Ana’s Story
Let’s hope Ana adds the days that follow…
#Day1 of recovery
So I had a tonsillectomy today around 8 am and went home at 11 am. Had a Popsicle right after I woke up.. ( actually had like 4) nurses were so nice. My throat hurts but not as much to take the strong pain killers. I’ve been taking Tylenol and it helps. After the hospital hubby and I went to pick up my baby at my moms. And husband bought me a shake.. It was so freaking good! I’ve been sleeping most of the day and when I woke up my mother in law made me some soup. It was so delicious? i haven’t been feeling nauseous or anything. Maybe because I have a patch that they put behind my ear before surgery. Overall I’m feeling a little better. I can finally breath!! Hopefully I let my husband and baby boy sleep