Greg Tooke
Hi there! I do my best to keep on top of the comments on the tonsillectomy resource pages, but I do miss some posts. If you’d like to contact me directly, email gregtooke (@) hotmail (DOT) COM.
I write my address way this to elude the robotic spammers that seek to draw the life out of me and the site.
Take care, and thank you for visiting the site,
Greg Tooke
I am looking for an old post that somehow came up in an internet search, that I can’t seem to relocate. A woman had posted several more natural options for pain and recovery remedies. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am scheduled for my T & A in 3 weeks. I am becoming increasingly more nervous. Initially, my doctor said 4 day recovery, then I pressed his nurse about it and she said that people would often take the full week. After reading here, it’s clear that neither of those timelines are accurate. I am still nursing my 15mo old, and have 3 other children (7, 5, 2), so I REALLY need real expectations, and options that can keep the pain in check without too much pain meds.
Thank you so much for this website. I’m sure you will be fed up of my posts but I am on the same day as Jessica was above and I feel exactly the same as her. It’s good to have advice from people who have actually been through this and I too feel melodramatic but it’s like this recovery has taken over the whole world. I suffer ME/CFS too so I am battling this at the same time. Thank you again.
Hi Greg what can I do to stop the email notifications?
Hi. I have to first send my thanks to you for keeping this website up to date with all of the info and stories about tonsillectomies. This has been such an asset for me to get through my experience. I am 30 years old and had a tonsillectomy on May 16. I had done a ton of research prior to my surgery day and thanks to your website I was very well informed and prepared for my recovery. I am now 16 days post op, and I returned to work on day 14. I think I came back too early. I was expecting to have more energy and feel better by now. My scabs came off at days 8-9. I didn’t have any major complications. I did have a bit of thrush but nothing major. I’m wondering if what I’m feeling is normal or if I should be concerned and/or should be calling my dr? I can’t seem to last all day at work. My throat hurts, it’s still hard to talk, and I’m just generally exhausted. Is this something that I should have expected? I got the impression that after day 14 things would be mostly back to normal and I’m feeling a little discouraged. I’m still losing weight as I’m not quite able to eat normal. Any feedback you can share with me on if what I’m experiencing is normal or not would be greatly appreciated! Thank You SO much or your advocacy with this website! It was a life-saver for me!
Hi Greg and anyone else reading this!. I really appreciate you putting this great website together. I am 31 years old and had my tonsillectomy this past Tuesday February 7th. I am going on day 5 and I am still feeling so miserable. It hurts to talk and swallowing anything is excrutiatingly painful. I keep reading and hearing people say that it will get better and I just need time to heal, but I’m beginning to feel as though the pain will never go away and I’ll never be able to function normally again. Of course, I’m being melodramatic, but this is how I feel right now. I feel like my throat is not healing. The only thing I’ve been able to eat since Tuesday are popsicles. I tried applesauce, yogurt and noodles and none of these went down well at all. I feel like I’m doing everything I’ve been told to do: humidifier, keeping on schedule with pain meds, drinking water as often as I can, putting ice bags on my neck and ears…etc. I am so frustrated right now!!!!!!!!! I’m mostly just venting to someone who understands. Thanks for “listening.”
Aw Jessica- go ahead and vent. It IS hard! You ARE healing though, and the pain IS temporary. Have you tried eating jell-O? I loved it and found it easier to swallow than water. Try to plan some simple activities in advance, like a short walk, or a long bath. It’ll give you something to plan and look forward to. Hang in there.