Brian’s Tonsillectomy Song

how long to recover from tonsillectomy

So today is Post op day 9. And i thank the lord i feel great. Day 1-8 have been soo bad though no food no water just a sad 18 year old with unbearable pain. pain 10/10 i couldn’t even sip water without having my ear throb and my throat start burning like the worse burn of my life it was seriously the worst pain of my life.

So today day 9 i was feeling okay couldn’t eat and drink still but i did not care because the pain was gone the pain of drinking something was so unbearable so i completely gave up but then a miracle happened i went with my mother to drop off some candy at her church just so i could finally get some fresh air and then i spoke with the pastor and he offered to pray for me and yes i excepted the prayer and i came home and i could drink all i want with no pain i strongly believe it was a miracle and i advise all of you just to pray and pray and ask the lord to heal you good luck everyone i am really sorry for everyone thats going through this ill pray for all of you tonight.

tonsillectomy storues


  1. I am 58 and in day 10. I have had the same things happening today. Searing pain and bleeding. I assume a scab came loose. It feels much better this afternoon. I have also had friends praying today and I truly believe prayers are the answer. So glad you are feeling better.

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