Hello! I’m currently 7 days post op and am sharing my experience to let you know that not all tonsillectomy recoveries are hellish nightmare 🙂
Having gotten my tonsils removed for tonsil stones and chronic infection, thankfully my recovery has been far less severe than expected – I almost scared myself out of the procedure after reading all the horror stories online! Of course there has been pain, similar to a bad sore throat,however as long as I stay up to date with my meds this is mostly limited to when swallowing so I am able to forget about it. The past few days I have woken up with moderate ear pain and have found DIY heat packs to help a ton.
Other than that, I have felt mostly fine, if not a bit sluggish at times, and over the past 2 days have cut out my stronger pain meds and have been able to resume some normal activities like going to the shops/library/seeing friends- nothing too strenuous. Warning- You will go stir-crazy at home so prepare some things to keep you entertained! My scabs are in the process of coming off now without me even noticing so I must be on the home stretch now! Overall I guess I have been one of the lucky ones (may have something to do with the fact that I’m a teenager so on the younger side) and my experience has not been too bad at all. Your recovery may not be as smooth as mine I’m sure you will be relieved to have them out in the long run. Good luck my friend!