Tonsillectomy Adult – What to Expect
Tonsillectomy as an adult is quite different than tonsillectomy for children. The methods employed for tonsillectomy in adults and children are generally the same, (See Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy Methods page), and the risks for adults are similar to the risks for children, (See The Tonsillectomy Risks
Tonsillectomy – Adult Recovery and Risks
Most studies indicate a two to four percent risk of delayed hemorrhage [severe bleeding]. Where tonsillectomy in adults differs most from tonsillectomy in children is in the recovery. Recovery from childhood tonsillectomy generally takes five to seven days. Recovery from tonsillectomy in adults usually requires at least ten days and more often two weeks.
Before deciding to get an adult tonsillectomy, it’s important to choose a time frame in which you have the time and the support. Recovering over your favorite Holiday might be a good choice in terms of time, (eg holiday leave from work or school), but it may not be a time that people will be available to help you.
The pain associated with adult tonsillectomy recovery, by almost all accounts, is more intense than that experienced by children. Some theorize that children haven’t had as much time without pain as adults and thus their frame of reference is different than adult tonsillectomy patients. Others assume that children may be less able to articulate their discomfort. Having read the accounts of THOUSANDS of adult tonsillectomies in the forum,(See Tonsillectomy Forum page), I can say with some confidence that generally, the younger the patient, the easier the tonsillectomy recovery. There are of course exceptions. I’ve read from many middle aged adults who had a fairly smooth recovery. Perhaps they read up on this website and prepared well. Perhaps they had good genes. In any case, many time an adult tonsillectomy recovery is better than the horror stories we hear about.
“If I could recommend one item to buy before tonsillectomy, it would be a humidifier. My readers know how important moist air is to a healing throat. I bought one of these years ago and still use it daily” -Greg
I’d like to take a moment here to make a suggestion. As you read through the people’s accounts in the various chat rooms, message boards, and adult tonsillectomy forums, consider this: People having a harder time, may be more prone to seek out information and share their experience in these venues. Adults experiencing milder tonsillectomy recoveries, might be less apt to be posting. I don’t want to drag Richard Nixon into my website, but this silent majority may be quietly recovering and you’ll never hear from them.
My advice is to research as much as you can, talk with your doctor, talk with your family and friends, and talk with your employer before scheduling your adult tonsillectomy. I wish you all the best.
I’ve put together a collection of items that I think would be helpful, if not essential, to making tonsillectomy recovery a little more pleasant. Check out the Tonsillectomy General Store.
Day 4 – Worst day yet. Ever heard that saying it always gets worse before it gets better? Well that is this. I started choking on blood in my sleep last night. My husband started an alarm every hour to wake me up so I can drink water and stay hydrated through the night. That DID help. I would suggest doing that to avoid the throat of fire when waking up. We called the Dr this morning and they gave my liquid Oxy. My Husband had to drive to 5 different pharmacies before he could find one that actually had it. That seems to have taken the edge off for now even though my pain level is consistently at a 7. The steamy showers still help but nothing seems to help with the swelling. Any suggestions on that? I hope everyone is doing at least OK today.
Hi Natasha. It sounds like you are in the thick of it. Hang in there. Icing is about the safest/best bet for reducing swelling. Anti- inflammatory med’s like ibuprofen can help too, but some doctors advise against. I’m not convinced, but many believe that it increases the risk of bleeding.
Hello Fellow Recoveries – I had my tonsillectomy on January 6th. Day 1 was OK. I got out of post-op feeling better than I ever anticipated. I went home. Kept up on pain medication, ate some chicken broth and ice chips and called it a day. Day 2 the pain increased a bit. I had to start taking my pain mediciation an hour earlier than prescribed. My ears started feeling achy, nose was stuffy and I couldnt get rid of this large amount of mucus in my mouth. On another blog someone suggested rinsing with Hyrdrogen Peroxide and that really helped with the mucus build up. Most people suggest eating ice cream although I found that the dairy increased the mucus build up so I would not suggest it. My Husband went and got me a slurpee from 7-11 instead of the ice cream. The slurpee felt great on my throat although, not eating in two days, the sugar in the slurpee made me vomit for about 30 minutes straight. That night I woke up about every two hours with increased pain. Morning of Day 3 the burning sensation in my throat brought my to tears the moment I opened my eyes. I used the numbing lollipop and tried to swallow the pain medication but my throat was so swollen it started coming out my nose. I hoped into a steaming hot shower in an effort to moisturize my throat. The shower helped a great deal. I was able to get out, re-take the medication I couldnt previously swallow and tried to tolerate the ever growing pain. I am now on the night of day 3. The pain is unbearable. I cannot stop crying which does not help. I am going into the Dr first thing in the morning to see what they can do. I will post after my appointment and will hopefully have some suggestions I can share with everyone that is in this much discomfort. Everyone is in my prayers tonight.
This morning will make day2, I had my surgery of tonsillectomy/ adnoidectomy on Jan. 6, 2014 I have also read a million of horror stories which had my mind all screwed up & I’m 29 2kids with a pretty decent kevel of pain tolerance… Ive been stayin Hydrated wirh water thus far which will be your best friend.. Ive eaten a few ice pops, ice chips & have been eating creamy instant mashed potatoes with plenty of butter & made it with chicken vroth, it was the best! 🙂 Ive been pribed these numbing lollipops to suck on for 1-2 mins prior to eating , helps a lil. Also Anti inflammatory pain med, acetaminophen-codeine, which I need something a little bit stronger. Overall thus far things haven’t been to the extreme I was thinking of… Sleeping elevated, staying on top of the meds faithfully & my ovular is 4x the nirmal size which is annoying! I will be praying for you all as i also try to make it thru this painful journey.. Also buy a notepad & pen…you will need it! 🙂
Drink ensure or other drinks with lots of protein! I want to vomit just looking at them after having so many but I’ve been sticking to my pain pills and protein drinks. It helps to rebuild the tissue behind the scabs. Mine came out new years eve.
I agree with you Sherri. I have had 3 children and this pain is worse. I had my surgery on 12/24/13 and right now my ears ache the pain is horrific in my throat and I just wish it would go away but it doesnt so I cry and that just makes it worse. How do you feel now that your 12 days post?