Tonsillectomy Adult – What to Expect
Tonsillectomy as an adult is quite different than tonsillectomy for children. The methods employed for tonsillectomy in adults and children are generally the same, (See Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Methods page), and the risks for adults are similar to the risks for children, (See The Tonsillectomy Risks
Tonsillectomy – Adult Recovery and Risks
Most studies indicate a two to four percent risk of delayed hemorrhage [severe bleeding]. Where tonsillectomy in adults differs most from tonsillectomy in children is in the recovery. Recovery from childhood tonsillectomy generally takes five to seven days. Recovery from tonsillectomy in adults usually requires at least ten days and more often two weeks.
Before deciding to get an adult tonsillectomy, it’s important to choose a time frame in which you have the time and the support. Recovering over your favorite Holiday might be a good choice in terms of time, (eg holiday leave from work or school), but it may not be a time that people will be available to help you.
The pain associated with adult tonsillectomy recovery, by almost all accounts, is more intense than that experienced by children. Some theorize that children haven’t had as much time without pain as adults and thus their frame of reference is different than adult tonsillectomy patients. Others assume that children may be less able to articulate their discomfort. Having read the accounts of THOUSANDS of adult tonsillectomies in the forum,(See Tonsillectomy Forum page), I can say with some confidence that generally, the younger the patient, the easier the tonsillectomy recovery. There are of course exceptions. I’ve read from many middle aged adults who had a fairly smooth recovery. Perhaps they read up on this website and prepared well. Perhaps they had good genes. In any case, many time an adult tonsillectomy recovery is better than the horror stories we hear about.

“If I could recommend one item to buy before tonsillectomy, it would be a humidifier. My readers know how important moist air is to a healing throat. I bought one of these years ago and still use it daily” -Greg
I’d like to take a moment here to make a suggestion. As you read through the people’s accounts in the various chat rooms, message boards, and adult tonsillectomy forums, consider this: People having a harder time, may be more prone to seek out information and share their experience in these venues. Adults experiencing milder tonsillectomy recoveries, might be less apt to be posting. I don’t want to drag Richard Nixon into my website, but this silent majority may be quietly recovering and you’ll never hear from them.
My advice is to research as much as you can, talk with your doctor, talk with your family and friends, and talk with your employer before scheduling your adult tonsillectomy. I wish you all the best.
I’ve put together a collection of items that I think would be helpful, if not essential, to making tonsillectomy recovery a little more pleasant. Check out the Tonsillectomy General Store.
i had my tonsils removed on 12-18-17
it is now the 7th day in my recovery and i am a 19 year old girl.
i had strep constantly and when i say constantly i don’t really remember not having strep. my doctor was so shocked that every time i was given antibiotics i would finish the 10 day perspcription and strep would be back immediately the next day. it’s like it would take a vacation then come back, every other week. so getting my tonsils removed? i was SO excited. i kept reading online you eat ice pops, you take off work, you sleep all day, you watch movies, and you never get strep again! to me this sounded fabulous.
little did i know here came my worst nightmare.
i remember waking up from the surgery and opening my eyes and going to speak and the pain literally sent me straight to tears, completely hysterical. i took my first dose of pain medication and i felt okay and i went home.
days 1 & 2 were okay. i slept A LOT and i kept telling my mom i feel okay just tired and my throats irritated. this is a breeze
then day 3 came
the throat pain was so intense it felt like i was choking on knives, my ears felt like they were about to bleed, my head was pounding so hard i swear it almost imploded. and this has last for four more days. i’m now at day 7 and nothing has changed. i keep telling myself tomorrow will be better and it just feels worse. i haven’t touched food since my first day. now goes 6 days without food and i’ve lost 14 pounds. and i’m already a small girl, presurgery i was around 120-122 lbs. and i keep hearing you have to eat! but physically can’t, i try and swallow and the food comes right back up because it’s so difficult to swallow. i’ve been spitting my saliva and mucus in a garbage can since my surgery because i can’t bare to swallow it, it hurts too bad.
i’m sure it’s not like this for everyone but god i regret getting this. i’ll take living with strep over this any day
and the worst part is there’s still a week left
hoping it gets better
i’m praying that other people recoveries are not this brutal. merry christmas
I’m 20 y.o. and currently on day three. Your description couldn’t be more accurate. It’s currently 10:54 am and i have already cried myself to sleep twice. To add insult to injury i got my period the morning after my surgery so i don’t think it’s possible for me to be more miserable. My head is pounding, my ears hurt, my uvula is stretched all the way down my throat and like you said i feel like I’m choking on knives. I’m so glad i never have to do this again because I WOULD NEVER DO THIS AGAIN.
45 year old female
Just had mine out on 12/20/17
Day 1:not too bad because of all the surgical drugs.
Day 2: painful but tolerable
Day 3: a lot of pain in my throat and my jaw about a level 7
Day 4: still very painful but feeling much better. I would say level 5
Overall it seems to be getting better but from what I’ve been reading, it sounds like the pain will increase between days 5-7 (it did on my 6 year old when he had his removed)
I’ve been on extra strength Tylenol every 6 hours and Oxycodone every 4 hours, but I haven’t taken them consistently and don’t feel like I need to.
The Oxy doesn’t seem to be doing much in terms of subsiding my pain but more like relaxing me and making me take naps. The Tylenol seems to help more.
Maybe I just expected the worst and getting the not so bad, or my pain has not really kicked in yet as it should. But whatever the pain is, for me, so far it’s definitely not as bad as I thought it would be and I’m very happy I had mine removed. Definitely worth it for me.
I had my tonsillectomy today around 12 pm, I’m a 19 year old female. I have had my appendix removed, knee surgery where they sawed my bone in half and screwed it together, and exploratory abdominal surgery with cysts in my ovaries. I also was born with the chronic bladder condition interstitial cystitis. None of these pains combined, touch the pain of an adult tonsillectomy. When I woke up in the hospital, I was almost in shock at how badly it hurt. I read up for days to know what to expect. Yes, when everyone says it’s excruciating, they mean it. I’m 11 hours post op and I can’t even speak. When I do, it hurts and my voice doesn’t even sound like my own. I prepared well; I bought the pedialyte ice pops, jello, even a humidifier. Nothing is working. I’m on 1-2 Percocet every 4-6 hours and I just sleep between the doses. Another interesting perspective I can give to this: don’t do this surgery if you have interstitial cystitis as well, unless they’ll keep you on an IV for fluids in the hospital until you’re able to drink. You cannot drink anything without excruciating pain and as people with this disease know, you need to drink water or you’re in unbearable pain. That’s where I’m at right now. I’ve been crushing my pain meds up with a small amount of jello and grape juice and just those ten or so small sips to get them down are unbearable. I have chunks of the cauterized flesh (but no blood) coming out in my spit. If I could go back I would never had done this surgery despite having strep monthly and large tonsil stones. This is the most miserable I’ve ever been.
I’m a 55 year old male on day 11 after tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy/turbinectomy surgery. Overall, it wasn’t the most pleasant experience ever, but the pain hasn’t been nearly as bad as some of the stories I’ve read. I think doing research ahead of time really helped. The things I found most helpful in recovery have been:
1) aloe vera juice (Lakeland Organic). I drank this mixed with a teaspoon of tart cherry juice twice a day. Helps heal and fight inflammation.
2) Manuka honey. A teaspoon twice a day. Helps heal.
3) organic raw coconut oil. A teaspoon dissolved in the mouth slowly coats and soothes the throat.
4) lots and lots of ice chips
5) lots and lots of water
6) inhaling steam from a small personal humidifier twice a day. I bought mine at Walgreens years ago for sinus allergies and it came in really handy to help keep things moistened in the nose and throat.
Take your pain meds on schedule. Keep on top of it so it doesn’t get too bad.
Biggest problem I have had is trying to get enough sleep. My uvula was swollen so bad that it would vibrate and keep waking me up. Its getting slowly better. I haven’t had too much trouble eating. Stuck with soft foods for a few days then moved to more regular fare…. carefully of course! Pain wise it definitely hurts, but the physical therapy I had after my shoulder surgery was a helluva lot worse.
Doctor told me that my tonsils were really bad…its gross but he said when he grabbed them with the instrument during the operation it looked like a dozen zits being squeezed out at once. So all that nasty crap had to have a negative impact on health. Im glad they are gone.
If you’re having problems, don’t be afraid to get the surgery. In the long run it will be worth it.
Oh… wanted to add that I did also use stool softeners and Dulcolax to help fight the constipation from the hydrocodone they prescribed for pain.
Tonight I am miserable with yet another throat infection I am 28 and considering talking to my doctor about having the surgery. My tonsils swell up constantly its just out of hand. Thank you for your reply and suggestions if I do get the surgery I will definitely give them a go.
I have the same thing. My tonsils as I speak are swollen and super painful. I am seeing an ENT doc in January to see what he thinks. I do not want the surgery as I have heard how painful it is but dealing with this pain on and off is not something I want to live with. Any advise I should tell the ENT doc.
Thanks much.
32 yo female
3 rd day post op and my dr told me this would be the worst thing that I’ve ever been through well he wasn’t lying I’ve got 3 kids and this by far is the worst. I have to take the pain meds 30 min before they are scheduled to be able to even swallow them, because if I wait I’m in so much pain I can’t swallow the liquid. Popsicles and sleep are becoming my best friend!!! I’ve read a lot of articles that say days 5-7 are my worst days!! Well of days 5-7 are the worst than I must be dying now and don’t realize it!! I really hope it’s worth it in the end cause right now I can’t really see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Feel better soon. My daughter whos 15 just had hers out and we are on day 4. Had them out on the day before thanksgiving. I can’t imagine what you guys are going through. So hard to see her like this. Giving the constant pain meds with no food makes her stomach upset. Only thing she can manage is water, ice chips and some apple sauce but very very little of it and has had one popsicle. Trying some apple juice with Miralax in it so she doesn’t get constipated. I know they said a 2 week recovery but wish there would be a little more life in her. She made her bed on the couch and hasn’t moved since we got home. Is up a few hours and then asleep again. We have a cold mist vaporizer going as well. She was able to talk the first day, but hasn’t spoke sense. Thank god for texting these days.
I’m so sorryyyy, I just had mine out. It’s very painful. 5-10 days were the worst for me. what i found the over the counter alcohol free throat spray helps.
Did you survive?! I had this done when I was a teenager and it wasn’t completely awful, but my boyfriend had it done and he’s now 40. This man must be dying….