Tonsillectomy Recovery Time
After a lifetime of tonsillitis, it was time. I made the appointment. Was I scared? Yes. Was I prepared for tonsillectomy recovery? NO. Can you be? YES!

Planning for and recovering from a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy procedure, (often referred to as T & A Surgery), can be daunting experiences. The days leading up to your surgery can be frightening. If you haven’t read up yet, you can find information on tonsillectomy methods, risks, costs, adult tonsillectomy, sleep apnea, and numerous tips for tonsillectomy recovery on the other pages of this site. I’ve even added pictures of a post tonsillectomy throat by each day. Study, talk with your doctor and consult with your friends about the decision to undergo tonsillectomy and adenoid surgery. Explore the pages created here to aid in your journey.
If you should decide to have tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, let us help you through the entire process. Whether due to problems with sleep apnea, chronic tonsillitis and strep throat, tonsil stones, trouble swallowing, or a combination thereof, you can benefit from the experience of others. My own experience taught me that, as patients, we need to advocate for ourselves. Ear, nose, and throat doctors are, by and large, extremely talented individuals. However, very few of them have experienced an adult tonsillectomy, and the subsequent recovery. I have. Many others have too. We share our experiences here at the adult tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy recovery resource center. As you’ll read in the tonsillectomy recovery forum, everyone’s experience is unique. There are many factors that influence the level of pain you experience, as well as the length of time required during recovery. The method, and skill of your surgeon can have an affect, but there are also many things within your control that will reduce pain and recovery time. I’ve tried to include as many helpful tips as possible within the pages of this online resource. Tonsillectomy recovery can be pretty rough, especially if you are unlucky enough to be an adult! It takes longer for an adult to recover from most things. Tonsillectomy is no exception. There are many things you can do to make it go more smoothly. I’ve published numerous tips here on various pages. I encourage you to read up BEFORE you are in the throws of tonsillectomy recovery.
Talk with your doctor, friends, family, and work as you prepare. You are not alone in this. Like you and like me, many others are facing or have faced a tonsillectomy recovery. I created this forum for you. The community of adults or parents of patients will amaze you and warm your heart. I read these comments every day and every day I am humbled by everyone’s story and their compassion for others in the midst of recovery, or the anxiety that often precedes a tonsillectomy. Please join in. Hundreds of other people, perhaps in your same situation, have shared their wisdom, concerns, tips, and questions about tonsillectomy, as well as their tonsillectomy recovery.
-Greg My short bio
I’m on day 5 of recovery (counting operation day).
Day 1-My surgery was at 8:30 in the morning, the surgery went well when I woke up from the anesthesia I was very confused and the pain was horrible (about an 9! The nurse gave me the highest dosage of morphine they could give alongside some Tylenol. I didn’t feel much pain after, I got home around 12 when I got home I had my prescribed medication (which I took every 4 hours). I couldn’t eat anything, and the pain was horrible (about a 8) I could not talk at all as my vulva was swollen. I had nothing but ICE COLD water, if it wasn’t ice cold I couldn’t have it, my mother also made me melon juice to help (also ice cold) and I had lots of jello. The first night was horrid, I couldn’t sleep well at all, I slept as much as I could waking up every 40 minutes to take a drink to help with the pain (a 7).
day 2- The pain in the morning was much more than I could handle (a 9), all I could do was drink ice cold water which helped sooth the pain, soon after the pain settled and I slept a lot as well. I started getting some stomach pain, then I threw up everything I had the day before and the day of. I also threw up some blood but not enough to worry about, I had some more juice which left me throwing up again, soon I had absolutely nothing to throw up I was just throwing up water. I had a popsicle to help with pain which I threw up again, at this point my body was trying to trow up but I had nothing to throw up so my stomach and throat were trying to throw up but I couldn’t. And the pain was HORRIBLE (a 8) the puking pained my throat so much and I was throwing up every 30-40 minutes, and I got very dizzy so I couldn’t get up either. later on after a nice nap and a glass of water I threw up again only this time it was a 2 hour gap and for some reason I had a lot of mucus buildup which I threw up. I couldn’t talk at ALL my vulva was swollen like crazy. The night went more smoothly but I still had some pain.
Day 3-I was much better by now and the swelling had gone down along with the pain (which was at about a 3). I had some scrambled eggs and some chicken soup which was blended (I couldn’t handle solid foods quite yet) and some jello, although my tongue hurt to move (a lot). I had plenty of juice to make up for all the nutrients I had lost the day before. The day went smoothly (the pain stayed at 2-3) the night was great too, I still had my medication every 4 hours.
Day 4-Much like day three I had a fine day, although it hurt a lot to move my head to quickly but all in all I had more food this day but my tongue still hurt for some reason.
Day 5- Today was much like 4 and 3, but for some reason I have trouble swallowing my food, I had some scrambled eggs but had difficulty swallowing them and my tongue STILL hurts to move. I hope I’ll get better soon and I’m unsure whether scabs had formed or not (I looked at my throat the first two days but I decided not to look after that cause quite frankly it was disgusting).
Hey all,
Though I’d come on here to check how everyone was going. This website was a godsend when I was recovering, so much information and just being able to commiserate with others in the same position made me feel so much better!
Getting tonsils out was seriously painful but looking back it was just like a longer case of tonsillitis which I was getting almost twice a month by the end of it. Feel like I can breathe better and sleep better as well. Also, I don’t get sick everytime I’m run down anymore… haven’t been sick once since the surgery and now my body can finally recover properly!
Feels like the worst pain in the world at the time but all of a sudden you start feeling loads better and get back to your old self again (new and improved!). As for the scabs, I kept checking everyday to see if they were falling off but I’m pretty sure it never scabbed, I had the white spots on my tonsils but I think because I stayed so well hydrated they just healed without scabbing and the white slowly faded away… either that or I swallowed it and didn’t realise.
Thanks for sharing your story. It is good to hear you don’t get sick anymore when you get run down. That has got to be the most annoying part of having bad tonsils, every time I travel and almost every weekend from being busy, my tonsils flare up. What method of tonsillectomy did you get, coblation or electrocautery? I am getting coblation in about a month.
Its great knowing after all of this how much better someone is feeling.
Glad you surgery went well. Enjoy being healthy.
Day 3- Days 1 & 2 were a breeze. Last night woke with low grade fever (100.3), but documents sent home after surgery said this is normal. Only call Dr if you have a fever of 101 or higher for 6 hours. Fever is gone. My neck is swollen so I called the Dr and he said sometimes it’s normal but also bacteria can get into the lymph nodes and cause swelling. He called in an antibiotic. Pain is worse today, but feels ro me like a bad case of strept. Part of it may be my fault because yesterday I didn’t rest much. Today I don’t think I’ll be out of bed other to shower and use the bathroom. I’m continuing to eat normally. Cooled oatmeal with applesauce mixed in is yummy.
I’m reading all these posts about pretty easy recovery. Mine was the worst! I lost fifteen pounds and got very dehydrated. I was in so much pain, it was like hot coals in my throat. I didn’t get off the couch for ten days. My doctor said it was normal. I don’t think so! The pain medication lasted about one and a half hours, she perscribed loritab liquid. I’m sorry but I’m 54 years old and this just wasn’t right! I’m back to work after 15 days, but only a couple of hours. I have no stamina yet.
What method of tonsillectomy did you get? Electrocautery or coblation?
I am absolutely horryfied by the tonsilectomy procedure in other countries! I am from the Czech Republic, currently living in Ireland, and I flew home just for this operation 3 days ago. It is absolutely necessary for pacients after tonsilectomy to STAY at least a week in a hospital. I have been 2 days on ICU and I am glad, my healing goes well. Another 5 days are ahead of me in the hospital and I could not be more grateful that the staff is giving this operation the importance it deserves. I am really sorry to hear that you and other people are in pain so much! I have been also listening to possitive affirmations for healing and it really helps with attitude and general feeling during the recovery process. Get wel soon!!!!
Day 1 – pain similar to that of strept throat, but pain meds help. I’ve eaten crackers, shaved ice, and scrambled eggs. Ive pack helps. Have humidifier running. The worse was waking from the anesthia. I had never had it before and had a hard time waking up. I did throw up when I woke up, but they say it’s normal because of the blood that you swallow during the procedure. Expecting tomorrow to be worse, but we will see. Doctor said my tonsils were full of pus and tonsil stones, so this will all be worth it in the long run.
Hello! I’m on day 9. I’m pretty much back to normal but I just started being able to talk on day 7. On day 6 I woke up with the most horrible pain I had ever felt on my left side. I saw the doctor and she said everything looks good. I do have questions that I forgot to ask so ill ask you guys…
1) How do I know if the scabs have fallen off?
2) Was it more painful on one side then the other? Because I have the worse pain on my left side then my right.
Please answer my questions someone… Thank you!!!
I just had mine out today and my left side is a lot more tender than my right.
One side was worse than the other for me as well. I never knew when my scabs well off either! 10 days post op!