Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
When I was recovering from my tonsillectomy, alone for the most part, things got pretty dark. After days alone, in pain, with little sleep, I felt like I was at the end of my rope. I’m sure all the pain medicine added to my dispair. I was never a Catholic, or even a very devout Christian. I don’t remember how I came upon the Franciscan Sisters’ website, but there I was. The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration hold 24 hour, 365 days a year prayer. They have for many many years. I read that anyone who needs to can make a request for prayer to the Sisters. I was willing to try anything. I filled out the online request form.
I was told that for the next seven days, the Sisters would be praying for me. Wow! That’s powerful. I don’t care what your faith is- the thought of that gives great comfort. I needed comfort- badly! My recovery was still hard, but I took just a little comfort in knowledge that someone was praying for me. I also remember feeling anxious as the 7th day arrived. By the time it did, I was on the mend and knew that it was others’ turn to receive the prayers of the Sisters.
Prayer Request
People who know me personally would probably be very surprised that I participated in this. They’d be even more surprised to learn that I was posting a link to the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration’s website. I rarely even go to church. I don’t care. It helped me. It might help you.
So here’s the link. Check it out. I wish you comfort and good health.
**LINK**Submit your prayer request to the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in La Crosse, Wisconsin.**LINK**
Take care,
-Greg My short bio

Help! I’m at my breaking point. Surgery was last Wednesday, 37 f. Yesterday and today have been awful, can’t eat only drinking smoothies, nothing will stay down. Haven’t slept in the last two days when I do it’s for a short time then I wake up and I’m getting sick! Not sure how much more I can take!
Sorry Haley. This will get better. You can ask your doctor for an anti-nausea medication. They work pretty well. Otherwise, taking a little food or Ensure with your meds can help to.
I pulling for you. Don’t get too down. Stay calm, drink lots of fluids, run a humidifier. Check with your doctor about the anti-nausea med’s. Ok?
I had my surgery 5 days ago. And yes this has been a very painful experience . I want everyone to know that I am praying with you for you and for myself. God is a healer. I know there will be destiny at the end of all the pain, discomfort, smell etc. So just hold on and know that God have each of us wrapped in his loving arms. Keep the faith it will be all over soon. God Bless you al!!!
I’m currently on day 6 PO. I can’t sleep as the pain in the back of my throat is unbearable. Prayers would be more than appreciated. Also I will pray for you Greg, I know you are done with the surgery, but I will still pray that God uses this website to comfort those who need it. God Bless Greg ๐
Benjamin, I’ll send up a prayer for you. I know it doesn’t seem like it’s getter better but you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel 2 weeks post-op. I’m one year out from my tonsillectomy (46, female) and only wish I’d done it years ago. This site sustained me (thank you Greg!) Hang in there – it will and does get better!!
Wow, that’s neat, Greg. Thank you for sharing!
Greg – when we are that low, just knowing someone, anyone is listening to our despair and trying to help us is a very powerful feeling. I think it’s absolutely wonderful that you’ve posted this and I have no doubt it will help countless people I this site. ๐