Ear Pain After Tonsillectomy 2019

Tonsillectomy Ear Pain

After tonsillectomy surgery, patients have plenty of unpleasant side effects to deal with.  Swelling of the uvula, tongue, and throat are usually the first hurdle adults have to deal with post tonsillectomy. Swallowing and breathing can be difficult.  This isn’t too surprising, especially considering all that the throat has been through.  Icing and gargling with ice water can help reduce this swelling, as can a steroidal treatment. The next problem after tonsillectomy, usually a day or so post-op, is pain in the throat area.  Again, no big surprise.  Icing is also a good way to treat, as are narcotic pain killers and/or over the counter pain medications.  Topical analgesics like throat sprays can also offer some relief.

What surprises many is a phenomena occurring several days into their tonsillectomy recovery- ear pain.

Post Tonsillectomy Ear Pain – Cause and Treatment


Literally thousands of patients sharing their experiences on this website have commented that their ears hurt after tonsillectomy.  Ear pain after tonsillectomy is probably the second or third most common side effect that patients experience- second only to pain and swelling.  But why does this happen? There was no scalpel or hot knife near the ears, so why should they feel like they’re being stabbed?  The cause of ear pain post tonsillectomy starts at the throat and radiates to the ears.  This is called a referred pain. Take a look at the attached diagram and note the lingual nerve.  It’s directly connected to the ears and throat.

Ear Pain After Tonsillectomy- a diagram
Ear Pain After Tonsillectomy- What’s Going on?

Treatments and Home Remedies

This referred pain can be quite severe. Often prescribed pain medications do not seem to relieve the ear pain that many experience after tonsillectomy. In addition to the pain medicines patients are taking, there are two home remedies that usually can provide some relief. The first of which is chewing gum. In light of the unpleasant side effect of have sugary residue in and around the throat, most tonsillectomy patients prefer a sugar -free gum. A mint flavor can also feel cooling. Exactly why chewing gum relieves ear pain is hard to say. Certainly activating the muscles around the ears and jaw may help, but more likely, like yawning, gum chewing releases pressure from the ear area.
Seagate Olive Leaf Throat SprayThe second remedy for ear pain after tonsillectomy is applying a heating pad or warm compress to the affected area. Again, the reason for its effectiveness is not entirely clear but most patients describe a relaxing comfort from applying a wet, warm towel or electric heating pad to the affected area. To reduce inflammation, alternate between warm and cold compresses.


Have you found a trick for taking the edge off of ear pain, especially after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy? Please share it in the comments section below. Thank you!


  1. I am 23 and had mine removed june 16th. Today is day 6.
    Day 1. Slight pain buth with anaesthesia still abit on took alot of ice cream.
    2- woke up with throat pain tho after painkillers managed to take 3 bread slices , sausage n porridge. Later at nyt had fine mashed potatoes n could talk alot.
    3- pain but after meds, was good. Yoghur was easy to eat. Took mashed at around 4pm. Those three days i slept alot.
    4- woke up at 3 am with sharp pain in right ear n in the throat like i had blades in there. Left side much better. Even water was an issue. Felt better during the day tho it was impossible to talk or swallow.
    5- woke up at 5 am with same sharp pain in the r and throat. Painkillers helped but still couldnt eat 5hrs later. Hunger is insane. Tallking is no go zone as opening mouth is issue. Afternoon felt better, even took lots of yoghurt, n later milk n soft bread, no pain. By 8pm the pain was back even to the years. Slept.
    Day 6- today, woke up in excruciating ear n throat pain on both sides at 4am.. The pain is divided. Managed to drink some fine porridge but the pain in both ears is there. Its like am going deaf.. Painkillers n sleeping pill to help me doze off n avoid the ear pain .
    Been advised to keep warm at nyt as inhaling cold air makes the pain worse. The bad breath is still there but dont skip on brushing. Hydrate. Keep talking to minimum. Cant wait for my review tomorrow see if i can get stronger painkillers. Been the most painful thing n i wasnt prepared for the yrs. As if thats not enough ive got 2 wisdom teeth disimpactions waiting after i recover from this .
    All the best.

  2. I’m 20 and on day 5 post op. I was doing great had my dinner the night of surgery and snacks in between and I was feeling fantastic until I got to the end of day 3 into day 4 is when the ear and jaw pain started (the pain shoots right down to my nose it’s that sharp) I wasn’t told anything about this ear pain but it’s to the point where I cannot eat a thing because it feels like my ears are going to explode. I can’t drink anything other than water as it hurts so bad in my ears. I’m fine to swallow it’s just when I do my ears take of again. I wish this was over and done with but I took 2 weeks off work and don’t think i will be fit to go back. Never again would I go through this pain for anything.

  3. My six year old son had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on June 9, 2017. He began having bad ear pain starting the 5th day post surgery. After reading the comments here, I decided to use the warm compresses on his face. That seems to bring substantial relief when applied. On a whim, tonight I decided to try Real Time Pain Relief, a pain relief lotion that can be purchased on Amazon. Within a minute after application, my son stopped complaining and calmed. I have applied it twice so far and he says it helps. I would say to give it a try.

    1. An update on the Real Time​ Pain Relief:. It has been a miracle for my son. He will be crying and screaming in agony. I rub a little of the RTPR into his cheek, jaw, and ear, and within 30 seconds, he is calm and feeling better.

      Heat packs also help. Also, cold drinks and foods seem to trigger the pain, so I have been giving him lukewarm drinks instead. Another help is to force yourself to drink more. His pain seems to lessen the more hydrated he is.

      This is now day 11 post op and he is definitely turning a corner. Be encouraged.

      1. Day 13 now and my son is infinitely better. Ear pain only once or twice a day and no throat pain. Also, he tells me he can breathe easily through his nose now which he couldn’t do before surgery. Hang in there everyone. It will improve.

        1. Hi I just order that Lotion off Amazon my 5 year is having a time with this ear pain. I pray and hope this work, I’ve been in tears as well trying to help her thanks so much for commenting and updating. Do I rub the lotion on her ears and throat?

        2. Thank you so much for this info. My son is 13 days out and is still miserable with ear pain. I’ll follow your recommendations!

  4. I am 24 and on day 6 post surgery. The first 3 days were a breeze. I managed to eat and drink and sleep a load, I didn’t know what all the fuss was about.
    Then I woke up early hours of the morning on day 4 in such an intense pain, chocking and couldn’t talk or swollow. I took my pain meds and managed to sleep most of the day due to the strong pain meds.

    Day 5 came out and so did the the ear pain! They really don’t tell you about any of this! My ears feel like they are being stabbed at constantly, throat feels like it’s been cut and can hardly eat or drink now. Starting to feel like this isn’t going to end. ?.

    Day 6 is today! What an absolute joke!! Just let this hell be over with! It’s so so painful. I guess I just have to keep hoping it’s over with fast!

    I’m still not 100% sure what happened when I came round in recovery but I woke up with about 10 doctors around me and a tent erected over my bed with heaters blowing lovely warm air into my bed. It was very frightening. I remember crying and being given alot of morphine and going straight back out cold?? Not the best experience I have ever had.

    Wishing everyone a speedy recovery ✌️.

  5. I am 43 on day 6 post op. I think the first few days throw you off as they are easier than what comes. I have a sore throat, tongue and ears. My tongue feels like it is all burned on the sides. Weird tastes come and go. Water can be metalic and it is sickening. I tried to eat earlier on too, a more regular diet. Citrus does NOT hurt me. I have 2 weeks off and I really hope it’s enough. Right now I can’t imagine feeling really good for a full day. Lots of ice packs on the neck. Keep a regular pain med schedule. Set alarms!

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