Tonsil Stones Treatment
Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are fairly common in adults. Tonsil stones are caused by the accumulation of bacteria and debris that become lodged in tonsils, particularly in the crypts or crevices of the tonsils. This usually leads to bad breath. I’ve had so many questions about tonsil stones treatment lately, I felt that it was worth digging into.
Dr. Murray Grossman has invented an amazing little machine to assist in the removal of tonsil stones. He calls it the Hydro Pulse
The composition of these tonsilloliths is a mix of calcium, debris and bacteria. High sulfur content is probably the cause of the associated bad breath, or halitosis. Tonsil stones are not always readily apparent. Many people that suffer from bad breath don’t realize that the source of their bad breath might be tonsil stones. They are not always visible, since they become logged in crypts within the tonsils. Sadly, many of the people around tonsil stone sufferers are more aware of the problem than the affected individual.

Researching the subject on the internet will likely yield several pages of home remedies for tonsil stones treatment. You can even find videos of individuals picking them out of their throats with foreign objects. Reliable information about the causes, symptoms, and treatments is like tip-toeing through a neighborhood park where people come form miles away to walk their dogs. No one seems to be cleaning up after these information dogs. The level of tonsil stones treatment spam is overwhelming.
I’ve consulted with Otolaryngologists and researched reputable sites like the Journal Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Shoving things down your throat, squeezing your tonsils and expensive gadgets were not recommended tonsil stones treatment. Tonsil stones can go away on their own in many cases. Good oral hygiene seems to be the preferred approach to minimizing or eliminating tonsilloliths. Gargling with salt water a few times per day can go a long way to removing and preventing the tonsil stones.
Recurrent tonsillitis may also increase the risk of tonsil stones. A study in the British Dental Journal found that in all, 75 patients that had tonsillitis had tonsil stones. The question of cause or effect comes into question. Do these bouts of tonsillitis make people more susceptible to the stones? Do these stones make tonsils more vulnerable to inflammation and infection of the tonsils? It’s the old chicken or the egg question. I would suggest that, in many cases, both tonsil stones and tonsillitis are a factor of the anatomy of the tonsils. Large tonsils with many crevices or crypts are simply more apt to become infected by a number of bacterial, viral, and or organic invaders. While good oral hygiene may reduce these problems, sometimes tonsil stones treatment is necessary. Obviously a throat without tonsils is less likely to succumb to tonsil stones or tonsillitis. Also obvious is the fact that surgery is more invasive, expensive, and carries more risks. Other methods of combating tonsil stones are usually recommended as a first line tonsil stones treatment.
If you think that you have tonsilloliths, try gargling with warm salt water three times per day. If this doesn’t help see your doctor or, better yet, an Otolaryngologist. Hope this helps. Take care, -Greg My short bio
My husband had his tonsils removed in September of 2020 and still cannot taste anything, he has a metal taste, burning along the side of his tongue and decreased saliva and has lost 40 lb. We are devastated.
I have also had these for many yrs with a lot of pain. My question is: I seem to get choked easily and often, has anyone else had this problem?
I’m afraid to say, that i had my tonsils out as a kid, I’m now an adult and i get tonsil stones- so i dont think a tonsillectomy can guarantee that you will be rid of them! Even though i have no tonsils, i still seem to have litte holes where the tonsils should be, and the tonsil stones form there.
Sorry to hear this Rhi- had any luck with treatments?
Everyone seems to be asking in this section whether they should have a tonsillectomy. My advice is no. After years of bad breath and tonsillitis I just had mine out (I am 8 days post op) It was the worst experience of my life. I had 2 kids without and epidural so I can take pain, but this is a whole nother level of pain. In the last 36 hours Iv only been able to get 11 bites of cream of wheat down. The pain is constant and eating is like swallowing broken glass then pouring on acid. Im nauseas, exhausted, starving and so weak! Many people have lasting ear pain or taste problems. I was a healthy 38 year old who ate well and worked out regularly. I would not recommend this for anyone that is not very strong and in perfect health. Maybe Ill feel differently after I have healed and no longer have those nasty stones but from where Im sitting now it was a terrible ordeal. If you do decide to go ahead you will need lots of help if you have kids and need to plan minimum 10 days off work. 14 if you want to wait till your not still weak and tired and in pain. I wish I had known how bad it was going to be!
I am sorry to hear that you had a tough experience. I am here to say though that not everyone’s is this bad. I am 51 and just had mine removed almost a year ago. I too have had children, and some other surgeries. Yes, it was bad the first week don’t get me wrong, but the post surgery outcomes are way better than prior. I had tonsil stones and was basically becoming a hermit. I didn’t like to be around others because the halitosis was terrible. This was in my opinion the only choice I had. To this date my husband says he the halitosis is gone. Thank goodness. My little grandchildren were even telling me that my breath was bad. I bit the bullet and did it. So glad I did. I did a lot of recovery research. The research brought me to the conclusion that one should take the medicine prescribed even if you feel like you don’t need it and drink, drink drink WATER and that is exactly what I did. In writing all this I will tell you that my daughter who is 33 just had hers removed two weeks ago. She didn’t do as well as me. But she quit taking the medicine cause she felt fine and won’t drink because it hurts so bad. Ever heard the saying “It hurts so good”? That is why drinking water is necessary. Hope this is reassuring to someone. Everyone is different thought I know.