Septoplasty & Turbinate Surgery tips?

Rhinoplasty turbinate reduction Septoplasty
Rhinoplasty turbinate reduction Septoplasty

Please Add Your Thoughts and Questions

Many patients undergoing tonsillectomy also have Septoplasty & Turbinate Surgery at the same time.  Since this was not the case for me, I’m interested in learning about the experience.  I’d like to create a page or two specifically devoted to Septoplasty & Turbinate Surgery. You can help!

turbinate and septoplasty surgery
turbinate and septoplasty surgery tips?

Let’s get a discussion going in the comments below. I’ll use what I learn here, and from other sources to create some helpful information for those considering or recovering from Septoplasty & Turbinate Surgery.

Here’s a link to a general overview:

Septoplasty & Turbinate Surgery




Some initial thoughts from Facebook:

  • Karen Korte Rose I had rhinoseptoplasty twice. The first time it failed. It does hurt, but no where near as bad as the tonsillectomy. The worst part is the nose packing and then having that taken out.
  • Sher Hild Recovery was simple after the first 36 hours – only needed meds for some headaches.No prep, no recliner, no special food needed … Just headaches off and on during recovery!Nothing at all compared to tonsillectomy!!
  • I had packing in my nose from surgery until 24 hrs after – I went for follow up to the surgeons office where my packing was removed. Part of the first 36 hour discomfort!No stints that I was aware of!Was a nose breather my whole life and the instant that the packing was removed (that part was gross) I still remember the feel of air on the back of my throat from breathing in through my nose! Best surgery decision ever!
  • aley Jo Ramirez That part was easy! Just struggling to not blow your nose is the hard part.
  • Jennifer Williams Prestridge Both along with my tonsillectomy almost a year ago. Yeah. Don’t blow your nose. When you’re FINALLY allowed to, Neti Pot to rinse all that mess out and blow very gently.
  • Erica Brown I had both of those at the same time my tonsils and soft pallet were removed.. it was rough. The septoplasty and turbinate part wasn’t bad just keep from letting your sinus dry out use a mist and a sinus rinse
  • Nick Stewart Had both these and tonsillectomy at the same time a few years ago. Good news was that the tonsillectomy was so bad I couldn’t feel anything else.
  • Karen Korte Rose I had rhinoseptoplasty twice. The first time it failed. It does hurt, but no where near as bad as the tonsillectomy. The worst part is the nose packing and then having that taken out.
  • Rebecca Lynn It was a breeze. No packing, no pain.