you,

tonsillectomy storues


  1. Hi there! I’m 25(will be 26 in August) and my doctor has referred me to the ENT because he wants my tonsils removed. We’ve talked about it for YEARS, because I have extremely large tonsils even when I’m not sick. When I’m sick, they’re so large that my doctors joke about “oh my goodness can you even breathe?? HAR HAR HAR” (very funny, I know. Lmao) but I’m terrified of getting them removed and missing too much work. I also have two small children that I raise myself, so I’m worried about recovery as well. 🙁 Any words of advice to make recovery go as smoothly as possible? Also words of encouragement would be wonderful. I’ve been sick with tonsillitis for a month now, and my tonsils hurt so badly when I swallow, when I cough, when I yawn, ANYTHING. The thoughts of not being sick all the time and getting strep, tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc and snoring every night sound wonderful, but I’m still terrified. Lol

  2. I still have my tonsils but sometimes I feel like I should get them removed. I think if I get a cold again they will take them out. I think my brother was out for a few weeks as well. I know his voice was very quiet for a while.

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