Tonsillectomy Recovery Time

 Tonsillectomy Recovery Time

After a lifetime of tonsillitis, it was time.  I made the appointment.  Was I scared? Yes.  Was I prepared for tonsillectomy recovery? NO.  Can you be? YES!

Tonsillectomy Recovery Time
Tonsillectomy Recovery Time

Planning for and recovering from a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy procedure, (often referred to as T & A Surgery), can be daunting experiences. The days leading up to your surgery can be frightening. If you haven’t read up yet, you can find information on tonsillectomy methods, risks, costs, adult tonsillectomy, sleep apnea, and numerous tips for tonsillectomy recovery on the other pages of this site. I’ve even added pictures of a post tonsillectomy throat by each day. Study, talk with your doctor and consult with your friends about the decision to undergo tonsillectomy and adenoid surgery. Explore the pages created here to aid in your journey.

If you should decide to have tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, let us help you through the entire process.   Whether due to problems with sleep apnea, chronic tonsillitis and strep throat, tonsil stones, trouble swallowing, or a combination  thereof, you can benefit from the experience of others. My own experience taught me that, as patients, we need to advocate for ourselves. Ear, nose, and throat doctors are, by and large, extremely talented individuals. However, very few of them have experienced an adult tonsillectomy, and the subsequent recovery. I have. Many others have too. We share our experiences here at the adult tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy recovery resource center. As you’ll read in the tonsillectomy recovery forum, everyone’s experience is unique. There are many factors that influence the level of pain you experience, as well as the length of time required during recovery. The method, and skill of your surgeon can have an affect, but there are also many things within your control that will reduce pain and recovery time. I’ve tried to include as many helpful tips as possible within the pages of this online resource. Tonsillectomy recovery can be pretty rough, especially if you are unlucky enough to be an adult! It takes longer for an adult to recover from most things. Tonsillectomy is no exception. There are many things you can do to make it go more smoothly. I’ve published numerous tips here on various pages. I encourage you to read up BEFORE you are in the throws of tonsillectomy recovery.

Talk with your doctor, friends, family, and work as you prepare. You are not alone in this. Like you and like me, many others are facing or have faced a tonsillectomy recovery. I created this forum for you. The community of adults or parents of patients will amaze you and warm your heart. I read these comments every day and every day I am humbled by everyone’s story and their compassion for others in the midst of recovery, or the anxiety that often precedes a tonsillectomy. Please join in. Hundreds of other people, perhaps in your same situation, have shared their wisdom, concerns, tips, and questions about tonsillectomy, as well as their tonsillectomy recovery.



  1. Still saying that you guys should be chewing Dentine Ice gum and honey really helps to soothe the throat— followed of course by water/juice . Good luck guys…anyone heard from Tam?

    1. Haha honey didn’t help me. I got one spoonful down and all it did was make me gag from the taste. And I think she posted the other day. Isn’t hers at the end of the month?

  2. Day 1 had my tonsils out today. So far not so bad i just cant manage to keep any luquids down i keep vomiting it back. Any suggestions on how to fluids down?

    1. The best way would be for you to get some antiemetics to take care of the nausea and vomiting. Since it sounds like it’s been going on all day, you could either call your ENT and see if someone’s on call, or go to the ER for some. You really don’t want to get way dehydrated.

      I hope things start going smoother!

      1. I did call him amd he prescribed me some pills for the naseu. Its my second day my naseu is gone and i ate mac and cheese and mash potatoes. Im holdimg my food and fluids down. Im hardly not even bleeding at all anymore. My throat feels pretty good a little pain but thats it. Im waiting foe the brutal pain to come.

  3. I got a good scare last night when I started to spit out bright red blood for about 15 minutes. I was preparing to go to the emergency room, but the blood stopped and I was only able to spit out saliva. I called my surgeon today and he said that if I spit out blood like that again, I should go to the emergency room. So far, everything has been fine since. Overall, day 5 has not seen the onset of horrible pain that I was expecting. I am still feeling quite good, with very little discomfort, which painkillers take care of nicely, and am eating well, although I really long for the day that I can eat a medium pizza or a tasty steak. The surgeon said that I was probably one of the lucky ones that will not experience much malaise from my tonsillectomy.

  4. Day 5… The stories were true! Woke up in the worst pain so far, slept through my pain med mark and didn’t take them so woke up in excruciating pain. Really wasn’t expecting it to get so much worse in a matter of hours. Why oh why do things always seem to get 10 times worse after waking up! I agree with Amy though, popcicles as soon as I wake up seem to really take away the horrible burn thats always in my throat.
    Was able to eat a piece of toast and some baked beans last night, was so delicious since it was the first proper food other than ice cream i’ve been able to eat haha, never thought i’d say that i’m sick of ice cream and jelly!
    Hows everyone else going?

    1. I know what you mean about getting sick of some tastes. I used to love good ice cream, to the point of it being quite detrimental to the waistline. If you were to offer me some Haagen Dazs or Ben & jerrys now I’d turn it away in dislike!

      Sad to hear you’ve hit the day 5 nasties, but for me it started getting much easier at day 6 so you’re almost there. Day 7 for me today and definitely on the mend finally.

  5. I went for my opp on Monday. I hear that my doctor is pretty good.
    well this is weird.. on Moday i was nausious and in alot of pain. on Tuesday i was feeling like it was going to over real soon.

    from Wednesday i’ve been in pain and can not handle it. what i’ve noticed is that when i intake acid or anything salty, my throat burns like crazy.
    this pain in insane and it’s only day 5. i hope things come right. i need food in my system..

    1. I think they generally recommend you stay away from acidic and spicy foods for a while. I personally was ok with salty foods to a certain extent, so it just depends on the individual. Just make sure you’re taking your pain meds regularly and even at night. I used the pain meds to give me a buffer so I can sleep and actually sleep thru some of the pain.

      Hang in there, I’m only on day 8 and some days the pain is not bad, other’s I feel like someone has been trying out their sandpaper and branding irons in my throat. Try to find what comforts you the most, for me it’s popsicles when I first wake up and later when I’m aching to just drink warm green tea. Whatever it is for you, just stick with it and have those be your highlights.

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