Depression After Tonsillectomy
One challenge that many tonsillectomy patients don’t anticipate is depression after surgery. Even people with the sunniest of dispositions may find themselves in a dark place after enduring the hardships of surgery and its recovery. **Before discussing the topic of depression after surgery any further, let me say that if you are under a doctor’s care for depression before surgery, be sure to work with them to plan treatment after surgery.
Tonsillectomy Recovery- Day 17: Why don’t I feel better?
Tonsillectomy surgery, like almost any other surgery, requires more of your body than normal. The healing process takes energy. After tonsillectomy, eating and sleeping become difficult. This makes the healing process more of a strain. I have tips for both eating and sleeping on other pages. For now I’d like to address the almost inevitable event of depression after surgery.

Two weeks of battling pain, not getting enough sleep, taking narcotic pain medicine, and being removed from your normal social interaction can have a profound effect on your mental state. Being prepared for depression after surgery can help you feel better.
Doing your best to stay nourished, get sleep, and stay ahead of pain will all help. I further recommend planning some simple daily activities like a short walk outside, a relaxing bath, a daily television show. These simple activities can get your mind off the discomfort, give you something to look forward to, and give normalcy to an otherwise abnormal time.
Another trick to beating depression after surgery is to record your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Oddly, this seems to release the struggles a bit. I also suggest participating in the online forums and offering others support. As I’ve often said, when you shine a light for others, you also light your own path.
Finally, let people in. Family, friends, health professionals, even co workers have more compassion than you may realize. Let people help. Ask for help in advance- before you have surgery. I personally would be delighted if a friend asked me to run out for Popsicle’s or chewing gum because they’d run out during their tonsillectomy recovery. Help others to help you. You’ll both benefit.
Finally, try to remember that this is temporary. How you are feeling in the midst of your recovery is not how you’ll always feel. Try to imagine the better life you’ll have without the problems the surgery will have corrected. Again, you can read of success stories in my book and on the forum.
Take care,
I am coming up on day 12, post tonsillectomy. I pretty much knew what to expect, but ever since I went off the Percocet 4 days ago I have not been able to sleep at ALL. Today was my first day back to work, which I attempted only because I was sick of laying around, however I was up all night. Didn’t get to sleep until 6:30 am, woke up at 11 and got ready for work. you would think I should be exhausted by now, but here it is 3:30am and I cannot sleep. I feel like crap, my eyes feel awful, but the insomnia seems to have taken over. I’m not sure if it’s because I stopped taking the Pecocet or not? And not only that, but the last day or 2 I have felt just so depressed, not sure if that’s part of the withdrawl or not? Please let me know if this has happened to any of you out there.
Hi Greg,
I’m 21 years old and I had a tonsillectomy done on 2/17/12 so 15 days ago. I am suffering from depression/anxiety. I have never in my life been depressed! I am the most happy person.. and I have no reason to feel sad. This is really weighing on me and I’m wondering if I need to go to my family doctor? I thought that it was me coming off the pain meds but it’s been almost a week that I’ve been off them. What should I do? Any suggestions?
Hi Ashley,
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. It really is common after tonsillectomy. I’m a really happy guy too and found myself weepy, for Pete sake! 15 days, hmmm, how long have you been off the pain meds? Are you sleeping well? I would expect some of these feelings for a good week after you’re off the meds. I think if you’re off them several days and back into your normal routine, and still feeling this way, check with your doctor. I’m not one, so take any advice I give you as one patient to another.
This experience really can knock you out of your saddle. Will you stay in touch and let me know? Thanks, you can also connect with me on Face book
Hi All,
About day 5 post-op, I was as weepy as can be. Lack of food and sleep, pain meds, and some minor complications just took their toll. For a couple of days, I held a pity party for myself. I couldn’t believe how icky I felt. After talking with a couple of friends, taking a long shower, and *finally* sleeping for 4 hours straight, things got better. I am on 8 days post op, and my optimism is coming back. It’s a process, as they day, but it does get better! This (and thrush) is not something that the health care professionals prepare you for. So glad this site is here as a guide!
Hi Amy- Yeah, it’s for real. I remember breaking down crying one day. later I thought, “what the H$ll was going on???” I’ve read countless stories of people suffering this. Hang in there. It really does get better my dear
I’m on day 10, post-op, and I’m so glad I found this site! I didn’t realize that being this depressed after surgery was so common. I think a lot of the moodiness and depression stems from the medication… I’m having some withdrawal symptoms, mild, but still there, and I’m definitely still not sleeping well. Thanks for posting about depression… I didn’t think of this before surgery, and no one brought it up.
oops- I meant that last comment as a reply…
Amy, you are not alone. Many people are there who face problems like you. We are here to help you and also provide help to those who need it. My friend was facing the same problem a year ago. She was not connected with any forums with that time, if she was, she would have got many solutions, but nevertheless, someone told him to talk to Voyante Sérieuse. She called up and talked to her. She heard about her problems and advised my friend about how to come out of her problems. Now it has been 6 months, she is perfectly fine.