Keeping a Recovery Journal Post Tonsillectomy
Whether you’re recovering from a tonsillectomy, a broken leg, or a broken heart, keeping a journal of the experience holds benefits beyond measure. On a practical day to day level, a recovery journal of the medications and treatments you are taking can help keep things organized and save you from dangerous mistakes. On a spiritual or long term level, there are huge therapeutic benefits to keeping a recovery journal. Let’s talk first about the benefits of recording your medications and treatments in a recovery journal. When I was recovering from my tonsillectomy, I took four different medications, at different times. Two of them were narcotic pain killers that made my head a little fuzzy. As if that weren’t enough, my sleep pattern post tonsillectomy was erratic at best. I was awake much of the night, sleeping on and off through the day. Any semblance of routine was gone!

It’s easy to get confused and lose track of your medications if you don’t write them down in some sort of recovery journal. Taking too much of a drug, or missing a dose can, at the least, leave you very uncomfortable. In a worse case, over-medicating can result in serious health problems and even death. On the subject, I also suggest using mechanical aids like an alarm clock or phone reminder to help you remember your medications and treatments. Here’s a handy little app. for your Android device: Another type of post tonsillectomy recovery journal, with its own set of benefits, is more of a recovery diary. During difficult times, I’ve always found journalling to be a great way to release the feelings I was having. (The very website you are visiting today began as a tonsillectomy recovery journal) By writing down your feelings and experiences you not only release them, but you also create a written history. As things improve, you can look back and see the transformation occurring over time. When, 22 years ago, my son was born 3 months prematurely, I kept a journal of my daily life. It was such an incredible time that I never want to forget it. All the people who helped and offered support, the problems I experienced, and the tips I learned helped me to understand myself, but also help others. The same has been true of my adult tonsillectomy. As I like to say, when you shine a light for others, you also light your own path. If you’re a little old school, and prefer to put pen to paper, here’s a nice little journal from Amazon: Microsoft Office offers a free medication Log Template template for Excel. Download for free here: Medication Log Template For MS Excel Have you learned a few tips for keeping track of medications, treatments, or feelings? I’d love to hear about it. Please share in the comments section below. Take care, Greg My short bio
Steps written by Lara is very true
My son 7 Y did his tonsillectomy 12 th Apri , Today 17th Mid night he started screaming Complaining his ear pain
Until I read this journal I thought my son is ok with his tonsillectomy recovery I am wrong I think I just started to get chill wind
Thanks Lara
I am getting my tonsils out tomorrow morning and I too have poured over this website and all of the pages – I have just finished prepping my home recovery zone – my question has to do with anyone who has children – any age – mine are 6 and 9 – how do you deal with that entire dynamic?
Thanks for posting! Ahh, the little ones. I was fortunate that my ex wife agreed to take my four boys for the first 5 days. I was pretty worthless. If possible, you should try to get some help. If not, have a good talk with them about how much you’ll need their help. Make up meals in advance for sure. Have your shopping cleaning done…
Best of luck to you!
Well i had my tonsils out on the 3rd of January, so i thought i’d give my diary of event.
Day 1- Fine, i came out of surgery feeling a little sleepy, but overall fine. 1/10
Day 2- Still felt okay, ate a sausage sandwich, and kept up with the pain meds. Still felt my normal self though. 3/10
Day3- This is when the pain started to kick in. Not unbearble, but still painful. I still continued to try and eat what i could, starting gaining earache, and began to not be able to talk. This was also my first of many sleepless nights. 5/10
Day 4- Pain had risen considerable, and i felt really nauseous from the tablets. I ate a little, and this was extreamly painful BUT it shifted the earache for a bit, and after about half an hour my throat had started to feel a little better. Ice lollies did not help sooth my throat unfortunatly, so i stuck to plain white bread which was easy to swallow, and kept me full, as well as working my throat muscles. 7/10
Day 5- Worse than day 4, and alot of pain. Agian eating did work the muscles in my throat, and soothed it slightly after a bit. Contiunesly waking up in the night still, and medicines still making me feel sick. 8/10
Day 6- Meds feel as though they arent strong enough, and pain is almost unbearble. Still eating though, as whether i take a sip of water or a mouthful of bread, pain is still the same tolerance. I found an icepack around the outside of my throat helped. Also, a specail pain relief mouthwash helps before food/drink. Sleep is still really bad, and felt quite tearful for the first time. 10/10
Day 7- Same as 6, still very painful and i felt as though i would never recover (which you doo don’t worry! :p)! End up taking more medicine than is prescribed as they are just not working as well i wanted them to. I went for a short walk, which was really nice to get out. Pain was probably at its peak here. 10/10
Day 8- ever so slightly less than day 7, but nevertheless still very very painful! Keep up the eating though, as this helped me to stop feeling sick, and eventually helped soothe my throat! Still not sleeping well at all! Keep drinking plenty of water though. 9/10
Day 9- Same as 8, still painful and still getting no sleep. 9/10
Day 10- LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. Still not feeling great, but starting to perk up a little bit. Still cant talk much, and still hurts to swallow. Ears still aren’t better. 7/10
Day 11- Pain decreased a fair amount. First night slept through since day 3, which made me alot happier! Eating a little more, but still hurting to swallow. 5/10
Day 12- Pain is still there, but less significant. Ear ache has basically gone and sleeping through the night. 3/10
2 months later… Pain is gone, i can yawn finally! I stilll cant eat spicy foods like fajitas as it feels uncomfatable, and i had a marmite sandwich last week as a risk, and it gave me a weird blister as it is quite a tangy food. I cant eat much of stuff like tikka masala even though its not that hot, as it still feel uncomfatble on my throat. But i have had no pain other than spicy foods, and all prior throats issues before the op are no longer there! Definatly light at the end of tunnel, so to speak! It was hell when i was in the recovery stages, but now i look back and think its well worth it! It does get better, i promise!
This has been an invaluable resource. My 17 yo daughter had a tonsillectomy on Dec 17th. I have poured over these pages to help gauge her recovery; what to expect, helpful hints, etc. I pray you will be successful in publishing a book to help individuals, be they parents or patients, to navigate the rough waters called “tonsillectomy.” Thank you so very much for this site, was indeed a Godsend!
I agree you should write a book! This website is very helpful and has helped me tremendously! Day 8 and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. 🙂
Thank You! I missed this the other day! Hope all is well!